Boy or Girl?

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All of Ben's teachers that day were made aware of the situation and they did a good job at making sure no one was picking on him. However, lunchtime was a different situation. Unlike in the classrooms, there was about a hundred kids and only three teachers to keep an eye on them all. Ben had to pee before he went for lunch, which meant his friends went ahead without him. When he rejoined them with his lunch, Charlie laughed.

"Piss off, you little faggot." He sneered, laughing.

"Come on man, you know I'm not gay." Ben tried to plead.

"Then why are you wearing the girls uniform? Are you some kind of tranny?"  He laughed again.

Ben sighed. "No, it was a mistake. Come on, stop being a dick."

"Piss off, I don't wanna sit with little queers."

Ben looked to Patrick for help, but he stayed quiet. Annoyed and angry, Ben stormed off to a table by himself. How could Patrick leave him like that? And Charlie? He never liked Charlie that much, but still, they'd known each other since primary. Ben was so lost in thought that he never noticed Freya sitting down across from him.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Been better." He replied.

"Don't let them get into your head, they're just immature little boys." She smiled. Ben looked at her, suddenly realising what was going on. Freya Jones, the hottest girl in the year, was talking to him, some loser wearing the wrong uniform. "If it means anything, I'm proud of you for finally being yourself."

"Yeah... Wait, what? Finally?" Ben said, suddenly taken aback.

Freya giggled. "Sorry, that came out a bit ruder than I meant. You just never seemed to fit in with the boys properly, y'know? I thought you were gay, I wasn't expecting you to be trans."

"I'm not trans, though. I didn't know this was my sister's blazer until Miss Wilcox told me. I'm only wearing this stupid uniform because I couldn't find a boys blazer." Ben sighed.

"Oh. I'm so sorry, I thought... I feel so stupid now, I'm so sorry, Ben." She said, turning red.

"It's fine. I mean, you're kind of right, I never really fit in with the boys... I don't know, I'm just confused." He said. He had no idea why he was telling her all of this, but it felt nice to be able to just speak to someone.

"Confused?" Freya asked.

Ben thought for a second. Maybe telling Freya about his dream might help him figure out what's going on. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Cross my heart." Freya said.

"Last night, I had a dream that I was a girl. It was weird, it felt really surreal. And the weirdest part is that it felt... kinda nice? And today, when I was getting dressed, I wondered how it'd be to wear the girls uniform. Even when I was in lost and found with Miss Wilcox, part of me wanted to wear the skirt she found for me." He said, hoping he made sense.

Freya sat quietly for a minute. "It does sound like you're going through a bit of a gender crisis. Other than today, have you ever really given it much thought?"

Ben shrugged. "I mean, maybe a little. All my friends keep eyeing you up, wanting to get with you. The other day, I was wondering what it'd be like to be you." He paused, then suddenly realised what he had said. "Oh my god, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to sound creepy or anything."

Freya laughed. "It's fine. I called you trans, you call me hot. I think we're even now. You're in a weird situation and I don't understand what you're going through, but if you want, you can come to my house tonight? You can try on some of my clothes, see how you feel?"

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