The Doctor's

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Monday morning came. Ellie got up and ran over to her uniform. Her mum had left her new blouse and pinafore out for her. Ellie started with putting her underwear on, putting on a sports bra because she had her first PE class today. It felt odd, but it was comfortable and as an added bonus, the padding of the bra made it look like she had a little bit of boobs. She pulled her blouse on and, with a little bit of a struggle, she managed to figure out how to put her pinafore on properly. Being that she had PE class today, she decided to not put on makeup. Instead, she laced up her boots and put her gym clothes in her bag before heading downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning, hun." Her mum said.

"Morning." Ellie said as she helped herself to some toast.

"How are you feeling about today?"

Ellie nodded. "It'll be okay, they said I could use the toilets if I wasn't comfortable using the girls changing room."

"I forgot you had PE today. I was talking about your doctor's appointment." Her mum said, looking up from her phone.

"Oh, right. A bit nervous, but fine." Ellie said. She had forgotten that her mum managed to get her an appointment with her doctor. She was nervous because she didn't know what was going to happen, but she was hoping it went alright.

"Well, we'll see what happens. I was reading online that they'll just refer you to the gender clinic." Her mum said.

"Hopefully." Ellie finished her toast. Once she was done, she went back upstairs to finish getting ready before heading out to school with Abbie.


That afternoon, Ellie followed Freya and the girls into the PE changing room. She could feel a knot forming in her stomach, but tried her best not to think about it. A few of the girls stared at her as she walked past them. A few of them scowled, but some gave her a friendly smile. She sat down on a bench at the back and began to undo her boots when Molly, a popular girl in Ellie's year, walked over.

"Nice skirt, Ben." She mocked. A few of her croonies laughed, but everyone else just looked silently at her. "Really brings out your little sissy legs."

"Leave her alone, Molly." Freya said, standing up to face Molly. Freya was much smaller, both in terms of height and weight, but she still stood her ground.

"Hey look, the lesbo defending the tranny." Molly laughed.

Ellie didn't know what came over her, but she seemed to have no control over herself as the next sentence came out. "You're just jealous that my legs aren't like tree trunks, Molly."

The room erupted in laughter. Molly turned a bright shade of angry red. "What the fuck did you just say to me?"

"You heard what I said." Ellie said as she stood up. She was also smaller than Molly, but she'd had enough.

Molly looked furious. "Talk to me like that again and I-"

"And you'll what?" Gwen said. "Crush her with your thunder thighs?"

The room burst out laughing again. Even Molly's croonies laughed. "This isn't over, you little cunt." She said. She pushed past her friends, storming out of the locker room.

Ellie sat back down, her heart pounding from the adrenaline. Standing up for herself might've made Molly angrier, but it felt nice and from the looks she was getting, she seemed to have earned the respect of most of the girls.


For the rest of the day, Ellie got a lot of dirty looks from Molly. A few times when Ellie was alone, it looked like Molly was trying to come over to her, but every time another girl from their class would come and talk to Ellie. It was a small thing, but Ellie really appreciated it.

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