A Kiss in the Back Row (NSFW)

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The movie had been going on for about an hour. Ellie wasn't really paying attention, she was mostly lost in thought. She was thinking about her leg and her stomach. Every so often, she would readjust herself on her seat and be met with soaring pain from her wound. She thought back to that night, even though she tried not to. She instinctively put a hand on her stomach as she thought about being stabbed.

"Are you okay?" Freya whispered. She jumped a little.

"What? Uh, yeah. Stomach hurts a little, but I'm fine." Ellie whispered.

"You can talk to me, you know that, right?" Freya whispered, taking Ellie's hand.

"I know. I'm fine, honestly. All the studying has just made me tired, y'know." Ellie shrugged. "Too much to think about."

"Is that all you're thinking about?" Freya whispered, sounding concerned. Ellie knew Freya had saw her clutch her stomach, but she didn't want to talk about that. Then another idea came to her.

"No, I'm thinking about something else." She said, giving Freya a cheeky grin.

It took Freya a second, but she grinned back. "What else are you thinking about, then?"

"This really, really, really cute girl. She's got brown hair, brown eyes. Cute freckles all over her face." Ellie said.

"She sounds awesome. Tell me more about her." Freya said.

"She's wearing a really cute white top and denim pinafore. Her legs look really, really sexy in her tights." Ellie said, eyeing Freya up and down.

Freya blushed. "Anything else you're thinking about?"

"I'm thinking that I really want to make out with her." Ellie said. She looked Freya up and down, feeling something shift in her jeans. But this time, she didn't care. Between all her pain and anxiety, she deserved something nice.

"Just make out with her?" Freya asked as she turned her body to properly face Ellie.

Ellie considered her options for a second. "I have a few other ideas." She put a hand on Freya's knee and leaned forward to kiss her. She felt Freya put her hand on her thigh as they kissed. Ellie slid her hand up further, sliding it underneath Freya's skirt. She stopped at her groin, pulling her face back to look at Freya. Freya looked down, then back up at Ellie and nodded. Then she slid her own hand up to Ellie's groin.

Ellie thought for a second and remembered the last time. She felt more confident in her body now though. She nodded. They went back to kissing. Ellie grabbed the waistband of Freya's tights, pulling them down a little. Then she grabbed her underwear and pulled that down. Freya stopped kissing, letting out a quiet moan as Ellie touched her. Meanwhile, Freya had undone Ellie's jeans and had her hand around Ellie's shaft. Ellie thought back the urge to moan out loud as Freya began to gently play with it.

The two of them continued to kiss and play with each other, Ellie completely forgetting about her pains and anxieties. As they went on, Ellie began to feel a tingling sensation. She had never done this before. It felt weird, but nice. Freya saw her squirm a little and she stopped as an idea came to her. She took Ellie's hand and removed it from under her, much to Ellie's confusion.

"What are you doing?" Ellie asked, panting a little.

Freya didn't say anything. She glanced down towards the others who were all still engrossed in the movie. Freya took pulled up her underwear and tights and indicated to Ellie to button up her jeans. Once Ellie had done so, Freya climbed over the top of her. She took Ellie's hand and led her out of the hall and into the disabled toilets. "Wait here." Ellie was still confused but did what she was told.

Freya left the room for a minute, returning with a small, square package in her hand. She put it on the sink. She walked over to Ellie and started kissing her again. As she did, she unbuttoned Ellie's jeans and pulled them down. Freya kept kissing her, using her hand to keep playing. "If you feel uncomfortable, tell me and I'll stop."

Freya continued to remove Ellie's clothes, taking off her top and bra. Freya looked at her boobs and grinned. Ellie felt herself become more aroused. Once Ellie was undressed, Freya began to undress herself. Ellie still wasn't sure what was happening, but was more than happy to go along with it. They both stood there. Ellie more or less naked, other than her jeans being snagged around her cast. Freya was only wearing her tights.

Freya got down on her knees. She took the square wrapper and opened it. It was a condom. Freya looked a little unsure about what she was doing. She put the tip of the condom in her mouth and used her lips to put it on. Ellie had to grab the sink to stop her from falling backwards as a rush of endorphins flooded through her brain. Freya stood up and walked behind Ellie, turning her around. Because of the height difference, Freya had to crouch on the toilet lid. She wrapped her legs around Ellie and pulled her closer, inside of her. Both girls moaned a little. Freya leaned back on the seat as Ellie started to go back and forth, back and forth. The girls tried to keep quiet, but both of them wanted to moan and scream loudly.

After a while, Ellie started to get that feeling again. "I think... I think I'm gonna..."

Freya nodded. "Me too."

Ellie wrapped her hands around Freya and picked her up. Ellie held her, struggling to stay upright on her bad knee, but she fought through the pain. They kissed as their chests mashed together. Then Ellie felt something escape her. Then she felt something drip. The girls looked down, both of them had finished. The smiled at each other, not able to find the worlds to describe the pleasure.

Ellie put Freya down. Freya collapsed down on the toilet lid, panting for air. Ellie took the condom off, squeezing the white gunk at the bottom mostly just out of curiosity, before she put it in the bin. "We should... Wow..."

"Yeah." Freya grinned.

They sat in silence for another few minutes, trying to recompose themselves. Then they remembered the film and their friends. Quickly, panicking, they both rushed to get ready.

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