Paint || BokuAka

By r3dlov3

34.6K 1.3K 2K

"What would you say if I said I loved you?" He's lost in his own reality that shattered right in front of him... More

- chapter 1 β€’ red paint -
- chapter 2 β€’ coffee -
- chapter 3 β€’ emotions -
- chapter 4 β€’ bruises -
- chapter 5 β€’ ice cream -
- chapter 6 β€’ why do you care? -
- chapter 7 β€’ college boys-
- chapter 8 β€’ texting -
- chapter 9 β€’ beach -
- chapter 10 β€’ galaxy of colors -
- chapter 11 β€’ i want your help -
- chapter 12 β€’ sleep deprivation -
- chapter 13 β€’ sunrise -
- chapter 14 β€’ the text -
- chapter 16 β€’ bang -
- chapter 17 β€’ only because he was high -
- chapter 18 β€’ lighter -
- chapter 19 β€’ isolate, now -
- chapter 20 β€’ waiter boy; useless -
- chapter 21 β€’ hey, pretty boy -
- chapter 22 β€’ each month; fight for sanity -
- chapter 23 β€’ everything is destroying me -
- chapter 24 β€’ stuck in my own riptide -
- chapter 25 β€’ never the same -
- chapter 26 β€’ imagination was key -
- chapter 27 β€’ happiness can't be found -
- chapter 28 β€’ snow falls -
- chapter 29 β€’ happy birthday, keiji -
- chapter 30 β€’ epilogue -

- chapter 15 β€’ boy in pink, chances -

1.1K 42 38
By r3dlov3

"No..! Get your hands off me!" He screamed as the guy came closer and closer to him.

"Baby.. but I love you.." The guy said, his face was pitch black but his body looked normal.

"No you don't!" He cried out.


Akaashi woke up in terror panting hard, sweat beat down his whole body.

"No.. you don't love me.." Akaashi whispered out, he shook his head. One tear fell down his face.

"Akaashi..?" A groggy voice cracked out. "Are you okay? What happened?" Bokuto leaned up from the warm spot he was laying in.

"I.. I'm sorry Bokuto-san.." Akaashi looked over at the boy sitting next to him. "B-Bad dream." He smiled.

"Let's go.. back to sleep." Bokuto said, he was half awake, half asleep.

"..okay." Akaashi trailed off and laid back down. The black face swirled his mind, touched him. He squeezed his eyes to try and get the image out of his head. "Get out.."

Akaashi began to weep quietly, little sobs squeaked out of his mouth.

"Shh.." Bokuto whispered and pulled Akaashi closer to him.

Akaashi accepted and got as close at he could get to the muscular boy. He clutched onto the boys shirt and put his head into his chest, he cried weakly as Bokuto held him close.


"Hey Kuro.." Kenma weakly says.


Kenma clung to his arm more while they walk down the empty road.

"Aw kitten.. you cold?" Kuroo nudged more into the shorter boy. Kuroo laughed a bit when the shoulder-length haired boy shoved into him.

"Can I.. ask you something?" Kenma shortly said.

"Go for it!"

Kenma took a small breath in, trying to release the stress in his mind. "Do you love me..?"


Kuroo stopped walking pulling him back from Kenma's short step. "Nevermind.. forget I asked that." Kenma tried to walk more but was pulled back by a large hand on his wrist.

Kuroo pulled him and held his shoulder, he couldn't move, he was stuck in place.

"What type of question is that Kenma?" Kuroo looked down a bit to meet his eyes. Kenma's eyes darted away from his, slightly embarrassed from the question.

"I.. don't know.." Kenma shivered out, tears pricked at his eyes.

"Kenma, look at me." Kuroo lifted his hand up and slid a piece of hair dangling on Kenma's forehead. Kenma creaked his eyes up and looked at him, his eyes glistening with tears.

"You don't have to answer that Kuro-"

"Kenma, I love you. You know that.. right?" Kuroo's voice turned soft and gentle. Crimson blush spread across their faces.

"I.. I know.." He creaked a smile out.

"I love you." Kuroo shook Kenma's shoulders. "I love you. I love you. I love you!" Kuroo kept repeating those three words over and over, getting louder each time.

"Kuro!" Kenma whisper-yelled. "Shush!" Kenma was a full blown tomato at this point. His ears were boiling from embarrassment and his nose was bright red.

