Part 35* A glimpse into the future

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"Hey honey, could you take Nova to soccer practise today?" Ophelia asked Javon opening up the fridge and looking for something to make for dinner.

He nods saying "Yeah yeah no problem, what time is it again?"

"7-8" the woman smiles closing the fridge and frowning.

"Hey what's wrong?" Javon asks leaning against the counter and putting his hand on top of hers.

"There's nothing for dinner" she frowns scratching her head.

"Hmm, takeaway?" he suggests.

"Oo sounds good ill order one now, pizza?" she suggests.

"Sounds good ! remember what to order me?" he asks.

She nods "Yes yes I know!"

As Ophelia orders the takeaway Javon runs upstairs to check on Otto and Nova. There both playing in there room together. Otto is 5 and Nova is 7. 

"Hey guy's you ok?" he asks patting Nova's head gently.

"Yes daddy!" they chime together.

He smiles widely "I'm glad".

"Omgggg!" Ophelia squeals from the kitchen making Javon run down the stairs.

"You ok?" he asks widening his eyes at her leaning against the door.

"Yes! Yes! I have just been offered the biggest role on that new movie I was telling you about, I can't believe it!" she squeals jumping into his arms.

"I'm so proud" he says swinging her around kissing her cheek.

She stares into his glossy brown eyes and he stares into hers. He kisses her lips gently grinning widely and says "I love you ma".

"I love you to J" she smiles.

And the two really did wait for each other. Javon kept his promise. And there now living in a big white house in LA , famous and rich actors with two happy and healthy children.

They were thriving.


So this is officially the end of the book!

I just did a couple of extra chapters just because. Anyway hope you guys all liked this book!

Tysm for all the support I'm vv grateful!

(Can I also just say how pathetic it is that people are so bothered by Javon and coco, like he's not yours babe you've never even met him grow a pair)

I will wait for you  (javon walton)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें