Historias de Baduncle

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6 Historias

Hidden under the red leaves  de lilanimeki
Hidden under the red leaves de Miss.Uzumaki
Basically it's a Mha au Where dekus born with not 1 quirk but two one being a mutation and the other being a mix of emitter, transformation, and mutation When Izuku was...
Dreaming To Have You (ON GOING) de squibilins
Dreaming To Have You (ON GOING)de squibilins
A teen age girl who have a crush on a guy. But that guy never notice her even just a glimpse of an eye, it didn't happen! So the girl and her friend decided to stalk him...
Roses Left To Wilt de Jasmine_VermTae69
Roses Left To Wiltde Jazmine Vermillion
The rose-colored filter that fifteen-year-old Rosella Onruang saw the cruel world through was already foggy enough. Living in the bustling city of Chicago, you might not...
Crying Steel de EmptyBastion
Crying Steelde MumbletoVito
5 year old Erin Lance's and his 3 year old sister Lily's lives are changed entirely when their mother dies in a car accident and their father commits suicide a year late...