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Kaya’s POV.

My smile brigtens at the sight of the morning light, radiating into the room to beautify the interior decor.

Ever since I’ve been captured by the triplets, I really thought it was the end for me, that is, enjoying the sight of the morning sunlight. It was so for some time, but Aiden turned out to be the guardian angel I needed in my life.

He really did help me out.

I roll out of bed and stretch, my bones releasing a crunchy sound almost inaudible to the ear.

I go to the other side of the bed, stopping in front of the cabinet to pick up a robe, which I throw over my shoulder. Sighing, I make my way to the balcony.

It’s been over two weeks since the triplets called on me; it’s as though they’ve forgotten me. They don’t even ask for anyone to check up on me or keep me confined to the room, and on top of that, I’ve got Aiden, who’s always there to cheer me up.

A reason to believe that one day my suffering will actually stop is at its peak, even though I do not want to believe it. These could all be facades, but to be honest, I can do anything for them to remain so. I wouldn’t want anything to change at all.

A few minutes later, I had finished bathing and dressing up. Graceful of Aiden to help me pick some clothes from the laundry room—or perhaps he stole them—I don’t really know. Either way, he’s absolutely a part of me now that I am dubious to live without.

Every morning and night, we spend time together, laughing and chatting about a lot of things.

I am so deep in my thoughts that I didn’t even realize when the door opened and Aiden was behind me.

“Hey!” He exclaims with a whispering tone that makes my skin jump away from my bones for a second.

“Oh, my heavens. Damn you, Aiden.”

“Ouch.” He acts as though something just pierced into his heart and fakes a deathly gaze. “Now, I’m damned.” I laugh, and he joins in.

I turn back to the mirror and pat my cheeks before I leave there to sit on the bed. One more amazement is that no one’s disturbed me so far for sleeping on the bed and not on some rug like I did a few weeks ago. That was horrible, and I really don’t think I can go back to it.

Anyway, I should pay attention to Aiden. “And what are you doing here?”

My sight catches a small package in his hands right before he acknowledges it with his own words. “Well, I brought you food. I made it myself.”

“Why didn’t you steal it as usual?”

“Because I wanted to treat you well.”

But I know he can’t cook. “But you can’t cook, so that’s a lie.”

He releases a huff before he palms his own face, hiding it. I laugh at the action. “Well, my master had the meal but wouldn’t finish it, so I brought it instead. You caught me.” He adds, to which I giggle lightly.

“Is something wrong?” I ask because I’ve been curious about how suddenly it feels as though everyone has neglected me. Even the triplets’ sex slaves have stopped their bullying on me ever since the day their plans failed and that guard was sent away, and Kade made a promise to destroy anyone else that tries shit like that.

Perhaps they scrambled because of fear. Maybe I can finally live peacefully for the rest of my days, even though I must remain in this safe haven of a room and stick to Aiden.

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