Part 20* Travelling to La

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Ophelias pov:

I woke up bright and early with all my bags packed ready to go. I changed, did my skincare and then some light makeup. 


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omg girl I can't wait to see you

                                                                                               Zeya! I can't wait to see youuuu


                                                                                                Ily more bae <3



I grabbed some waffles with maple syrup and a latte for breakfast then grabbed my coat and slipped my shoes on to go help my dad load the car.

My sister was watching tv and dancing in the living room, which made me laugh.

I open the door and look up to see Javon at the door.

I look down at my feet awkardly saying "What are you doing here".

"Well, your dad didn't want you travelliing alone, so he asked if I could travel with you, I hope thats okay" he says putting a small smile on his face.

The smile that lights up my whole world.

"Well, I'm glad I have someone to talk to on the way there" I grin hugging him tight.

"Were gonna have so much fun, here let me help you and your dad load the car" he smiles.

"Okayyy" I chime as we head outside.

I hear Javon speaking to my dad as  start to load his bags and my bags into the car .

"Sit in the back with me", Javon smiles.

"Why would I not"? I grin.

He grins widely and shuts the boot, heading inside. 

"Hey Belley" Javon grins at her heading over to here before she greets him with a warm hug.

"Jav!Jav! I've missed you so I'm so glad your backkk" she smiles.

He chuckles, looking up at me "I'm glad I am to".

"We better get off then!" my dad says turning the tv off and pointing towards the shoe rack signalling my sister to put her shoes and coat on.

She sighss and does as she's told as me and Javon go outisde and wait in the car.

I place my hands in my lap feeling slightly awkward. We haven't talked since , well , new years eve and the night he planted that kiss on my lips. 

"So, I heard you and Katie broke up, I'm sorry" I say breaking the silence.

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