21 - The South Circus

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Clavis Majstar walked with the six from his office back to the top platform. "You must take the Wonderground to Elephants & Castles station in order to meet with the Quarter Council members," the commander instructed. "Good luck." He waved goodbye and left them standing there, bewildered.

"I want to go back now," said Elliot miserably.

"Are you daft?" said Jack with disbelief. "This has already been the best day of our lives!"

"Come on Elliot," encouraged Rose. "Remember that time is frozen back home anyway."

"We need you," said Amelia imploringly.

Elliot brightened with Amelia's words.

"Besides," said Charlie. "I get the feeling that the only way out is through!"

They saw the green-haired station master up ahead.

"The next train is arriving now," she informed them. "Change at The South Circus for Elephants & Castles."

"What do we do when we get there?" asked Elliot.

"Arrangements will be made," replied Tasha. "You will not be able to miss a meeting of the Quarter Council," she said knowingly.

It came as no surprise as the Shadow Kiss rolled into the station and Eeleye's head popped out of an open window.

"Are you guys following me?" he joked. He leaned out of the window and pulled down the door handle. "I trust that Canine Class will be in order," he said, gesturing towards the open door.

"It most certainly will," brightened Jack. "I'm starving."

"As long as you're not going to barricade us inside again!" snorted Rose.

"A necessary evil," flushed Eeleye. "To bring you before the great Clavis Majstar." He bowed in deference in the direction of the commander's office before changing the subject. "The carriage has been freshly cleaned," continued the conductor. "We had an infestation of cupcake crumbs...," he said accusingly.

The six jumped on board sheepishly, each one smiling guiltily at him.

"Sorry, Eeleye," said Elliot.

"No apology needed," replied the conductor. "However, Tog has asked me to inform you that napkins are available under the seats," he said. "Behind the parachutes."

Elliot wondered momentarily why a train would need parachutes but was distracted quickly by the replenished glass cabinet filled with baked goods. Well, mostly filled. Five of the items were already being chewed inside his friends' mouths. None of them had a napkin.

Ten minutes and two doughnuts each later, the internal carriage door creaked open and Eeleye's head followed his hat around the edge of the door. "We are arriving at The Convent station," he informed them. "Two more stops until The South Circus, where you will change for Elephants & Castles."

The soft orchestral tune began to play again. The carriage curtains opened as they slowed to a complete stop. The lights in the carriage were brighter than the station outside and all they could see were their reflections in the windows. They pressed their noses to the glass and cupped their hands to blot out the light from the carriage chandeliers. They could hear running water. A fountain maybe. As their eyes adjusted, they saw that the station platform was illuminated by candles recessed into alcoves in a lump of wet grey rock that formed the rear wall of the platform. There were no passengers waiting to board the Shadow Kiss and nobody left the train. After a couple of minutes, the engine shuddered into life and moved off. At the end of the platform, as they were about to enter the tunnel, Charlie spotted a solitary cloaked figure crouched on a rock, unmoving as if in meditation. As their carriage passed by, the body jolted upright to reveal an ancient woman with wispy smoke-grey hair poking out from under a filthy hood. She glared at him in horror through milky eyes before shielding her face with her long bony fingers and swaying from side to side where she stood. The tunnel swallowed them up and she was gone.

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