Chapter 26

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Kinsey grunts as she cradles the football that is thrown directly at her chest. Her fingers tensely grip around the inflated rubber ball, enough for her knuckles to turn white while her mind is elsewhere.

"Kins, what's up!" James hollers from the white mark indicating fifty feet down the field. He notices how off Kinsey is by the way she has been fumbling to catch the last couple of passes.

Kinsey doesn't answer James, distracted by her own thoughts. She instinctively wraps her hand tightly around the football to bring it up and send it spiraling effortlessly back into the boy's direction.

Her mind can't seem to discard the simple thought of Jade and all that had come along with the sudden appearance of the new girl. How does this brunette just show up and completely flip Kinsey's world upside down, making her feel things that she's never felt for anyone, especially a girl?

"Kins!" James shouts as the football abruptly passes Kinsey's ear.

The normally alert teen doesn't notice the ball passing until a draft of wind tickles her earlobe. The ball bouncing awkwardly on its narrow points, onto the open field space behind her. She looks up at her friend in brief confusion before sighing and turning around to jog for the ball behind her.

The two are the only ones at the Kingsman Bounty field on Saturday morning since the school allows the team access to use it for practice on the weekends. It usually would be a team practice session, but despite the practice being canceled Kinsey insisted on her partner-in-crime, James, coming along to get in a good training session. Her exact words being, "I can't afford to slack when I have a body like this to maintain" before yanking the larger male by his upper arm, right out of his bed.

Once she jogs back to her spot, James is already heading towards her direction, skin red as sweat drips from his drenched hair. The two have been working out and trying out new football routes and plays for the past two hours.

"Kins, what the fuck is up with you today?" He stifles in between breaths, concerned for his best friend after she has missed nearly seventy percent of the passes he's thrown in her direction.

Kinsey scratches the back of her head, causing her messy top bun to loosen up, strands continuing to fall out. She looks up at James' face, knowing that she doesn't have the will to keep secrets from her best friend. He furrows his brows at Kinsey, able to tell that something is itching at the blonde's mind.

She spins the ball in the palm of her hand as she looks down, thinking of how to properly articulate her feelings. Something she doesn't do often.

"I was fucking around with this guy last night and we kind of hit it off, you could say," Kinsey candidly starts, feeling a little reluctant as thoughts of Jade plague her mind, knowing damn well that there is definitely no guy involved in this story at all.

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