
Hi I wanted to know that the royals love starting is quite abrubt and a little confusing as many things they are saying I can't quite catch it in the story so will it be revealed later in the book or I have to read another book before this


@ArishaAtique actually I started the book as a sequel for Unexpected Journey but you can continue with the Royal's Love since the story of UJ will be there as flashbacks 


Hey Samarch!
          I want to ask when are you going to upload next chapter of iqraar e mohabbat .
          Please upload it as soon as possible, I have been waiting for so long.
          But if you are having any trouble or problem in writing or if there is any issue in your personal life because of which you can't write,there is no issue I can wait. But please let me know 


@Jolie_zainab It will take a lot of time before I start updating that book. I am busy with my college works as well as the pending books so it will take time. I am sorry for the delay