Definitely something.

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Talia's POV

Detention was pretty good. Mia and I actually talked like normal human beings without arguing.

Well, somewhat.

We still had the occasional little sass put in the conversation. But mostly it went just fine.

I may have lied about what I did for the teacher to "send me to detention" though. I hadn't done anything to the woman actually. I told her that Mia wasn't at fault because I peer pressured her into saying all those cruel things because I thought it was funny. Mia was left off the hook but I didn't tell her that. She'd kill me if she knew she was there when she didn't need to be. But it was for her own good.

I just wanted to see if we got along. Lately, it's kind of been that way and it's been nice. I never have quite understood why she's hated me so much. I've just been rude back to her because she was a bitch to me.

I can never hate her my full 100 percent. Maybe 99.9 percent but there's always that 0.1 percent I have in the back of my head that just makes me think there's a chance we can be civil. We have been at points yet I wish it were more often.

I don't think I quite hate her as much as I used to. That scares me though. Why do I feel that way? I was so set on hating her for my entire life ever since she started tormenting me. She's been cruel and has basically ruined me. But why the sudden change of thought? No clue. Well, I guess maybe I'll figure it out. Maybe not. I usually don't figure things out. I'm actually kind of slow.

"So, do you think you can tutor me like right now?" I asked walking alongside her as we came out of the detention room.

"I suppose my mother wouldn't mind, I'm assuming she'd be enthused by the idea actually," She replied putting her hands in the back pockets of her ripped jeans. "Although, I should text her first just to make sure."

I nodded and let her text her mom. It took just a few seconds until I heard the ding from her phone. She picked it up, typed a little bit, and then put her phone in her front pocket.

"Yeah, I can tutor you right now." She said simply looking over at me instead of keeping her eyes glued to the floor like she has for the past 10 minutes.

"Alright, is there an issue with doing it at your house?" I ask her politely.

"Uh," she paused for a brief moment sounding unsure, "I suppose we could."

I didn't really believe her when she said we could. She seemed kind of shaken up at the thought of me going over to her house. I don't know why she seemed so off about the idea but whatever it was, I wasn't going to push it.

"Uh actually, never mind that, I just realized my mom won't be home."

I texted my mom to ask if she was home. I didn't know if she was going to be there or not.

She replied to me quickly and told me she wasn't home. What a shocker. She's always sleeping around.

"Okay, if you say so." She smiled seeming relieved.

I was glad I was probably getting her out of doing something she wasn't comfy with. I hope she's doing okay.

We walked out the doors of the school and into the school parking lot.

"Mia!" I heard a voice calling her as we both turned to look at who it was.

I spotted Ashley Pikstrad. My ex best friend. Mia's now best friend. Greaaaaat.

"Oh, hi Ashley!" Mia said excitedly.

What did she see in that fake bitch? Maybe what I used to see as the most comforting, kind and caring person in the world. In reality, she was sent from the devil himself.

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