Chapter 64

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***TRIGGER WARNING: There may be references to various forms of abuse and graphic details.



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The courtroom played out like a field with the offense and defense occupying both sides with tension wavering between them. Jade and Zoé most definitely stood on opposing sides, but the redhead couldn't help herself from glancing at the brunette every other second in longing, as if reminding herself of what could have been.

Baseless fantasies roam her senseless mind. Images of how cute of a couple Jade and her would have been if she could have accepted all of herself back then.

The glint in her eyes gave away everything, showing the depths of Zoé Abrams' feelings. The emptiness in her eyes allowed the courtroom lights to glimmer against her mellow blue saucers, exposing the morsel of a soul hidden beneath.

Her usually composed, straight bob is a frazzled, loose-curled mess. The hair nearly reaches her shoulders, cutting off right at her visible collarbones. The redhead's composure was sullen and fragile almost.

Has she not been eating? Wait... why do I care?

Jade nearly vomited with each glimpse of Zoé, peering at the defined feline-shaped eyes that pierced her from the other side of the room. Despite her sickly disposition, Zoé remained smug. Jade loathed to see how strong Zoé stood in her conviction. She didn't forget to flick Jade an arrogant wink once they made brief eye contact. The seductiveness in her composure oozed from the simple gesture.

Jade winced and felt a pit of hot lava form in the depths of her stomach. She wanted to curl up and lie in a dune in the middle of the desert, to shrivel up from dehydration.

But, that would be too easy. If Jade learned anything from her rich collection of trauma-filled life experiences, it is that there is no running away from conflict. It will rear its evil head at you until you confront it. Here, in this cold courtroom, Jade is tasked with following through with all that Mr. Scott and her expensive legal team had taught her.

All Jade had to do was tell her story. And that she did.

In all its confusion and gore.

It began with the fairytale meeting of the two star-crossed lovers. Maybe not precisely lovers but star-crossed misfortune most definitely highlighted the entirety of whatever deranged situation-ship they had formed. Through Jade's storytelling, it seemed some fucked-up type of destiny had a role to play in their introductions to one another.

Jade, the bullied, introverted girl terrified of standing up for herself, and Zoé, the strong-willed, stubborn character who saved the depressed damsel in distress.

Doesn't this sound familiar?

Instead, in this version, Jade's world was annihilated.

Jade told a tumultuous story that involved two young teen girls desperate for a distraction, whether it be a person, place, or thing, to misplace their disparate feelings onto. Restricted emotions clouded their ability to function. They couldn't experience the beauty of life, and what it meant to love and indulge in the small things because everything in their world was substantial and intense.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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