The Kindness Of A Sunflower (...

By sunflowr6

201K 3.8K 1.2K

ON HIATUS When a simple act of kindness can change a girls life. Paige was just enjoying her life with her f... More

Author's Note/Introduction
twenty one
twenty two
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven

twenty three

3.6K 74 25
By sunflowr6


october 31, 2021


My eyes start to slowly and sleepily open. It feels like I slept for like two hours.

I am still under the fort Harry had made for us the night before. Well, the fort that Harry had orchestrated. Mitch and Sarah had really made it for us. The only thing that was different from when the two of us had fallen asleep last night, was the fact that the warm body that had been wrapped tightly around me was no longer there.

I push myself up on my arms to look around for the source of the noise and for the body that I was missing right now, when I hear another thud and a smack.

"Shit," a voice mumbles.

It sounds like it came from the kitchen coming towards the living room. I get up and leave the warmth of the blankets and walk to the kitchen to faintly see the outline of Harry on the floor.

There were no lights on so it was difficult to really tell but unless a burglar with a broad shoulders, pearls and curly hair clipped back on the top of his head had broken in, it was Harry.

I flicked on the light over the sink which had a softer glow to see, like I had guessed, Harry on the floor.

"Harry! Are you okay?" I ask, walking over quickly to help him up.

"I'm fine," he said standing up to his full height. "I didn't want to turn on any lights cause I didn't want to wake you up. So much for that plan. I just tripped over the chair but I'm okay."

He had a pair of black flare jeans with a hoodie and his beat up white Vans. His hair was pulled back in a little clip on top of his head and his pearls sat around his neck.

For five in the morning he looked absolutely amazing.

"Are you okay though? Did you hurt yourself? I can get you some ice if yo--"

"Baby I'm fine. Really. I'm a klutz so falling is like second nature to me. Do it all the time," he says while chuckling slightly.

"Okay. Just wanted to make sure."

He lets out a short little laugh and leans in to give me a small kiss but I pull back.

"I don't think you wanna do that," I say. "Morning breath."

"Yeah. Funnily enough, I don't really care," he says leaning back in with his hands cupping either side of my face, pressing his lips to my own.

It isn't a very long kiss, but even for so early in the morning I feel the fire behind it. No matter how many times he kisses me or even touches me for that matter, it always sends a spark of electricity down my spine. His tongue slips into my mouth when I open my lips slightly at the feeling of his hands going down to grab the flesh of my ass. A soft groan escapes my lips as I pull him even closer to me, threading my hands through the curls at the back of his neck.

His lips detach from mine as his phone starts to ring on the counter.

He lets out a huff and throws his head back.

"Every fucking time!" He exclaims reaching over to pick up the device and I laugh.

"Hello," he says in a gruff tone.

My hands slide from around his neck down his front to clasp behind his back. I press my head on his chest and I feel his one arm warp around me, tightening our embrace as he rests his chin on top of my head.

"I'm fine thank you. Yeah I'm ready to go. Great thanks I'll be down in a minute. Okay bye," he says into the phone.

He hangs up the phone and puts it into his back pocket. Now both of his arms wrap around me in a hug, squeezing me.

"The car is here. I won't be gone for a super long time. I should be back around 10 or 11. You should try and get some more sleep. It's early and we have a long day," he says with his cheek laying on my head.

I nuzzle into his warm chest, his scent surrounding me like a blanket. I never wanted to leave the safety that his arms provided.

I let out a sigh.

"Okay. Do you know what time you will be on?" I ask.

"I have a sound check at 7 and then I think I do the interview at 8:30 and the performance at 9. I'm doing Adore You, Golden, and Watermelon Sugar."

"Okay. I'm gonna watch."

He lets out a little laugh and gives me a squeeze.

"I have to go baby. I'll see you when I get home," he says, pressing his lips to my hair.


He breaks away and picks up his bag that he put on the chair next to us and we start to go to the front door.

"Bye love. I'll see you soon," he says, opening the door and giving me a quick peck on the forehead.

"I'll see you soon!"

He shuffles out the door and to the elevators, running his one hand through his hair before turning back and smiling at me. I close the door and go back over to the fort in the living room to pick up my phone.


I let out a sign and got back under the covers to try and get some more sleep.


I opened my eyes a little while later to find that I had only gotten an extra 2 hours of sleep. I also found out that it turned out to be impossible to fall back to sleep without the warmth of Harry's arms around me.

It was now 7:23 in the morning.

I was on my phone checking my email and other random things, when I clicked on my Instagram to see a bunch of new notifications.

My 800 followers who had grown exponential overnight to 7,000. A bunch of comments had been left on my posts and new people had viewed my story.


I mean, I didn't really think people would be able to find me that quickly. I mean it was one night and they only knew my name. But honestly what was I expecting. Let's not forget that I was in Harry's fandom, well I still am but now we're dating, I know how it works. I swear Harries are like fucking FBI agents.

I decided to not really read the comments.

I was a realistic person and I knew not all of them would be nice. I know myself and I know that seeing those and reading those would send me back into that dark place that I had worked so hard to get out of.

