Well, that was awkward.

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Gigi's POV

Talia had walked into the bathroom so we had to pause the movie before we barely even started it. She always did this when we start movies after eating. Might as well make it routine and start telling her to go into the bathroom before we start any movie.

We were just sitting there waiting bored as ever.

"Damn she takes a while." Jasmine spoke rolling her eyes after the little bit of non-awkward silence.

"Does she usually take this long to piss when we're here?" Kale asked.

I shrugged and then we all sat for about 2 seconds before we heard a vibration from her bed.

We went and all sat on the bed as we saw her phone with an unknown number calling her. We thought we might as well pick it up and joke around with whoever the scam caller might be.

Kale picked up the phone and pressed accept.

He put the phone up to his ear. "Hello, who is this?" Kale asked as he looked over at us trying not to laugh.

"Uhm, I don't know if this is the right number but," the voice paused for a brief moment hesitantly, "is there a Talia there?" It was obviously the voice of a girl, but who could this random woman calling be?

We all exchanged glances kind of confused.

"Yes, she's in the restroom, and who may you be?"

"I'm Mia, Mia Redfield to be exact. Who are you and why are you on what I'm assuming is Talias phone since this is the number I was told was hers?"

"This is.. uhhh her boyfriend. Call back some other time!"

We could hear a sigh on the other side of the line as if she were disappointed.

"I didn't know she had a boyfriend, sorry to bother you." she said sounding sincere.

We all looked at each other surprised and I ended up smacking Kale on the shoulder and taking the phone.

"That wasn't her boyfriend. She doesn't have a boyfriend actually, she's very much single. So sorry about Kale, if you know who he is."

"Oh," she responded dumb-founded, "yeah I know who Kale is, I'm assuming you're Gigi." I couldn't believe she knew who I was just by my voice and I didn't know quite how to respond to what she said, which thankfully she spoke up again instead of me having to speak. "Anyways what are you guys doing on her phone? Not that it's any of my business, of course."

"Well we were just waiting for her to come back from the bathroom—" I heard the sink in the bathroom turn on. "Uhm gotta go! Make sure to text later!!" I hung up quickly.

After the call, we all just looked around at each other.

"Well, that was awkward." I remarked after the small moment of silence.

We burst out giggling and wheezing about how awkward and funny the whole situation was.

Next thing we knew, Talia walked into the room and glanced around and spotted her phone in my hand and gave us all a look. The what-the-hell-did-you-do look.

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