Avatarhumanau Mga Kuwento

5 Mga Kuwento

Mint green and dark blue shoes | aonunete human Au  ni PoopyPinkPewson
Mint green and dark blue shoes | a...ni PoopyPinkPewson
"when something gets good, it must get bad again. that's what makes you greatful for the good times" jake is faced with a job promotion, he has to move himse...
One For All (ATTOW HUMAN AU) ni d33perreadzz
One For All (ATTOW HUMAN AU)ni d33per.readzz_
This is a story where the Sully's move from San Francisco, California to Orlando, Florida. Not much of a big change but still a huge change. The children of the family s...
We don't believe what's on tv | DISCONTINUED  ni PoopyPinkPewson
We don't believe what's on tv | DI...ni PoopyPinkPewson
If u wanna read another human Au by me, check out my other stout mint green and dark blue shoes!!! Avatar the way of water human/high school AU "I think I'll miss y...
The Misfits (Avatar Human Au) ni pandorafilmzzs
The Misfits (Avatar Human Au)ni °•loak°•
The sullys have been best friends with the metkayinas since birth till the metkayinas had to move (yes rotxo is one of them to ) after 7 years later the metkayinas move...
avatar human AU ni tsireyaqxx
avatar human AUni tina 🤞
"and one day, your name didn't make me smile anymore"