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Talia's POV

I opened the door and went back inside. I felt somewhat bad for the tone I had spoke in and for the way I was so harsh by what I said. Yet, they did invade my privacy and I wasn't okay with it. Yes, they are my best friends. But that doesn't give them a reason to go and sneak up all in my business. I really thought they were better than that. I get the curiosity but they could've asked me about it after if they really wanted to know why I made them leave. And I do kind of regret the last words I said to them.

I don't want to speak to either of you for a while. Go home.

It was just my first thought and I blurted it out. And the way they walked away so silently scared me a bit. But now I have to deal with the current situation.

"Did you tell them I was coming over? What sort of sick joke was that? They could've watched me in the bathroom!" She exclaimed dramatically waving her arms in the air.

"Why would I ever tell them that you were here? I wouldn't ever do that even if I hate you!"

"Oh yeah right. Like I'm supposed to believe that. You're such a sick minded bitch! It doesn't surprise me that you'd pull something like that. I'm gonna just go home. I don't even know if I should tutor you anymore." She said in a bitchy tone while turning around to go down the stairs.

"Why are you being so childish about this? I get that you might always do this at home and be sassy towards everyone, but that's not how real life works." I snapped grabbing her arm turning her back towards me.

"How dare you? Ugh, I hate you. I have no idea why I thought this tutoring thing would ever work."

"See. Like I said, childish."

She scoffed, "I think we're done here."

She walked down the stairs while pulling her phone out of her pocket. I felt my grip loosen on her arm and then finally let go. I heard the front door slam.

Not like I cared anyways.


It had been 2 hours since she left. 10:30PM to be exact. It was kinda peaceful, a bit quiet.

After all the fighting for the night, I'd become sleepy. I just laid down in my bed staring up at my Ice Spice tapestry since she left. Don't worry, it's only because I think she's hot. Everyone that lives on this earth probably thinks that too.

For some reason, I got the urge to get up when turning and laying on my side seeing the sliding door to my balcony.

I stood up and slid open the door then closed it behind me stepping out onto the balcony. I stood leaning my elbows against the wooden railing and my hands in fists against my chin.

There was a glare of my red LED lights pouring out the window shining below onto the pool in the dark in my backyard. I just glanced down at the pool of water and breathed in the fresh air.

It had been what seemed like such a long day. Crazy how it had only been the first day of school. This shit sucks.

As I stood there, I decided why not take a risk? I stood on the balcony railing where I once had planted my elbows before.

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