
So, I plan to actually begin writing much more frequently and begin posting my official wattpad story within the next couple of weeks after my final exams come to an end and I have roughly a month off before the Spring 2016 semester begins. In the mean time, if anyone is interesting in an editor, or someone to leave a review, let me know! I have an editing degree I'm looking to put to use. so from December 17th-January 15th I will be open to taking editing offers.
          	-Volcanoes ✌


@WeAreLikeVolcanoes Ok well I havent posted it Yet, but I've finished the first chapter in my drafts and I wanted some feedback on the characters, if its devoloping too quickly, is my grammar fine? Anything along those lines before I publish.


Hey, awesome person ❤️ thank you for following this not so awesome author! Now you’re one of my angels ❤️ I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for reading and voting Enamoured ♡ I hope you’ll have amazing day cos you just made mine!!  It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡     
          P.s. Have you read the first book called Entwined? ♡ 


I did read Entwined and I absolutely loved it! Avery/Mila is so sassy and relatable! I love it! 


So, I plan to actually begin writing much more frequently and begin posting my official wattpad story within the next couple of weeks after my final exams come to an end and I have roughly a month off before the Spring 2016 semester begins. In the mean time, if anyone is interesting in an editor, or someone to leave a review, let me know! I have an editing degree I'm looking to put to use. so from December 17th-January 15th I will be open to taking editing offers.
          -Volcanoes ✌


@WeAreLikeVolcanoes Ok well I havent posted it Yet, but I've finished the first chapter in my drafts and I wanted some feedback on the characters, if its devoloping too quickly, is my grammar fine? Anything along those lines before I publish.