Chapter 27 - Trauma Bond

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Somebody stirred in my bed, making me bolt upright as adrenaline kicked in. The first thing I saw was Liam at the foot of my bed, pulling on his clothes from yesterday. He had his phone in his hand, somehow texting and dressing at the same time. He noticed me straight away, looking over as he finished putting his soccer shirt on.

"Morning," he said, offering a warm and confident smile. "My mum's coming to pick me up so I can get ready for school. Are you gonna come in today?"

As I shrugged a nervous response, Charlie stirred and sat up beside me, yawning obnoxiously loud while he adjusted his... himself, in his pants, and then scratched his exposed belly where my shirt pulled up on him. He looked groggy and at ease, offering a lazy smile while his hair was a rat's nest, before his eyes widened in a panic.

"Shit, school," he said, clambering out of bed and stripping off my clothes. "Reckon your mum'll give me a ride, Liam?" he asked, pulling on his uniform from yesterday.

It occurred to me that I never offered either of them a shower yesterday. I couldn't imagine how uncomfortable Liam must've felt having been sweaty and hot from his game, but he didn't once complain. Even Charlie, an obnoxiously loud clown who was never exactly my number one fan from the beginning, somehow kept quiet. I'd have to pay them back whenever the opportunity presented itself.

"Should be fine," Liam agreed, swinging his bag over his shoulder. "She's already outside though so hurry up."

They raced outside to the same silver sedan as yesterday and were beginning to climb in when suddenly, I remembered Liam's leftover food in the fridge. "Liam, wait," I said quickly, rushing back inside to grab it. When I came back outside, I noticed him waiting outside of the car for me. He was leaning against the side of the door, looking so cool and collected that I found myself feeling shy. Especially after that thing I pulled last night.

I handed him the food. "You... you almost forgot this," I practically stuttered.

Liam grinned. "You could've finished it yourself," he said, but Charlie already reached out from inside the car and grabbed it from me.

"I'll take that," Charlie said, and opened the lids to scoff everything he could fit inside his mouth.

Liam chuckled and ruffled my hair. Enjoying the feeling of his hand through my hair, I couldn't help but smile up at him. "I mean... I tried," I offered, but Liam just cracked up.

"It was a solid effort," he said with a grin. "We have our chemistry test today, and it's good 'cause it's gonna be marked on the spot. No unbearable suspense."

My smile faltered slightly. Knowing how poor my results would be already, I was suddenly less enthusiastic about the idea of going to school. Tristan and I used to study together over video call most nights, but since I'd let him down like that, I hadn't even looked at a single piece of homework.

Liam seemed to notice my reaction and tilted his head like a curious puppy. "You don't think you did well?" he asked.

When I shook my head, he smiled reassuringly and said, "I think you'll be fine, Jude. You're one of the few brighter academics at school. I really hope you'll come and watch me play again. I need some good luck from you before our big game this weekend."

How could I say no to that? Liam Petry specifically asked me to watch his game today. Liam Petry. The Liam Petry. The coolest guy in school. We had become friends. He slept in my bed. I slept on his arm! How good was my life right now? The reality of our progress was just beginning to sink in the longer I actually thought about it. I was making friends with his friends. My best friend seemed to have the hots for his sister. Liam wanted to be my friend. And he thought I was smart! Sure, he may not be the brightest cookie in the toolbox for that reason, but I was so excited that I didn't even know what to do with myself anymore.

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