Chapter 8 - Liam POV: Collecting Collateral

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Since Jude seemed to like to have his way when it came to me and playing my game, I doubted I'd be able to convince him not to do my work for me in the storage room. That's why I set out to complete it before lunchtime this time. As I strode through the gym, I noticed Coach talking with someone in his small box-office. Since it was predominantly all windows, it wasn't hard to see who he was with.

Josh Carter.

I backed up a bit and tried to be as inconspicuous as possible while I eavesdropped on their conversation. "If you want a chance to up your position then that's what I have on offer for you," Coach said. "You can either take it or leave it, Josh. I don't know what else to tell you."

Sounds like Josh'd been harassing him about his current position on the field. It didn't feel like some big secret that he wanted my spot at centre midfield, so my best guess was that he was probably trying to get as close as possible to it. But he definitely didn't look too happy. He grumbled a reply I couldn't hear then started to turn. Guess I'd find out during our next official game this weekend. I buzzed off quickly before he noticed me and headed straight for the storage room.

Ivana came in shortly after with some food and drinks that we shared while working and chatting. She was a great past time and had lots of stories about her home in the Netherlands. It's not often you meet such a fun-buzzed, down to earth, crazy hot chick. And she was nice to some dorky kid she met the first time. Bonus points. But she was due to go back home in a few months, so our time together was going to be pretty short lived.

And I was perfectly okay with that.

After finishing up, we spent the last few minutes of first break making out on top of a stack of boxes. But when the bell rang, we both startled and probably nearly bit each other's tongues. We parted, chuckling at the near miss. I walked Ivana to her class and hugged her before making my way out of the building towards my own. I'd be late, but it was worth it since she was a big help before.

As I was passing a corner, I noticed Josh Caster standing there with someone who at a brief glance, I thought was Jude. But I realised this was a chick who was, upon closer inspection, a reasonable amount taller than him. Josh had her pinned against the wall while her legs wrapped around him, playing the most gruesome game of tonsil hockey I ever saw.

It made me want to barf.

Why was he making out with someone who resembled his brother so much? It was gross no matter what way you looked at it. No wonder they weren't close. Josh probably had some weird brother fetish or something. What else would explain this scene unfolding before my eyes? If I was this repulsed, what would Jesus think? This guy was a pretty absurd acting Christian.

Struck with a genius idea, I pulled out my phone and took a quick snap. Then, realising I had gone unnoticed all this time, I decided to push the limits and flip my phone to video mode. I captured a good minute of their snogging and the next closest thing to bumping uglies I wish I never saw. Just having it on my phone now felt gross. But if anything happened, I needed some collateral. And when it came to someone as vindictive and overbearingly jealous and smallminded as Josh Caster, one could never be too careful.

I pocketed my phone and minded my own business all the way to class.

Jude was in the last class before lunch. I counted the minutes on the clock as the teacher gave us free study time towards the end of the period, waiting until I could let him know the storage room was finished. When the bell rang, everyone stood. Ben and Charlie got up and were rambling on about stuff I didn't pay attention to while my focus homed in completely on Jude. His eyes were already on me, and I watched them widen and look away as I approached him.

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