40 - The Dream Tailor

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Casus Majstar lifted his index finger to his lips and winked through the monocle. Seated beside him was an attractive black woman with piercing brown eyes and wild curling braided hair that tumbled onto her lap. She was dressed head to toe in white. Her long flowing dress splayed out across the parquet flooring and she wore a cape that hung loosely from her shoulders. Her fingernails were impossibly long and on each thumb were ornate silver rings. She looked familiar to Charlie. Maybe a superhero from a comic book he had read when he was younger.

Mrs. Marney re-appeared. She had thrown on a smart jacket and touched up her make-up. A recent spray of 'Forget-Me-Not' perfume filled the corridor with a floral scent. She was visibly rattled by their presence. "Sir. Madam," she blustered. "Many apologies. My assistant neglected to inform me of your names."

The woman stood. "Our names are of no matter," she said serenely. "We only wish to contribute. Anonymously."

"Indeed, indeed," simpered Mrs. Marney. "Please. Follow me into my office. My assistant will be back shortly with chocolate hobnobs."

The woman nodded disinterestedly and followed the headteacher into her office.

Casus remained seated. As soon as the door closed, they bombarded him with questions.

"What are you doing here?"

"Who's that woman?"

"Are we in danger?"

"Where did you get that suit?"

"Is that moustache stuck on?"

Casus hushed them. "It is good to see you all again. Please do not worry. However, there is little time," he said urgently. He reached between his legs under his seat and removed a weathered medical bag.

Elliot returned from the toilet. His eyes were red and puffy. His nose was running and he wiped it on his blazer sleeve. He had been crying.

"Who are you?" he snivelled, pointing at Casus.

"Having saved your life more than once, you would think my face would stick in the memory!" Casus snorted sarcastically.

Recognition dawned across Elliot's swollen face. "Casus? What's going on?" he asked excitedly.

"An intervention by the Dream Tailor has been authorised," informed Casus. "I have escorted her here to the school."

Elliot's expression darkened. "What about you, Casus?" he asked anxiously. "Did you have to time trade to be here?" he gulped.

Isla caught on to Elliot's meaning. "Does that mean...?" she quivered. "That you're going to die?"

"I never knew you cared," he winked. "However, do not be alarmed," he calmed them. "I am perfectly safe here. I am protected by..."

"What is a Dream Tailor?" interrupted Amelia.

"She will ensure that all memories from yesterday's school trip will be altered for your classmates and teachers. They will only remember spending the entire history trip with the six of you," he replied.

"My mum!" gasped Isla, stepping towards the headteacher's office door. "Will she be okay? Will it hurt?"

"Your mother will be perfectly fine," reassured Casus. "The Dream Tailor will not harm anyone. It is most easily described as a reset."

"What about us?" asked Rose. "Is she gonna wipe our memories as well?"

"No," murmured Casus solemnly. "If only it were that simple," he added.

"What do you mean?" asked Charlie.

"The Dream Tailor's methods are only effective within a person's own time and space," he tried to explain. "She cannot erase or alter the memories of an Upworlder's time in the Lowdown. Or vice versa."

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