The Black Sheep | George Weas...

By Sydney3027

1.2M 36.1K 13.6K

Lyra Malfoy has always felt like a stranger in her family, she felt misplaced. As she feels torn between hers... More

Twenty-Eight (Explicit)
Sixty-Three: Wedding


18.2K 514 205
By Sydney3027

Sunday, Lyra sat near the hearth with her two friends while they studied transfigurations. Lyra tried her best to ignore George as he walked into the Gryffindor common room, he and Fred got back from selling goods to some Ravenclaws. They occasionally swing by common rooms of other houses and formed lines outside the entrances.

Lyra felt her cheeks burn bright red when she felt his eyes onto her as he handed a bag of something to Seamus Finnigan. The night after he fingered her, she played it non-stop in her head and though she enjoyed it, they reached a new part of their relationship that she wasn't entirely sure she was ready for. She feared that now he'd expect lots of intimate touching, or more. She wasn't sure if she could give a handjob, she didn't know how. But she felt guilty like she had to repay the favor and she was drowning in inner turmoil.

"So, you didn't tell us how it was." Katie stated. "What did you do? What was up in the astronomy tower?" Her friend innocently pried.

Lyra gripped her textbook and began to feel her palms sweating. "We... Er... Well, he had candles lit and a blanket laid out with a bunch of treats! It was really romantic. He liked his snow globe. And we snogged a lot."

"Is that it?" Alicia questioned, as she watched Lyra hide behind her mane and refused to make eye contact.

"Did more happen?" Katie poked her arm before giggling.

"Don't be ridiculous," Lyra replied with a dry laugh. "more than snogging? In the astronomy tower? That's... That's inappropriate. B-besides Snape cut our fun short."

Alicia scoffed. "That cockblock. Honestly, just because he can't get laid, doesn't mean he has to ruin for the rest of us."

"He caught me kissing Terry Boot and gave us both detention," Katie mentioned. "he's honestly, the bloody worst. A greasy unfuckable prick."

"T-that might be a little too harsh," Lyra replied in a small voice.

The room slowly cleared out, first years went up to their dormitories, and soon only Neville, Seamus, and Dean sat in the farthest corner. They seemed to be talking about herbology, or Neville was, and they were taking notes to pass the upcoming exam they didn't study for. George noticed this while Angelina entered and joined Fred on the couch to snog in front of everyone. George found it as the perfect opportunity. He got up and joined the three girls on the floor, he wrapped his arms around Lyra while he got comfortable.

"Ladies," He greeted with a drawl.

Lyra felt her heart quicken with him near. She still felt nervous around him. She smiled up at him. "George," She greeted back.

"Did you shag in the astronomy tower?"Alicia teased before giggling, but she watched Lyra's cheeks grow crimson. "No! Did you?"

"I don't kiss and tell," George told her plainly. He gripped her hip and tugged her close to him. She looked up at him and he gave her a quick kiss, but it made her smile dumbly.

"Lyra, you have to tell us." Alicia was growing excited.

"You're making her embarrassed. It's okay, Lyra. But did Snape catch you two mid-shag?" Katie pried with a laugh.

"We didn't shag." Lyra nearly hissed before looking around hastily. "We uh... snogged." George wasn't going to tell if she wasn't, and he just smiled smugly and nodded his head.

The girls bit their tongues from prying further, though they very much wanted to. "It was a good night then? Even without the shag?" Katie asked with a playful smirk.

"Very," George replied cheekily. "We had lots of fun."

"Er, yeah. B-but no uh... shagging." Lyra was beyond nervous. "I-I should go. I uh... I got a thing." She packed her books in a hurry.

"Lyra, you don't have to go. We were only teasing." Katie pointed out.

"Yeah, I-I know." She let out a nervous laugh. "I really got a thing." She got up and stepped around her friends and fled the common room of warmth. She hadn't noticed George on her tail until the portrait closed and she felt a grip on her elbow.

"Darling, are you okay?" George asked her softly. He cupped the sides of her face.

"Y-yes," He guides her to an alcove behind a tall torch, away from the portrait of the Fat Lady who was not approving of their relationship. Lyra let out a shaky sigh. "I really enjoyed what happened. Don't think I didn't-"

"I've heard your moaning. I got the message." He smirked, trying to ease the tension.

"But this is all new to me. And everything feels different. I don't know if I'm ready to return the favor or suck your cock or actually shag-"

"Lyra, calm down. Return the favor? Darling, I did it because I wanted to. If you don't feel comfortable yet to do more, then that's okay. I'm not going to push you to do things you're not completely sure of." He tugged her closer. "Besides, I'm a giver." He nearly purred as he pressed his tender lips to hers, trying to calm her. He felt her fingers running through his hair.

She dropped from her tiptoes and looked into his eyes. "You won't be upset?"

"Of course not." He let out a laugh.

"I-I've never seen a penis before... Besides biology textbooks. I have no idea what to expect or how to please you. I hardly know how to please myself."

"You've never seen a cock?"

She shook her head. "Only a drawing of one. And I've seen my dolls naked but, it was smooth, so I assume it isn't accurate."

