Epilogue and Author's Note

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Epilogue (5 years later)

Ellie - Over the next five years, Ellie continued her relationship with Freya. They had some rough patches when Freya moved to Edinburgh for university, but they worked through it. Ellie is now half way through a degree in Medieval History and is one year post-op from Gender Reassignment Surgery. She also proposed to Freya, who happily said yes.

Freya - Freya finished her studies in high school at the top of her class before moving to Edinburgh to study Education at university with the hopes of becoming a dance teacher. She continued her relationship with Ellie, hitting a rough patch when she moved away, but they worked through it. After Ellie proposed to her last year, the couple are now planning their wedding for once they graduate.

Gwen - Gwen dropped out of high school at the end of fifth year and went on to study to become a personal trainer. She dreams of opening her own gym one day, but she's happy where she is for now. She's still good friends with the group and is set to be Freya's maid of honour.

Maple - Maple finished her studies in high school and was accepted into Oxford to study Music. She plans on becoming a composer for film and TV after she graduates. She became a bit distant with the group, but she eventually became close with them again.

Annabeth - Annabeth moved back to the States after high school where she's studies Law at university. She remains good friends with everyone, visiting them in the summer. Although strained, she continues her relationship with Patrick.

Patrick - Patrick went on to study Drama at University and has had roles in many small plays. One day, he plans on staring in his own movie. He continues his relationship with Annabeth and is planning to move out to the States to surprise her. He is also set to be the Man of Honour for Ellie at her wedding.

Steven - Steven didn't know what he wanted to do after school. After bouncing around a few jobs, he eventually decided to become a primary school teacher after he did a summer camp experience in the States. He's currently in the process of getting the grades he missed in high school. Unfortunately, his streak of being attracted to only lesbians continues.

Charlie, Harvey, and Molly - After the three of them were found guilty for assault and attempted murder, they were each sentenced to life in prison. Harvey and Molly realised the gravity of what they had done and the effects this had on their lives. Unfortunately, Charlie did not. Charlie was fatally injured in a fight with another prisoner, succumbing to his wounds.


As sad as it is to say goodbye to these characters, all good tales must come to an end. It's been an absolute blast to write this book and these characters have been a joy to write and develop. There was lots more I wanted to write and do, but I didn't want to over-saturate them and continue this story forever.

I wanted to thank everyone who read this for their support on this story. This is the first big, proper story I've written and it was incredibly fun. I look forward to writing many more things in the future so please follow my account.

Once again, thank you!

- Bella 

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