chapter 30 | we can't be friends

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Two weeks had bled into one another, a monotonous blur of grief and worry

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Two weeks had bled into one another, a monotonous blur of grief and worry. Today, the weight of the approaching reaping settled on Azalea's shoulders like a physical burden. It was the day before her birthday, a day that usually brought a surge of excitement and dread. The last day of summer.

They hadn't seen Lukka since the execution. The silence between them was deafening, a chasm opened by grief and unspoken accusations. Now, their world felt fractured, the carefree spirit of summer replaced by a chilling uncertainty.

"I miss last summer," Trishia whined dramatically, flopping back on the sand. Back then, their biggest problems were stolen kisses and awkward crushes. Now, the weight of the world seemed to press down on their young shoulders.

Azalea offered a melancholic smile. "Same."

A pause fell between them, broken only by the rhythmic crash of waves against the shore. Trishia finally said, her voice lighter. "Now we're the last two standing."

Azalea couldn't help but snort at the absurdity. "Not funny, Trishia," she said, though a corner of her mouth twitched upwards.

"A little funny," Trishia countered, poking her tongue out. "Come on, admit it. Girls rule! We got rid of the men!"

Azalea swatted playfully at her friend, the familiar banter a welcome distraction. "Trishia!" she exclaimed, a genuine laugh escaping her lips.  Maybe, just maybe, a little laughter was what they needed right now.

"Seriously though," she said, her voice losing its playful edge, "remember back in spring? How we used to practically live at each other's houses? Stealing your dad's snacks, giggling about boys..."

Azalea's smile softened, a pang of nostalgia shooting through her. "Yeah," she agreed, her eyes fixed on the horizon.

"Exactly!" Trishia exclaimed, sitting up and scooting closer. "This summer felt... different. Lukka here, Finnick & Bruno that... honestly, I barely saw you alone."

"I know," Azalea mumbled. "Well at least we have the last day of summer for ourselves. Just like old times."

"So what happened with that senior you were with this summer?" Azalea pressed, her curiosity getting the better of her. It felt good to finally be catching up with Trishia, just the two of them, with no boys or looming reapings to steal the conversation.

Trishia snorted in response. "He went back to his old girlfriend apparently."

"Oh shit."

"It's whatever. I was planning on breaking up with him after the summer, so like tomorrow. He was a cute first time though."

"Good riddance I say. Im sure you'll find someone who is perfect for you." Azalea smiled.

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