Chapter 50

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Trigger Warning: Hey babes, this chapter is going to include some mentions of violence and graphic imagery so please prioritize your peace of mind as you approach this chapter.

It's three a.m. and the sleep that threatened to consume Jade hours ago is now gone with the night. Her eyes rest wide open, staring up at the ceiling as her consciousness wavers between sobriety and drunkenness. Her thoughts fade in and out, bringing her in and out of her anxiety-ridden mind. The thoughts that constrict her on a daily basis linger as her drunken state of mind fights them off. The alcohol sedating her inhibitions allows her to think freely for only a few seconds at a time. It becomes a battle between liberated drunk Jade and pragmatic sober Jade.

Her eyes wander about the room, noticing the smaller details she'd never paid much attention to before; like the piece of wood chipping from the white baseboard lining the bottom of the wall, or the way her jacket lying on the rolling chair creates a silhouette of an extraterrestrial creature as the light of the street lamps seeps through her window curtains.

Her thoughts run aimlessly in whichever direction they please.

As the brunette is being held captive by her own mind, a certain blonde is resting her head, smushed up against the side of Jade's boob. Her messy, entangled strands of dirty blonde hair cascade over Jade's chest as her head nuzzles into Jade's embrace like a toddler. The brunette's arm extends along Kinsey's back as the blonde sleeps calmly on her side.

Jade enjoys the way Kinsey's arm embraces her body as well, with one arm laid across Jade's stomach. Kinsey continues to snore lightly with each breathe, holding onto the brunette like a teddy bear.

The snores aren't disruptive, not at all. Jade finds a meditative rhythm in the consistent, disruptive breathing. Breathing that seems to mimic the soft purr of a kitten. Jade expects each snore and it soothes her mind to focus on that instead of her rampant, over-stimulating thoughts. She feels secure. Kinsey makes her feel secure.

Her eyes fall to Kinsey lying at her side. She watches the relaxation in Kinsey's face with caution, as if at any moment the blonde may be obstructed of her peace. Her soft, but sharp browns maintain their deep arch but not in any way that is too stressful. The faint, vertical lines running between her brows serve as remnants of stress that the blonde can't seem to escape, even in her slumber. The sight makes Jade ponder on how many times a day the blonde may scrunch her brows together because she is either stressed or worked up. Maybe during practice, schoolwork, and dealing with whatever else bothers her.

What else bothers her? What does Kinsey Scott struggle with?

The questions naturally come to Jade, curious about the beautiful girl lying next to her in all her vulnerability, so trusting of Jade that she chooses to rest her eyes and put her guard down.

Jade realizes that she knows nothing of Kinsey's "problems". All things considered, the blonde is a bit rough around the edges at times, but that doesn't reveal what Kinsey's truest fears, worries, and terrors are.

Jade wonders how Kinsey can trust so easily. Jade cranes her neck up from the two pillows stacked beneath her head to get a better view of Kinsey. There is no telling expression on the brunette's face, but it's quite obvious that she's thinking while she stares down at the blonde. How can she trust me?

Ironically, unbeknownst to Jade, trust is one of Kinsey's most prominent struggles.

Her fond gaze deepens, falling into Kinsey's charm even while she's asleep. Jade is not only awestruck by Kinsey's natural beauty but she is suddenly overcome with this curiosity to know more about this person who is slowly starting to own a quaint corner in her already compact heart.

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