I finally got out of the fort, put my phone on the counter and started up the coffee machine to make myself some liquid energy. While I'm waiting for that, I walk up stairs to brush my teeth and change. I put on a new pair of leggings and I walked over to Harry's closet and pulled out his Columbia Records hoodie and slid it on.

It smells like him.

That sweet scent of vanilla that matched mine, with some woody undertones and a hit of tobacco.

I walk back down stairs while throwing my hair up and go over to see the mug that I had placed under the machine now full. I grab the creamer Harry had gotten for me from the fridge and put a splash in. I check my phone, while taking a sip, to see a text from Harry.

H: Just finished the sound check. The interview is in about an hour then performance then homeeeee!! :)

I smiled down at the message from him and typed my response.

paige: i hope it went well!! i just woke up. again. didn't sleep very well without you :( but i will be watching from here!! you will be great bub :)))

I take a blanket from the living room and walk outside to the balcony with my coffee and take a seat on one of the cushioned seats overlooking the city.

It was relatively warm for October in New York. The gentle drone of the busy streets down below has become calming to me. I look out over the city I love so much and smile.

I couldn't believe how lucky I truly was. To live here and study to help pursue my dreams. To have amazing friends who stand by my side and support me. To have an amazing mother that loves me and cares for me. And to have met Harry. He has so much love and kindness in his heart. He has given me so much in the short time we have known each other. I truly couldn't believe it.

I look down at my phone after a little while and see that Harry's interview and performance would be starting soon. I gather my things and head into the living room to turn on the TV. I flipped through the channels until I found the Today show.

"Up next we have the man of the year. From his forward thinking fashion to his moving lyrics, Harry Styles will sit down with us for a chat and then followed by a performance of a few of his hit singles off his album Fine Line. We'll be right back."

I curl up under the blanket and take a sip of my coffee before picking up my phone.

paige: good luck! you will kill it :) <3

H: Thank you baby!! <3

I smile down at the screen and wait for the commercial break to end. After a few more minutes, Harry's smiling face has appeared on the screen. Warmth spread through my whole body as I see the dimple carve into his cheek and his eyes shine.

"We are here with the one and only Harry Styles this morning!! How are you doing Harry?" the interviewer asks him.

"I am doing very well thank you. Thank you for having me," he says, his smile growing.

He is a natural. He comes across as so cool and calm and just kind.

"Oh well thank you for joining us. So tell us a bit about this album. I know it came out a while ago but it feels like everything just kind of stopped and froze with the pandemic."

He gives a little chuckle.

"Yes it does. Yeah uhm the album has been out for gosh almost what 2 years now? But you're right. I honestly don't feel like it has been out that long because everything just kinda stopped. I am finally able to tour and have concerts again with the vaccine success but uhm yeah it's been great. I love this album so much and I had so much fun making it. With this one, I just feel like it's so much more personal and true. I really wanted to just uh write the truth and not really filter much. Music is a major outlet for me so I just kinda wanted to uhm just let it all out."

"Well I must say this is an incredible album. The songs are just incredible. Now I do have to bring up this mysterious girl that made a little addition to one of your songs last night. For the folks at home who don't have any idea what we are talking about could you maybe fill them in."

"Um yeah. So I was in New York for a few shows a few weeks ago and I met this lovely girl uhm named Paige through a mutual friend at a party and we kinda just clicked. We just had a lot in common and talked for hours. She is in college and she uh had this class project to turn a song into a duet and I had pestered her to show me. I didn't even know she had done my song, but I heard it and uh I just really loved what she had done. I love the idea of having a song with two perspectives and it was beautifully written. I asked her to sing it with me the next night at the show just because yeah I liked it and why not right? But yeah it was a huge success and I am so happy we got to do something like that."

"Now I have to ask. Do we have a little crush on this new gal?"

He lets out a small laugh.

Then I see his hand.

His hand goes up to the chain around his neck. He takes the ring--my ring-- and starts to fiddle with it.

"Paige and I have become very fast friends and just have a lot in common," he says, answering the question but dodging the main point. The interviewer lets out a small laugh.

"Alrighty, we'll be right back for a short performance by Harry Styles. Stay tuned."


It was now about an hour and half to two hours later.

Harry had absolutely crushed his performance. I will forever admire his ability to completely control a crowd. Everyone loved it. He pranced around and completely captivated everyone there. I had decided to hop in the shower before Harry got home, trying to wash off the dirt from yesterday's leftover makeup and sweat.

I had looked at myself in the mirror when I walked in the bathroom and was genuinely shocked at how Harry had even let me near him.

If I was him I would have told my homeless looking ass to get the fuck away. I looked awful. I don't mean like "Oh my god I look so bad but like a cute bad" I mean like I had smeared mascara, my hair was in knots galore, yesterdays make up rubbed into my skin, and I smelled awful.

I strip out of the leggings and sweatshirt or "jumper" as Harry says and step into the hot water.

I run my fingers through my hair and get the water all through it. I take the mango scented shaving cream and lather up my legs and everywhere else I wish to get rid of hair and run the razor over my skin.

