The Sleepover

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Friday was a pretty good day, all in all. Ellie met with her friends in the morning, all of whom complemented her new look, and she spent the day with them. They gossiped and joked, but all of them were really excited about the sleepover. Ellie couldn't wait, she was practically counting down the minutes until the final bell went. Most people had gotten over the initial shock of yesterday and were focusing on other things, like exams or classwork. Some people still stared at her and Charlie still mocked her, but she ignored him. Although she hung out with Freya and the girls mostly, she still had one or two conversations with Patrick and Steven. It was oddly validating for her when she first started talking to Patrick, as he found himself a little tongue tied, something that only really happened around girls Patrick thought were pretty.

When the final bell went, Freya took Ellie's hand as they went to meet their other friends. Ellie wasn't sure why Freya was holding her hand, but she liked it, so she didn't say anything. They met with Gwen and Maple at the front gate and were waiting for Annabeth when Charlie and Harvey walked past them. Ellie was knocked back as Charlie shoulder-pushed her and laughed. Ellie didn't say anything, but then Gwen shoved Charlie, nearly knocking him flying.

"Watch where you're going, Charlie, don't wanna slip and fall, do we?" She said with a smirk.

"Piss off, giant. The tranny was in my way." Charlie sneered, getting defensive as he realised Gwen would probably crush him.

"Don't call her that." Freya snapped. Ellie didn't know what to do. Freya was still holding her hand so she couldn't move anywhere.

"Why? That's what he is. A little poof who thinks he's a girl." Charlie said.

"Call her that again and I'll kick you in the balls so hard, you'll be the girl." Gwen said. Gwen was visibly angry, clenching her fists and shaking.

"Come on, Charlie. It's not worth it." Harvey said, clearly not wanting to get beat up. Charlie thought for a second. He looked over at Ellie, then at Gwen.

"Yeah, you're right. No point wasting time on a bunch of queers." He said. He pushed past Gwen, followed by Harvey. The girls watched them leave, before they turned to face Ellie.

"Are you okay?" Freya asked.

Ellie was shaken. She was annoyed, she was angry, but then she was touched. Touched by the genuine concern that her friends had. The fact that Gwen was about to get into a fight for her. She couldn't help but smile a little. "I'm fine, he's just a dick. Thanks for sticking up for me."

Gwen chuckled. "Anytime. If I'm honest, I've been waiting since first year to kick his arse."

The girls all laughed. They waited a few more minutes for Annabeth before they made their way to Freya's. Over the course of the walk, Ellie forgot all about what had happened. They were making various plans for activities and things to do during the night. Freya suggested another fashion show, to which everyone agreed. Tonight was going to be great.


Once they got to Freya's, they all went up into her room. The room felt a bit smaller with everyone in it, but it was still spacious enough that everybody could comfortably sit down. Ellie and Freya sat down on the bed together, Gwen sat on the desk chair, and Annabeth and Maple sat down on the floor.

"So, I have an idea of what we should do first." Freya said.

"What?" Maple asked.

"Since we have a new girl in the group, I think we should celebrate by going to Pizza Hut." Freya said, excitedly. The other girls all agreed, all of them equally excited. "I say we get changed and we can head out."

Maple, Annabeth, and Gwen all started to pull clothes out of their bags. Maple decided to wear a red skater skirt and white top. Annabeth took out a pair of jeans and a cute mesh top. Gwen also took out a pair of jeans, but paired it with a black and white flannel shirt. Freya turned to Ellie.

"Did you bring a change of clothes for tonight?" Freya asked as she moved towards her wardrobe.

Ellie nodded. "My sister gave me some of her old clothes." She grabbed her bag and pulled out a yellow and black skirt and a black, cold-shoulder top. "Can I get changed in your bathroom?"

Freya, who was in the middle of pulling out a denim dress, nodded. "You can get changed in here if you want, we don't mind."

"Oh, okay." She turned back around and was met with the sight of the other three in various stages of being undressed. Although she wasn't trying to peak, she caught a glimpse of their chests and immediately felt a knot in her stomach. She hadn't even considered her chest until now. She was flat as a pancake, but every other girl her age had some form of breasts. She looked down at her flat chest as she started to unbutton her blouse. Annabeth seemed to have noticed.

"Y'know, Ellie, if you want it to look like you have boobs, stuff your bra." She said as she buttoned up her jeans.

Freya went into one of her drawers and pulled out two pairs of socks. "Here, stuff it with these."

Ellie wasn't too sure, but nevertheless, she put the socks into her bra. The effect wasn't perfect, but it was nice to look down and not see flatness. She pulled her top over her head, trying to fix it properly. It took a few minutes, but she managed to fix it. With that done, she wrapped the skirt around herself and zipped it up, tucking her top into it. Once she was ready, she stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She thought she looked really great.

Freya came up behind her, fixing the hem of her denim dress. Ellie looked at her and thought she also looked really cute. Freya met her gaze. They stared into each other's eyes for a second before they both started laughing. Ellie sat back down again, waiting for the rest of the girls to finish getting ready.

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