Ugh, its you.

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Mia's POV

I was casually sitting at my seat. I was having a surprisingly decent day up until she sat straight across from me.

Talia Woods. How dare SHE sit across from me?
My sworn enemy ever since the day we met.
I swear she'll regret pissing me off. She'll be sorry.
When I get my hands on her she'll be regretting all of her life choices. I mean, she may be athletic and what some might call a "bad girl" but it doesn't mean I like her. Yeah, she's pretty— ugh ew. No. She's not pretty. Pffft what?

Okay.. maybe she's not UGLY. But.. I won't admit that to her. I mean I'm totally disgusted by her. She's not physically unappealing, but her personality is the worst. Always thinking the best of herself. Who does she think she is..? The most perfect girl on the Earth?

"And what are you doing at MY table?" I said scoffing and glaring at her in annoyance.

"This is my spot.. across from yours..?"

"Excuse me, no it isn't," I was saying as I rolled my eyes, "you don't belong near me. Ugh please. You are absolutely horrendous. Literal torture to the human eyes."

She then looked at me with those gorgeous green eyes of hers. Why did they have to be so enticing? They allured me in so magically. It's almost as if she wanted to cast a spell on me. But I couldn't get distracted, she was disgusting beyond her physical beauty.

She looked as if she wanted to strangle me at that very moment with the intensifying eye contact she gave me. It sent chills down my spine. Why did she have to look at me that way? Maybe as if she wanted me to be the next victim of her hoe phase. I didn't want to sleep with her. I mean, maybe she's attractive— no. She isn't even close to as flawless as I am. She's jealous of me obviously.

Besides, I wouldn't go that low. I wouldn't ever be with a girl. Especially not that low life. I'm straight.
I mean so is she, but she'd sleep with about anyone.

"And who are you to decide where I sit?"
Her eyes were pervading with indignant as she crossed her arms.

"I'm definitely someone better than you, that's who I am, as always of course."

She then seemed more infuriated. You could practically see the steam blowing out of her ears. What a little prick. But then out of nowhere she went serene.

I could hear the dangling of keys and the tapping of shoes against the tiled flooring from all the way down the hallway. Right. The teacher was coming. That's why she had to stop the argument. I mean clearly I was the one who had won. She gave up simply because she knew she had nothing left to discuss. I was evidently superior.

I then had to sit throughout the boring lesson. Blah blah blah, English this and English that. I could understand all of this already, why was I being taught such an idiotic sort of thing?

I wasn't learning anything new at all. It was so unfair and cruel. These teachers were literally agonizing. They just continue to go on about the same thing every day all year long. They never fail to bore me.

The bell rang. Finally, I was out of this hell hole of a class. Now I can go to my favorite class of the day! Gym class. I love to just stare at my boyfriend. I love my boyfriend. I couldn't imagine being with anybody else.

Although, I have cheated on him before. But it's just because his performance in the bedroom is so embarrassing. So I go and have sex with a bunch of other guys. None seem to fulfill me though. I never enjoy the experience. I don't quite understand why?

Sex should be the type of thing a girl or guy dreams or desires of. I've always fantasized about having the perfect type of night for that. Yet why hasn't it happened yet? Isn't it supposed to actually be enjoyable? Plenty people have bragged about how amazing it was. Yet, I felt absolutely nothing. Even when I was with my spectacular boyfriend. He just wasn't enough I guess.

Hate me all you want but I want to be able to live my own life and do my own thing. If that requires cheating then so be it. I need to get what I want. That being said, I will get what I want. No matter who or what stands in my way.

If that happens to be Talia Woods. I'll absolutely decimate her. No matter the circumstances. I'll do anything it takes to make her pay. Anything to make her stupid reputation disappear. Along with her. I don't want anything to do with her any longer.

I absolutely despise Talia Woods.

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