Chapter 62

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Giggles pervade through the empty twist and turns of the home. Kinsey uses her commendable strength to carry her girlfriend up the stairs, bent over her right shoulder. There is no sign of struggle for Kinsey as she carries the brunette over her shoulder with her ass pointing at the ceiling.

Jade's body folds over Kinsey's shoulder like a hard taco as she playfully fights to be released with her limbs flailing every which way. Despite these antics, Jade knows that she doesn't want to get down whatsoever. This is the chaotic shit she signed up for.

Kinsey makes it a point to slap Jade's ass with her left hand as they reach the brunette's bedroom door. To her pleasant surprise, Jade's bottom jiggles a bit at the impact.

"Damn," Kinsey breathes out, shaking her head as she pushes the door open.

"Now that was unnecessary," Jade scoffs, rolling her eyes in the comical upside-down position.

"You and I both know that's debatable."

Jade rolls her eyes again, but they suddenly widen as her body flips over Kinsey's shoulder. Her hair flies along with her thin limbs. She becomes disoriented as the ground suddenly becomes the ceiling. Dizziness overcomes as her eyes await to process what is truly ceiling.

The brunette's back collides with the padded, memory foam mattress wrapped in solid black bamboo sheets. The expensive, silk-like fabric feels cool against her heated skin as her deep chocolate strands fall all across the matching comforter folded neatly halfway across the bed.

Fortunately, the brunette isn't lonesome for too long on the massive bed. A weight immediately follows her. That weight is a whole Kinsey who pounces on top of the brunette, on a mission to resume their heated kiss from the kitchen. The blonde straddles the brunette to possessively fill her mouth with the heat of her zealous tongue. Jade welcomes the needy lips, thankful for them after not having access for so long. Her eyes shut in pure delight as Kinsey takes ownership of her fucking mouth.

Neither girl is willing nor wants to interrupt the blazing intensity of the moment. Their minds are on fire and their bodies seem to be reacting to it, doing anything to satisfy the heated sensations within them.

Jade pulls in Kinsey's face as close as she can with her slender fingers warped and interwoven into the dirty blonde strands, essentially massaging her scalp in the process. Kinsey rests one hand on Jade's lower back to keep the girl in place, while her other hand gently caresses her structured cheekbone, signaling pacification to Jade for her aggressive nature. Selfishly, Kinsey uses the gentle touch as a reminder to herself to restrain from being too rough with someone so precious. Like cradling a baby. Her baby, at least.

Her body fits like a glove in between Jade's legs as she slips her legs out of their straddled position to rest in between Jade's legs. This allows her to lower her body closer to the blonde to find a cozy place for their crotches to touch through the immense layers of clothing. Even though there's not much, it feels like layers upon layers of useless fabric that need to be eradicated from their bodies.

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