After about 10 minutes of trying to get as close of a shave as I could everywhere I rise it all off and step back to be completely under the stream of water. I close my eyes and feel my muscles start to relax, when after a few moments I feel hands grab my waist.

I yelp in surprise to see Harry grinning down at me.

A very wet naked Harry.

"Hello love. I noticed you were in the shower and I noticed I needed to shower and I'm all for helping the planet so I figured we could save some water."

I rolled my eyes and slid my hands up to the nape of his neck.

"Oh yeah I'm sure that's the reason."

He shrugs and smirks.

"Well. It is not the only reason but it is one of them, he says as his grip on my waist tightens and he leans in so I feel his breath on my neck.

"Is that so," I say breathlessly as I feel him press his lips to where my neck meets my shoulder.

"Mhm," he mumbles into my shoulder.

His lips continue to move against my skin, sucking what will be a mark into it. His hands slip down to grab the flesh on my ass pulling me even tighter into him.

My hands go down to grab his hard skin that is pressed in between us and I start to pump him.

"Mhm Paige" he moans into my ear.

I continue to pump him at a tortuous pace and look up into his eyes. His teeth sunk deep into his bottom lip, and I leaned into his neck.

I know how much he liked me when I left a little mark on him. My lips move against his skin, sucking and biting, then smoothing over the spot with my tongue, still pumping him in my right hand. He moans again, his head dropping back giving me more access and his teeth biting hard into his lip.

I lean back to admire my work of the little purple mark on his skin. I knew it had to be small because he still has a show tonight.

I looked at him one last time before I lowered my body down till my knees hit the cool tile on the floor. He looks down at me in my new position on the ground. I open my lips and suck on his tip gently, running my tongue along his slit, tasting him. I slowly start to suck, taking him deeper with each stroke. He throws his head back and lets out a sigh when my hand goes up to gently massage one of his balls. His hand goes to the back of my head, fingers lacing through the wet strands and he pushes me down even farther. I feel my eyes start to water and his hips move to put himself farther down my throat.

I like the burn that I am feeling.

I flick my eyes up to look at him in pleasure as he struggles to control himself.

"Paige I--I."

I pull back and release him from my mouth and look at him. His eyes meet mine and even from here I can see how his eyes have gone from green to almost black.

"Harder," I say.

I wrap my mouth around him again and he stands still for a moment before his hips pull back and shoot forward, sending him down my throat faster and harder than before. I revel at the feeling of having him in my mouth and seeing him in complete and utter pleasure. I grip his thighs to keep my balance as he continues at his hard pace.

"Baby I-I'm not gonna--gonna last," he says breathlessly.

I pinch his leg and urge him to use me. To keep going until he reached utter bliss.

"Oh fuck," he moans out.

I reach my hand out to cup his balls and massage them gently, as I look up through the water on my lashes to see his eyes roll back and I soon feel him release in my mouth.

Hot spurts shoot down the back of my throat. A lot went down my throat. I happily swallow everything up as I feel him soften.

I unwrap my lips from around him and pull myself up from the ground to see him blissed out and leaning against the shower wall.

I pepper lightly kisses up his torso to his lips. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into an embrace.

"Wow," he whispers out.

I laugh quietly as my arms wrap around his waist and my cheek presses against one of his pecks.

I swear to god his tits are bigger than mine. I have no idea what he does but wow.

"So I didn't know you like it rough," he says looking down at me.

I unattach my cheek from him and look up and shrug.

"I like a lot of things. I like to be soft and rough. Dominate and submissive. I like to try new things," I say.

"So you're telling me you're like the ultimate switch," he says his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah. I guess," I say, my cheeks reddening.

"Damn. I am one lucky guy," he says, pulling me back into him.

We both stay in our embrace for a little bit, him regaining his senses before we both go back under the water.

He reaches over and grabs my shampoo and squeezes some into his hand, rubbing it together. He massaged my scalp cleaning it and repeated the process with my vanilla scented conditioner.

I close my eyes, enjoying his fingers running through my hair washing out the soap. His lips kissing mine gently. I open my eyes and do the same process to him, putting his hair into a mohawk with shampoo and Harry spitting out water saying he was "a magical whale".

We then washed each other using my body wash. He said he liked the way it smelled, when I asked him why he wanted to use it.

We got out of the shower and he grabbed a fluffy whte towel and dried me off and then himself. He put one of his sweatshirts on me and I put my leggings back on. He then grabbed a pair of grey sweats and a sweatshirt for himself and climbed into bed, gesturing for me to join him.

I snuggled into his warmth and we both started to drift to sleep holding onto each other.

Now that he was next to me, holding me, I was able to shut off my mind and drift away into a peaceful sleep with dreams filled of a curly headed boy with forest green eyes.

a/n: happy sunday friends!! Here we have some smut cause ya know it's been a bit. I kinda wanna start writing another story. I had an idea for BUT DON'T WORRY. I am going to continue this one and finish it but I am so excited about the next one and kinda just wanna get a head start. I hope you enjoyed this and let me know what you think. This was ten pages long. Jeez. Not my fav chapter but it's okay. Some drama will be coming up soon so stayed tuned!!

Be nice to people!!


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