"No, not at all." He snickered.

She hit his arm. "Don't laugh!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's okay, love. It's okay." He gripped the sides of her jaw and kissed her again tenderly.

"I don't mind showing you the ropes." He kissed her jaw and then the sweet zone of her neck. She felt a beat growing below the belt.

She let out a strained moan. Wanting to pull him much closer. He sucked her flesh lightly and ran his hot tongue against her pulse. At one point, she felt his teeth run gently against it as he groped her breast in one hand, kneading the flesh within his palm through her thin layers.

"George," She moaned softly. "I-I really do have to go. Shit..." She pulled his head closer. He smirked against her skin. "I-I can't have a love-bite."

He removed his mouth and hovered it over hers. "I'll just use a cream, I've just finished one that gets rid of bruises." His voice changed, it was huskier.

"I want to check to see if I have a letter." She replied, looking at his chest instead of his intense eyes.

"Can't we continue snogging?" He wined.

She let out a giggle. "I'd love to. But I really should go."

"Tomorrow during our free period then?"

She nodded her head. "Yeah- but not for the whole time. I do have  NEWTs to prepare for."

"Lyra, they aren't until next year. And I already know you'll become a healer, and I'm going to visit you when I have the most minor injury. I just want a pretty healer to kiss it all better."

"I'll happily help a dashing patient." She liked to think she'd be a healer instead of a wife. She tried to ignore the fact that she has a husband being arranged. She tried to pretend it wasn't her reality. It's all she could do to keep from breaking down and crying. She liked to think she'd continue to have George and he'll continue to have her.

She gave him a final kiss goodbye and started to walk towards the owlery. She rushed, trying to be quick before it hits curfew. When she arrived, she dodged droppings from landing on her. She shivered as she only had her sweater on to keep her warm, and it was failing. She spotted Ellie in her high box. What caught her off guard was an owl swooping past her, causing her to yelp. She watched it settle on a perch with a letter tied to its ankle. It chirped before extending its leg for her. She untied the twine and held a letter with her name on it. She knew it was it, the letter she was anticipating. 

She refused to open it without George's support. She held onto it and put it in her bag. She ate breakfast the next day. Her mother's owl bringing two letters. One for Draco, and one for her. She didn't open it, only tossed it into the fire. 

When the time finally came, she paced the floors in an abandoned classroom. She chewed on her bottom lip and tried to remain calm, but there was no stopping her anxiety. The door opened and she saw George.  

"Took you long enough!" She snapped. 

"Sorry, I had a customer, someone's eager." He teased as he inched closer. She only walked away from him and dug into her backpack. "Did I do something I'm not aware of?"

"I got the letter!" She replied, turning around holding it in her hands, showing him. He looked confused but she watched realization wash over his face. 

"Andromeda took her sweet time, didn't she? You didn't open it?" He inched closer. 

"No, I was waiting for you. I-I'm nervous." 

"It's only a letter. Open it." He grinned. He looked over her shoulder as she tore the envelope open and shakily unraveled the letter. 

Dear Lyra,

I apologize for the late reply. I have been finding it hard to find the right words to say to you. I never thought I'd hear from my sister's children. I have heard briefly about you and Draco. I've seen he had given statements in the Daily Prophet a few times. But I know you through the Weasleys and Harry Potter. They have high respect for you. 

On your concerns, I understand where you are coming from. I felt like a black sheep in my household. I was criticized for spending time with Gryffindors and my mother blamed them for me turning on my family and our traditional values. But I had judged their values long before I made proper friends. I know the confusion and pain you may be feeling. I know you do not want to have to say goodbye to your family. I didn't want to either, but they forced my hand when I fell in love with my husband Teddy. But this is your decision to make. You are in control of your own destiny. You may want to try talking to them before you make the decision to leave, they may compromise with your wishes. Leaving should be your last resort. But you shouldn't feel like you're living for anyone else but yourself. 

If you do decide to leave, I am happy to help you and give you a place to stay. It is a brave thing to send me a letter, I know this must have been hard for you to do. I am so happy to hear from you. It made my day. If you have any questions or need any guidance, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Aunt Andromeda

Lyra looked up at George, he had a red tint to his cheeks. "I mentioned one time that you are an excellent dueller. It was Harry who seemed to have nice things to say. It sort of pissed me off he said a bunch of things, sounded like he had a bloody crush." He began to mutter bitterly towards the end. 

"Harry likes Cho Chang." Lyra reminded him. "If you're so jealous, maybe you should have gushed more about me." She smirked. 

"And be harassed? No thank you." George knew all his brothers would tease him over it. Someone might let it slip he was dating the Malfoy, and he didn't need that conversation with his parents and the Order. Though that spying git, Snape would know. But George doubted he'd tell. Unless... no he might. 

"I am glad you were here. I was really scared." 

"Of what?" 

"Of what she had to say." She sighed. "But it's okay. She helped. This Easter holiday, I'm going to sit them down and talk to them." 

For the first time in a while, the weight on her shoulders felt lighter.

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