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a rant book and story book door RandomGuy1967
a rant book and story bookdoor RandomGuy1967
I rant about things and share my experiences and maybe a few pickup lines also I don't know what to put for the genre
Next Life  door BeauOberholzer
Next Life door Beau Oberholzer
days whent by while u recognize that u where here before changes where made and life got horrible every day till the end
Waking Up door kinnzie
Waking Updoor kinnzie
I want everything to he okay. I want Ben back in my life. He obviously didn't want me at the time. He mad it clear. Why didn't he ever ask about my past. How bad was my...
What Sunday Was door sophia-hansen
What Sunday Wasdoor sophia-hansen
A short story on a young girl grappling with family, religious and personal growth. As she goes through changes in her family and personal life, her body starts to chang...
Welcome, I want to write door StarlynTheCommunist
Welcome, I want to writedoor StarlynCassiopeia _
Enjoy your stay, it will be positive and negative
welcome to the void door itdoesnt_matter
welcome to the voiddoor itdoesnt_matter
An insight in my mind, A chance to see what's underneath
My Personal Mini Diary door dreamerfromthenorth
My Personal Mini Diarydoor dreamerfromthenorth
I will write in here my feelings. They may be happy, or sad, or depressing, or angry, but they are mine. They may be in metaphorical form or what actually goes on in my...
tengo más de un secreto, todos tenemos más de un secreto... todos tenemos algo que valoramos más que cualquier cosa en la vida; mi secreto más grande tiene que ver con e...
Issues door TheWittyRomantic
Issuesdoor Jane
No longer dealing primarily with eating disorders, this story is a compilation of reader submitted stories, my own experiences, and general facts on mental health and me...