Chapter 57

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Jade gently shoves the half-open door to reveal the new and improved Lucia Felix to the party scene. Her rainbow-colored streaks catch multiple eyes. Some are judgmental and many more are stunned by the boldness of the look.

The streaks of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet run down from Lucia's middle part to her shoulders in a cascading array of loose curls. The colors were intended to come out bright, but Jade was no expert so the dye job came out a bit more pastel. The brunette got tired after having to bleach Lucia's strawberry blonde hair before adding the color so she slabbed on the colors. The five-hour operation was chaotic, to say the least. This gave the girls no time to pre-game before the party, forcing them to come in completely sober.

Nonetheless, Lucia loved the look, undeterred by what anybody else thought. She holds her head high with that radiant smile of hers blinding anyone in her path.

With getting completely plastered in mind, Lucia promised Jade that she would clean up her bathroom tomorrow afternoon after she recovers from her expected hangover. If she didn't do so, Jade would have stayed back at the house cleaning to her little soul's content. Mess made Jade anxious and Jacqueline Hill was to blame for that.

Lucia follows Jade into the large home that nearly resembled the size of Jade's home. As the beige-carpeted staircase comes into view, the brunette feels a tingle in her stomach.

This place feels familiar.

She absorbs the essence of the interior structure of the home and nearly chokes on the air she's breathing. The familiar scene of people doing random ridiculous things sets her memory aflame.

A girl with both legs splitting the handrail of the stairs attempts to slide down. The sight makes Jade's heart skip a beat while Lucia maniacally laughs behind her as if she is already tipsy enough to see this as peak comedy.

Jade refuses to see the outcome, turning her head over to see some guy nearly choking on the beer being funneled into his mouth with a huge hose-looking contraption. Jade's upper lip pulls up with her nose wrinkling in disgust. The expression is even more priceless with her innocent, doe eyes.

This is the same fucking house.

The same house that Melanie dragged her to in her first week in Kingsman Bounty. The same house where she met Kinsey. Her heart fluttered, then skipped a beat at the memory. Kinsey absolutely terrified her back then. The memory of her in the parlor still sends chills down her spine. It was nearly surreal for Jade to accept how much her life has changed since then.

She thought she ate when she chewed me out for being shy.

Jade scoffs internally at the thought. Now I have her wrapped around my finger. Figuratively, but hopefully literally soon.

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