The Night Before

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The days were so much better now that Ellie and Freya could be more open. They felt closer than ever and Ellie was enjoying spending time with her. On Thursday, Ellie got her ballet gear. It was a plain black leotard, a pair of pink tights, and pink ballet slippers. It also came with a white skirt, but that wasn't a requirement to wear. It took a little bit of time and help from Freya before Ellie managed to figure out how to tie the shoes properly. When she was done, she looked into the mirror, impressed by how nice she looked. She really had come a long way since the scruff days of "Ben".

It took a bit of time getting used to dancing in the slippers, but Ellie managed to get the hang of it decently. She wasn't fantastic, but she was alright. She was getting the hang of the basic moves like pirouettes, but still had a long way to go before she was as good as Freya or Maple.

On Friday, nothing happened. The girls were all looking forward to Ellie's coming out party and were winding her up about something they had planned. Although Ellie knew the party was happening, she didn't want to know anything about it, so she had arranged to spend the night at Freya's. Although they had also invited the other girls, they turned down the invitation, so it would just be Ellie and Freya.

After school, the couple said goodbye to their friends, and walked to Freya's. Her parents were out of town for the weekend, so it would just be the two of them. Ellie hadn't actually been to Freya's since the sleepover over a month ago. When she walked into her room, she thought about the first time she was here. When she was trying on Freya's clothes and when she was still figuring everything out. Now she was here again, but not as someone still trying to figure things out, but as someone who knew what she wanted.

They spent the time playing a bunch of video games together. Freya won at Mario Kart, but Ellie was undefeated at Tekken. It was really nice, Ellie thought, to just get to spend time with Freya, alone. As the night died down, they wound up watching a movie whilst cuddling.

They briefly locked eyes. Without even thinking, Ellie pulled her in for a kiss. It felt like it lasted a lifetime. Any fears or anxieties that Ellie had just disappeared. They were replaced by warmth and happiness. And lust. Ellie couldn't help it, she wanted Freya. She gently rubbed Freya's thigh. Freya stopped kissing her, looking down at her hand.

"Sorry, I got carried away..." Ellie said, now feeling a sudden sense of awkwardness.

Freya grinned. "Don't say sorry, just kiss me."

Ellie took that as her sign to keep going. She ran her hand up Freya's thigh and up her skirt. She felt Freya squirm and gently moan as she did. Freya began to undo Ellie's blouse as Ellie used her other hand to start pulling Freya's tights down. Once Ellie's blouse was removed, Freya unzipped Ellie's skirt and tossed it to the side. Then she started to pull down her tights and underwear. Ellie was still feeling around, rubbing her hand across Freya's groin, when she looked down and saw her manhood, standing straight.

A feeling of guilt and shame suddenly overpowered Ellie as she stopped kissing Freya and rolled to the side. She wanted to cry. Freya stopped and looked at her, a mixture of sadness and guilt across her face. "Are you okay?"

Ellie didn't respond for a second. "I don't think I'm ready for that yet... I'm sorry..."

Freya pulled her skirt back up and sat up. Ellie started pulling her clothes back on, not looking towards Freya. "It's okay. I'm sorry." Freya said.

"I started it, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have." Ellie said. "We should get some sleep before tomorrow."

She sat up and grabbed her bag, leaving Freya's room and heading into the toilet. She splashed a bit of water on her face as she felt tears start to roll down her face. Why? Why did this have to happen? Why was I born this way? Why do I have a stupid penis? Why am I a boy? She thought to herself as she cried. I hate it. I don't want to be like this. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

She finished getting into her PJs and went back into the room. Freya was already changed and lying in bed again. Ellie climbed in beside her and gave her a small kiss goodnight. She saw the look of pity and sympathy in Freya's eyes, but she rolled over and tried her best to sleep.

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