The Christmas Party - Getting Ready

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A few days had passed since Ellie had gotten her cast off. She hadn't seen her friends since that morning as the schools closed for the school holidays, but she would be seeing them tonight. Gwen's parents were away for the weekend and she invited everyone over for a small holiday party. No one was giving gifts, but they had all agreed to dress festively.

Ellie had spent most of the Saturday morning just lounging around. She spent most of it in her pyjamas, sitting in the living room watching her dad play a game on his Playstation. It was that or sit in her room and study, but she really didn't feel like doing that. When it reached around 5pm, she went up to her room to start getting ready.

She spent some time trying to decide what to wear. She thought about something with jeans, but she hadn't been able to wear a skirt properly in a while thanks to her knee cast. She looked at a few of her skirts but none really jumped out at her. Something did catch her eye in the back of her wardrobe, though. She reached back for it, pulling out what she recognised as her boys school blazer. She let out a laugh as she remembered the trouble that not knowing where this blazer was caused her. She was thankful for it, but she did sometimes wonder what would have happened if she had worn her own blazer instead of her sisters.

She put the blazer down and continued to search. After going through all of her skirts, she moved to her dresses and began to rummage through them. After a few minutes, she found something. It was the black dress with the long belle sleeves, low neckline, and choker-like collar. The first dress she bought herself. She nodded to herself, taking it out and putting it on her bed. She grabbed some underwear out of her drawer, including a pair of moon-patterned fishnet tights, and grabbed a pair of black, heeled ankle boots that she had bought herself just before her incident.

She undressed herself and started to put everything on. This was her first time wearing fishnets, so it took her a little bit to figure out the proper way to put them on without sticking her toes through every single hole. They felt slightly odd, but they were comfortable so she didn't mind. Next, she slid on the dress. This was fairly straight forward, other than some issues getting the collar buttoned. It buttoned from the back and Ellie had herself in all kinds of knots and twists trying to figure it out. After about five minutes (and being very dizzy) she managed to do it. She left her boots to the side, waiting until she was ready to leave.

Finally, she sat down to do her hair and makeup. She felt quite gothic in her outfit, so she decided to lean more into that for tonight. In fact, she had been embracing more a gothic style lately. When she first came out, she was trying to match her style to Freya's because she thought it would be better to model herself  after someone, but as she grew more confident, she started to develop her own style and experiment, leading her down a grunge/goth style. In fact, as a celebration for getting her cast off, her mum had taken her to get her hair dyed. She picked a white/ash colour because she thought it looked awesome. For her hair, she tied her hair up into two buns on top of her head whilst letting two bunches of hair float down in front of her face. Then, for her makeup, she went for a mixture of natural and gothic. She used some brownish eyeshadow, a little bit of black eyeliner, and black lipstick. Once she was finished, she looked at herself in the mirror, very proud of how she looked.

When she was finished with her makeup, she slid her boots on and zipped them up. This was her first pair of heels. She walked up and down the room a little, struggling a little at first, but slowly getting better. When she felt ready, she grabbed her leather jacket and a small handbag which she put her purse and phone into. She admired herself in the mirror one last time before she left.

 She admired herself in the mirror one last time before she left

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(Ellie's makeup and hair)

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