A Month of Girlhood

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The next few weeks were relatively uneventful. Ellie had gotten used to her new life, her new morning routine, and her new friends. She still had some trouble with Molly and Charlie, but other than that, she was happy. During the week, she would get up, get dressed, go to school, then come home. At the weekends, she would either hang out with the girls or would do her own thing. She had never felt happier.

About two weeks after the doctors appointment, a letter came through from the gender clinic, setting an appointment at the end of the month. This week was going to be a good one...

On Monday, she would be trying out for the cheer-leading team. Freya had been talking about the tryouts for a while and Ellie was curious, so she eventually decided to go along. They had been doing a gymnastics unit in PE, so much to her surprise, she had become quite flexible. She wasn't sure if this would help her, but she doubted it could hurt her.

The tryouts were held in the gym hall. Ellie, Freya, Maple got changed and joined the rest of the people trying out. The cheer captain, a sixth year girl called Brittany, taught them all a simple routine involving some very simple steps. Freya and Maple seemed to get it straight away. Ellie struggled at first, but once she figured out the steps and the patterns and the timings, she got it pretty easily. Once they had spent an hour rehearsing, they were split into two groups and were told to perform it. Ellie, Freya, Maple, and two other girls called Arya and Jennifer, were in one group. They sat to the side watching the first group, which consisted of five girls called Roxy, Stephanie, Amy, Louise, and Cate. The girls were good, moving swiftly and in sync. There were a few mistakes, but that was to be expected. Once they had finished, Brittany gave them some notes and feedback before she called up the next group.

The girls all took their positions and started the routine. Ellie felt like it was going well. She knew all her movements and felt like she was nailing them. When the routine ended, she had a sweaty hug with Freya and Maple, as the three of them laughed and felt confident. Brittany conferred with the supervising teacher for a few minutes whilst all ten girls sat in suspense, dripping with sweat.

"Okay, if I call out your name, you're on the squad." She said eventually. "Arya, Louise, Maple, Stephanie, Freya, Cate, Roxy, and Ellie. Practice is on Mondays, we'll get your uniform measurements during the week. Well done all."

All ten of the girls exchanged hugs in the changing room. Freya and Maple hugged, then Ellie and Maple, then Ellie and Freya. Maybe it was just the way it felt, but Ellie felt like her hug with Freya lasted forever...


On Tuesday, Ellie was joining Freya and Maple's ballet class. It wasn't something she had considered before, but Freya and Maple had convinced her to at least try it. It went a lot better than Ellie expected. She managed to get the hang of the basics after a while and she found it pretty enjoyable. They had an upcoming show at the end of February, meaning that if Ellie stuck it through and did well enough in the next 4 months, she'd be able to join the performance. It would mean Ellie would need to buy the right gear for ballet, but the outfits were cute, so she didn't mind.

On Wednesday, the girls had finally agreed to join the gym with Gwen. She had been asking for months before Ellie joined the group, but the girls had kept saying no. Eventually, Ellie caved and the rest of the girls soon followed. After school on Wednesday, the five of them went to a local gym. Gwen worked them hard. She made all of them do an extremely intense workout focusing on cardio and weight training. Ellie knew that, in the long run, it would pay off, but right now? She hurt like hell and she wanted to kill Gwen. Judging by the looks on the faces of the other girls, they felt the same.

Thursday was another night of ballet training. Ellie still hadn't gotten her gear yet, so she was still practising in her gym clothes. It was a pretty intense night, but Ellie managed to keep up okay, despite still being sore from the gym workout the previous day. She had also gotten her cheerleading uniform during the day and she was absolutely in love with how cute the skirt and top looked. 


Friday was the only day she never had anything on. She was still sore from Wednesday, but other than that, nothing much happened during the day. After school on Friday, she ended up walking home with Freya, since Abbie was at another study group.

"How are you finding ballet?" Freya asked as they walked home.

"It's hardwork, but it's fun." Ellie said, shrugging.

"Do you think you'll stick it out?"

Ellie nodded. "I hope so. Assuming Gwen doesn't kill us with her workouts before then."

Freya laughed. "Good. You're good at it. Between that and cheer on Monday, you'll probably be a great dancer before you know it."

Ellie chuckled. "Thanks. I watched you dance for a little on Tuesday. You were really good."

Freya smiled. "I never feel that good. Maybe it's just a nerves thing or whatever, but I always feel like I'm the worst."

"You were far from the worst." Ellie said, trying to reassure her.

"Thanks." Freya said. They walked a little bit longer in silence. Every so often, it looked like Freya wanted to say something, but never did. Eventually, she did speak again. "Are you looking forward to your appointment tomorrow?"

Ellie nodded. "I hope it goes well. I'm nervous, but I think the past month has  just been a series of constant nerves, so the nerves don't actually bother me anymore."

Freya smiled. "It's been nice watching you become more confident. You used to be so nervous and shy when you were Ben."

Ellie smiled back. "Yeah, I feel so much better. Thank you."

Freya looked at her again, into her eyes. Ellie immediately felt a sense of warmth and safety. They stopped walking as Freya took her hand. Ellie wasn't sure what happened next, but she suddenly felt the urge to kiss Freya. She pulled her in, Freya didn't seem to fight it. Then they locked lips. It was like an explosion of emotions inside of Ellie. She felt safe and warm and happy and carefree and light. She felt her manhood twitch, but she didn't even care. She loved every second of it. They eventually broke apart, looking at each other.

"I... That was..." Freya said, unable to find words.

Ellie grinned. "Indescribable?"

Freya grinned back, nodding. "Great." Then her face suddenly dropped, into an expression that was a mix of surprise and guilt. "Uh, I need to go this way today."

Before Ellie could get another word in, Freya basically ran off down a different street. Ellie was confused. She just said it was great? What happened? Ellie thought as she watched Freya disappear. Did I do something wrong?

She tried her best to think about what she might've done or what might've happened. The only thing she could think of is that Freya didn't like her back. But why would she say the kiss was great? She got home, still deep in thought, and flung herself into bed, now feeling a handful of tears running down her face.

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