My Father's Boss's Son (Vkook)

By blurryfacebrit

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This is a story of two boys. One rich and one poor. They hated each other with a passion . Will they learn to... More



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By blurryfacebrit

Third person pov

Jungkook went home that evening and stormed into his mansion angrily. He grabbed his hair in his hands and groaned as he paced back and forth. The maids noticed his behaviour. Things like this usually happened but something was different this time. He had a guilty look on his face and tears in his eyes.
"Mr.Jungkook are you okay? What would you like me to get you?"

"Shut up! Mind your own business and leave me alone! I don't need anything or anyone! Got that?"
He said and glared daggers at them before walking up the stairway to his room.

His father heard the yelling and walked downstairs to ask the maids what had happened. Taehyung's father was also with Mr.Jeon since they were discussing stuff about the new clothing line that the company was going to release.

"Sir he came home in a rage and well he was...he had tears in his eyes but something isn't right sir. Something is bothering him."
The maid said and bowed before walking to the kitchen.

Mr.Jeon was about to go to Jungkook's room but he stopped when Mr.Kim's phone rang.
Mr.Jeon studied the expression on Mr.Kim's and he immediately became worried. Mr. Kim was clutching his heart, his eyes were filled with tears and the phone fell from his hands.
He broke down crying and fell on his knees while hiding his face with his hands.
He said as he continued to cry.
"Your son...he...he."

"My son? What did he do? Dan what is wrong with Taehyung?!"
Mr.Jeon asked worriedly. He knew Jungkook had something to do with this and he wasn't happy at all.

"Please take me to the hospital. I-i need to get there n-now. Your son he..."

When Mr.Kim told Mr.Jeon what Jungkook had done, Mr.Jeon's eyes turned bloodshot. He was extremely furious.
"Tell the driver to take Mr.Kim to the hospital. He needs to get there quickly."
He said to the maids and they nodded nervously because his tone was extremely stern. No one knew what was happening but they knew it was serious.

"Mr.Kim please I'm sorry I'm extremely sorry. I will cover all the hospital bills. I will teach Jungkook a lesson."

Mr.Kim didn't listen he just walked out. He was sick of Jungkook treating his son like this. Today Jungkook crossed the limits and he was going to take action.

Mr.Jeon walked up to Jungkook's room and banged on the door harshly.
"Open the fucking door Jungkook! How dare you! How dare you do this to him! I didn't know i raised a criminal!"
"Open the door!"

"Shut up dad! You don't know anything!"
Jungkook yelled back and Mr.Jeon was shocked. Mr.Jeon had enough. He used all his strength and pushed upon the door.
He completely lost it this time.

"Why did you do this to him huh? Why Jungkook! Answer me! Why?!"
Mr.Jeon yelled loudly.

"Because...because I fucking love him okay. I love him... I love him so much father no one understands. I don't even understand myself. I don't know what went into me at that moment. I was apologizing to him and he wasn't forgiving me. I got angry and i-"
Jungkook then began to cry and he continuously slammed his head against the wall."
" I-i need help dad I need help."
Jungkook said as he fell on the floor and his head was bleeding.

"Jungkook this isn't love! How could you do this to the one you love? do know that it's too late now right? You already did it and I'm afraid...Taehyung would never forgive you again."
Mr.Jeon said in a monotonous tone. He was extremely angry at Jungkook. His son was the perfect definition of a maniac.

"Dad i honestly love him. I have issues okay. I promise I don't know what happened. I felt a sudden urge to do it and I...I did. I don't deserve to live anymore. I can't face him again dad i- don't know what to do. What have I done?"
Jungkook asked his father as he continued to cry. The guilt and regret he was feeling was too much to bear.

~At the Hospital~

"Doctor how is he?" Jimin asked as he looked down at his bestfriend who was now wearing a hospital gown and was now laying on the hospital bed.

"He's doing better now. We did everything we could've to ensure that he will not wake up with much pain. I think he will be fine. He just needs some rest now Mr.Park."
The doctor said and waved at Jimin before walking away. Bogum was outside the hospital room with Taehyung's father. They had been there for hours. Mr.Kim just wanted to hear his son's beautiful voice again. He couldn't stop crying.

Jimin was sitting beside Taehyung's bed and he was completely lost in his own world. He was stressed out about what had happened with his bestfriend. He couldn't forget what he saw.
Suddenly he heard a soft "Jimin"

His eyes widened and he immediately looked at Taehyung. A smile made it's way to Jimin's face when he saw that his bestfriend was now slightly awake.

"Shhh Tae I know what happened. Please don't think about that. Your dad, Bogum and I are here for you. We shouldn't have allowed you to talk to that monster alone."
Jimin said softly as he caressed Taehyung's cheek. He wanted to cry when he saw that Taehyung was awake. He was happy that Taehyung woke up. They were all worried.
Jimin called Taehyung's dad and Bogum into the room. They were all happy to see that Taehyung was awake.
Taehyung's dad hugged him gently and played with his son's hair.
"Tae you didn't tell me that all of this was happening at school. I would've taken you to another school. Son please I don't want you anywhere near him. I want you to be safe. I can't let something like this happen again. You're too precious to me son."

Taken smiled a little when he listened to what his father had to say. He was thankful to have his father and his friends.

"We're going to take this matter to the police Taehyung. We won't let him get away with this. That sick bastard deserves nothing but to rot and die in jail!"
Bogum said and Taehyung quickly shook his head.

"N-no please. Please don't tell the police. I want to just- i want to leave this place i want to forget about him. I want to forget that this ever happened."
Taehyung said as he looked at Bogum and his father.

"But Tae-"
Mr.Kim was then cut off by Taehyung.

"Dad w-what he did was extremely terrible. I know. I know but please don't get the police involved. I no longer want to be around him but I know- somewhere deep down inside he's actually a nice guy. He just let his anger get the best of him. He needs help dad. I know he can be good. There were so many times where he did good things for me. I want to forget about him and move on."

"I'm going to study abroad dad. I need to go. I need to leave this place."

"Taehyung you know I can't live without you."
Jimin said as he looked at his bestfriend with tears in his eyes.

"I know Chim b-but it's for my own good. I have to do this. I-i'm sorry."
Taehyung said as hot tears trickled down his cheeks. He then wiped his tears and tried his best to smile at Jimin. He just wanted to move on now. He had to. He couldn't continue his life like this.

Hey everyone I hope you guys are enjoying the book. I promise it will get better. Love you guys 💖💕


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