Chapter 27

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Jade has yet to leave her room.

It is Monday, her favorite day of the week. Especially, when it involves going to her favorite place on Earth: School.

The thought causes Jade to deeply groan as the light from her phone flashes through her eyelids. Her body feels heavy as if glued to the sheets of the bed. Her tan legs warp around the plain white sheets like they were in a tussle of some sort. The alarm finally sounds a few seconds after the phone lights up but the brunette doesn't even flinch. Her exhaustion outweighing her anxiety at this point.

Usually, the responsibility of school has Jade leaping out of bed to get ready for the day; but Jade doesn't feel this same energy. It seems she has no energy at all. It was all drained from her system after spending the rest of her weekend holed up in her bedroom, only leaving for a glass of water and a peanut butter sandwich every five hours because Melanie wouldn't leave her alone without doing so.

The brunette taps the phone screen shutting off the alarm but instead of getting up, retires back to the endless sleep she fell in from Saturday afternoon.

She buries her head in the comforter, ignoring any potential repercussions as a result of her rash decision to skip school. The blanket comforting her in every way possible. Her body in no pain, but her mind aching.

She let her thoughts get the best of her, which is always a recipe for disaster.

The brunette spent the entirety of her weekend, besides sleeping, analyzing her sexuality under a microscope, trying to trace back where her feelings towards girls started and why she can't seem to disregard them. Once an individual spends too much time going back in time, it forces them to relive certain instances that can bring them through a whirlwind of shitty feelings.

And this is exactly what Jade did, which is why she has found herself still hiding in her sheets two days later, feeling too shitty about herself to get up.

"Jade!" Melanie hollers, lightly tapping on the door.

Jade finds it too tiring to respond so she ignores the call and wraps herself deeper into the bedding, trying to go back to sleep, hopefully for a while.

"Jade, get up. You can't skip," Melanie tries again as she stands on the other side of the door, ready to head out to her morning class at university.

The older sibling glares in irritation at the painted door, tired of having to try to get her sister up this entire weekend. Her parents have been too busy to notice their younger daughter's isolation, so it's been and has always been Melanie's job to look after her baby sister. The task is starting to take a toll on the young woman as bags heavily weigh down her eyes after being unable to sleep when worrying about her sister the past two nights.

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