"Aw, your little nose is so red!" Kuroo laughed. Kuroo leaned down a bit and slid his nose across Kenma's. Giving him an Eskimo kiss that tickled at Kenma's cold nose. Kuroo slid his nose down and connected their lips, they fit perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle connected.

Their lips ever so slightly pushing on each others. "I love you.." Kuroo whispered while pulling away from the boy.

Kenma titled his head a bit and smiled, "I love you to.. but if you ever do that again in public I'm killing you!" Kenma huffed and pulled him along.

Kuroo laughed more, pulling Kenma back into his side. Kenma curled his hand into Kuroo's and leaned his head onto his shoulder.

A couple minutes passed by as they were walking down the cracked sidewalk, a slight cold spike came on Kuroo's hand.

"Is it raining?" Kuroo stopped and lifted his hand up to see if he could feel the slight rain drops on his palm. "Weird." Kuroo lifted his hand up, taking Kenma's sturdy point away. He fell into Kuroo's chest.

"Are we tired Kitten?" Kuroo laughed. Kuroo poked at Kenma's bun on the back of his head. "You okay, Kitty?" Kuroo lifted his hand up and whipped his thump on Kenma's cheek.

Kenma pushed back into Kuroo's chest deflecting his hand.

"Why are you crying?" Kuroo put a hand on the two-toned haired boy's head.

"I'm not crying." Kenma sternly said, hearing slight shake in his voice.

"You are."

"Am not."

"You are."

"Shut up."

"I'm cherishing this tender moment from you Kitten.." Kuroo closed in on Kenma's small body and squeezed him. Kenma melting in his arms, accepting the tight squeeze and nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck.

"I'm carrying you back now." Kuroo muffled into his ear.

"No your not." Kenma tried pulling away from him.

"Yes I am!" Kuroo grabbed Kenma and wrapped his legs around his waist forcing Kenma to wrap his own arms around Kuroo's neck. Kuroo started running while holding him.

"I'm going to kill you Kuro!" Kenma yelled, laughter came from his mouth.

"Love you Kenma!" Kuroo screamed back as he ran down the sidewalk, some people looking gave while dirty glares, others in confusion of the commotion.

"Love you.. Tetsurō."


'Where am I? What's happening?.. It's so dark.' His mind raced as he sat in the middle of darkness, shadows harassing him from the depths. 'Get.. away from me! Why cant I speak? It's not coming out of my mouth!' He panicked. Someone's coming, a dark shadow, pitch black face touching him.


"Mh!" Akaashi woke up in a panic, his lips sealed. His face started to boil up, where's Bokuto?

Akaashi's eyes darted around the small dorm room, no sign of the owl boy.

"Bokuto-san..?" Akaashi whispered. "Bokuto-san?!" His words raised. His thoughts raced.

Did he leave?

Of course he left. Staying with someone like you.

Where did he go?

Don't leave me yet..

"Akaashi?" Bokuto walked into the room. "What's wrong?"

Bokuto's hair was down, drenched in water. His sweatpants hanged low and his sweater made him look amazing. Akaashi stared at him in awe.

"Akaaashii?" Bokuto's words slithered out. Bokuto closed the door and jumped onto the bed, bouncing and landing with his legs crossed under him. "What happened?"

"Where did you go..?" Akaashi mumbled, still awe-ing over how cute Bokuto looked with his hair down.

"I just had to take a quick shower." Bokuto pointed by the door. "I'm sorry, I should've told you!" He said while patting his hand against his neck.

Akaashi sat there, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I just woke up badly.." He slipped one leg out of the blanket, coldness rushed over his leg, refreshing him.

Bokuto sat up a bit and looked at him, "Soo! Should we do somethin' today?" He fiddled with his hands.

"Mm.." Akaashi hummed, "Want to go to the library?"

Bokuto groaned, "The library?!" He fell forwards and laid stiffly on the bed.

"Well I'll just go by myself then." Akaashi lifted his head up and slid out of the blankets.

"Fine." Bokuto rolled over, "I'll go with you."

"Okay." Akaashi simply said. "Do you have any clothes I can borrow..?" He shifted his weight to his other leg.

"Yea!" Bokuto bounced up and went over to the small dresser in the corner. "What do you feel like wearing?"

