Brumm Mga Kuwento

16 Mga Kuwento

The Scarlet Flame |A Grimm X reader story| ni GrindyVine
The Scarlet Flame |A Grimm X GrindyVine
You are the assistant of the master troupe, the second highest position with the master being the first. you held a lot of responsibilites to keep the troupe intact, as...
Void and Flames(Ghost X Grimmchild) ni GaiaKoraidon
Void and Flames(Ghost X Grimmchild)ni Manta of Orcinus
This is my first official Hollow Knight story(I say that because I did a Hollow Knight and Ori crossover when I wrote The Lights in the Dark), and honestly, I love this...
Ask Hallownest! (Rewritten) ni Stuffyay
Ask Hallownest! (Rewritten)ni Stuffyay
ok it's not exactly a rewrite, but this is where my more recent hcs of hollow knight will be put! you can ask anyone you like, but please don't have a for all because I...
Hollow Knight Oneshots (COMPLETED) ni ThePaleKingsVessel
Hollow Knight Oneshots (COMPLETED)ni CALYPSO
(EDIT: I have so many requests, oh my god- Requests are temporarily closed while I get my ass in gear and figure out how to make everyone's stuff. Probably gonna combine...
Hollow Knight One Shots! [Requests Closed] ni Sour_Taco
Hollow Knight One Shots! [ An
Yes this is something I'm doing, surprise for my Ghost x Grimm book readers! Hopefully this book will be at least okay. I will state rules in the first chapter so if you...
A Flickering Story (Ghost x Grimm)  ni Sour_Taco
A Flickering Story (Ghost x Grimm) ni An
This story is a ship between two characters in the game Hollow Knight. Before reading this I would suggest you try to get and play the game, at least one play through f...
Does A Purple Rose Bloom? (Fem Grimm x Oc) (On Hiatus) ni Sour_Taco
Does A Purple Rose Bloom? (Fem An
Hello everyone this is Taco, so I'm working with AnimationNation7 to bring you this book!!! It's a genderswap Grimm x AnimationNation7's Oc! Their Oc is named Zavier, I...
Hollow Knight Oneshots -Open- ni Thatoneorange-katt
Hollow Knight Oneshots -Open-ni Wilbur Katt
I'm bored, and I love me some ships so why not? Rules- No Hornet x Ghost (Incest is gross) I may write ocs but the process with take much longer and you will have to hav...
"How Did Nymm Become Brumm?" ni Laisooo
"How Did Nymm Become Brumm?"ni Laisooo
[Based on a text RP with Terrychoois!] "...But unlike the others, Nymm wasn't here for the show-he was here only for the Master of the Troupe Grimm."
A New World ni ThePurePrince
A New Worldni ThePurePrince
a story of humans and gods, but not the gods you might think of
Shadow & fire [ Grimm X The Knight ] a Hollow knight fanfic ni TopHatAndKiwi
Shadow & fire [ Grimm X The TopHatAndKiwi
kiwi- The story of the Knight and Grimm's love. They'll face challenges together, learn more about eachother, and become closer. Even though it's a struggle to communica...
Headcanons and Au Canons ni Eeveeling101
Headcanons and Au Canonsni Eeveeling101
I am bored I use bases and modify them to fit the design better the only thing I make is my idea and/or version of the character unless their an Oc of mine