"I can just stay in these pants.." Akaashi fiddled around, "A fresh hoodie would be nice though."

"Coming right up!" Bokuto rummaged through the clothes and pulled out a big light pink hoodie. "I think pink would look good on you, Akaashi!" He smiled. Akaashi smiled back, he liked pink, sometimes.

Akaashi took the hoodie and pulled it over his head and shifted it to be comfortable. He wiggled his arms, the hoodie was slightly bigger than him.

"Thanks, Bokuto-san." He looked up.

"Now that.. looks amazing on you! I mean honestly I don't like pink much, but my sister got it for me.." Bokuto waved his hand, "But it fits you! Style wise.. you know?" He was stuttering.

"Settle down a bit Bokuto-san. Your stuttering.." Akaashi walked over and flicked him on the forehead. Bokuto stumbled back a bit and cupped his forehead.

"That was mean Akaashi!" Bokuto whined, Akaashi was already out the door. "Agaasheee! Wait for me!" Bokuto whined again. Bokuto skipped out of the door and ran up to the boy in pink.


"So what are you looking for Akaashi?" Bokuto walked into the library with his hands in his pockets.

"I was thinking of a painting book." He mumbled.

"That's cool!" Bokuto was intrigued.

Akaashi led the way to the section of books that included painting, ideas and techniques. He scanned the book shelves for a minute. "Hey Bokuto-san, what is that book's title?" He pointed at a slim green book.

"This one?" Bokuto pointed at the book, Akaashi nodded. He slid the book out of small slit and looked the title. "The.. Light of Colors." Bokuto repeated the book's title.

"Hand it to me please.." Akaashi stuck his hand out, Bokuto placed the book on his hand. Akaashi flipped through the book, sliding the slippery pages through his fingertips. "This is so damn annoying." He mumbled.

"What is..?" Bokuto noticed how he was squinting his eyes a bit. Akaashi looked up and tilted his head a bit.

"Oh sorry Bokuto-san," He closed the book gently, "I wear glasses.. but I don't have them on me right now."

"You wear glasses?!" Bokuto yelled. Multiple 'shh's' came around, same with dirty glares towards the enthusiastic boy.

"Yes, I do.." Akaashi giggled a bit.

"That's so cool!" Bokuto whispered but yelled at the same time. "I've never seen you wear them before though.."

Akaashi stood there in silence for a moment, "I don't like how they look on me, so I don't wear them often.."

"I bet you look amazing in them though!" He yelled once more. Akaashi giggled at the yelling.

"Bokuto-san.. we're going to get kicked out!" Akaashi laughed.

"My bad..!" Bokuto laughed along with him. "Where are they anyways? Your glasses?"

Akaashi stopped laughing, "The apartment."

"Oh.. we can just get you new ones!" Bokuto tried to bring the mood back up, it dropped to zero after he said that.

"No. They're too expensive.. we can get them later. I honestly don't need them, I can see most of the time anyways." Akaashi shifted and started to walk over to the register. Bokuto followed, he didn't respond.

Akaashi checked out the book, he was already a member of that library. They both walked out, a word wasn't spoken, not because of what they said, they just had nothing to say at the moment. A couple minutes passed by as they were walking down the road.

"I can go get them for you!" Bokuto broke the silence.

Akaashi kept walking for a moment, "No it's okay Bokuto-san." Akaashi declined.

"Nope! I insist! I'll get them today-"

"No." Akaashi cut him off.

"Akaashi you need them to see." He tried to convince him.

"No I don't. I can see perfectly fine."

"I'm going to go get them." Bokuto stood his request.

"Bokuto-san. Your not going.. I mean what if he's there. I don't want you to go.." He shifted his head lower.

"Akaashi.. I'll be fine, I want to get them for you, okay?" Bokuto said softly, "What are the chances he'll even be there?" Bokuto laughed.

Akaashi thought about it for a bit, "Fine. Thank you.." Akaashi smiled, he smiled back.

What were the chances he would be there? Multiple chances, multiple.

Chances that he would be there, chances he wouldn't.

But the chance he would be there circled both of their minds.

That chance was right. No one knew that that was going to happen.

No one.


a/n: 15th chapter, let's go- oh no. Also I had to add some kuroken, had to. hehe

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