[DISCONTINUED] Corpse Husband...

By PatitoMyBeloved

15.6K 200 166

[THIS IS VERY FUCKING OLD😭😭] [DONT READ IF YOU DON'T WANNA SEE CRINGEπŸ’€] Hello Everyone. Welcome to my Seco... More

Corpse x Shy Adorable Short Fem! Reader
Corpse x Cat-Girl! Reader
Corpse x Goth! Cat-E girl! Reader
uh. . .Hi

Corpse x Deaf! Fem! Reader

1.7K 32 27
By PatitoMyBeloved

Name: Y/N L/N

Corpse's Name: Jaxon Rivera

Height: 5'5

Gender: Female

Genre: Fluff/Lime (BEFORE YOU GUYS START SCREAMING AT ME IN THE COMMENTS. This was just an experiment to see if I were to write one in the future. PLEASE don't say anything like. 'Oh you're disrespecting the fact that Corpse doesn't like to be sexualized.' Welp sorry to tell ya sweetheart but there are one-shot books that do the exact same thing. AND SORRY IF THAT SOUNDED RUDE!) I will put a beware warning.

I just want you guys to know that I know Nothing about Sign language. So if I type or describe a certain action that has offended you in some way. Please tell me in a nice way. I also know Corpse dropped out of school at a young age but I'm gonna change that a little bit for this chapter. I hope you enjoy.

Requested by SharonVolz :)
Long ass fucking Chapter btw. I love it tho.

Y/N's p.o.v

When I met 'Corpse' it was when we were little.

-Backstory Time to when he was still in school-

I see the teacher come inside the classroom. I see her walk in with a new student next to her. He was wearing the school uniform but had a black jacket over it. He had black curly hair and pale skin. From afar I can't really see the color of his eyes. I look away and start doodling on my note book. As I was sketching I see two pair of hands slam down on my desk. I open my mouth as if to scream but nothing came out only a raspy/Muffled gasp.

I look around to see people holding their stomachs with their mouth open some had a hand covering their mouth some were pointing at me while covering their face. I look up to see Ms. Brown glare at me. The new boy was next to her with a small smile on his face. He gives a small wave. I give one back. Ms. Brown look at me with an annoyed expression but when she turned to him she now had a happy expression. She starts talking to him.
He nods. She walk way. I turn towards him he starts speaking. But I haven't learned how to read lips that much. So I only know a few things. He said Hello. I wave with a smile on my face. He sits down next to me and starts speaking again. He said something like "My name. . ." I give him a confused face. I think he realized what's happening because he pointed to his ears and made an X with his fingers. I nodded. He nodded. He then took out a pencil and paper and wrote down.

Hello my name is Jaxon Rivera. Nice to meet you.

He had unique hand writing. He then passes the paper and pencil to me. I smiled. I grabbed the paper and wrote.

Nice to meet you Jaxon. My name is
Y/N L/N but you can call me N/N. I love your hand writing by the way. :)

He looked at me surprised.

Really? Everyone at my old school said they hate it.

Well I don't hate it. It's very unique. It makes you more special than the people I have met.

He started blushing. He started writing again.

I'm not awkward to you?

No of course not! We just met and I think your a good person just by looking at you.

What do you mean by good person?

Well I meant that you didn't judge me because I was deaf

Is that why everyone was laughing at you?

Yes and No. . .

He looked at me.

Then what was the reason they were all laughing at you?

My voice.

Can I hear it?

Why do you want to hear it?

Because I want to hear your voice myself.

But you'll probably think it's awful.

If only you could hear my voice

What do you mean?

I have a deeper voice than all boys here

Is that a bad thing?

He looks up to see Ms. Brown 'Reading' a book. He looks back at me then towards the paper and writes.

I guess you could say that.

Why is it a bad thing?

He looked at me in silence. I wonder what he's thinking.

Corpse's p.o.v

I looked at her for a while just to admire her. She has H/L H/C hair that perfectly framed her face. She has E/C eyes and
S/C smooth skin. I felt my face getting slightly hotter by the second. She looked at me then towards the teacher then behind her then up towards the clock.

She looks down back at the paper and writes down.

It's almost time for a thing that they call a 'recess' basically Lunch but you can go anywhere. I know a place we can go to relax and have a peaceful time.

I look at her and give her a thumbs up. She smiles and gives one back. She goes back to sketching and I look around the room to see a kinda messy class paper balls on the floor, Sharpie graffiti on the desks, Gum, Cuts on the chairs. The ringing of the bell scared me. I hear muffled and slightly raspy laughter come from beside me. She had her hand covering her face while she was putting everything away with one had.

A lot of the students have already left she picked up her Bag and started walking out the classroom. She then grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the place she wanted to show me. It wasn't that far from the school. The place had a big tree. She let go of my hand and motioned me to follow her. She stops right under the shade of the tree. She sits down and pats the place next to her. She takes out a sheet of paper and placed it on top of a folder she takes out a pencil and starts writing.

Sorry for grabbing your hand all of a sudden.

She passes the folder towards me along with the pencil. I start to write.

It's ok. Hey can I ask you something the same as before?


Can I hear your voice?

Ok. What do you want me to say.

Just something simple.

Ok. But can I feel the vibration of your voice?

I guess so.

She started talking.

"Hel. .lo Jaxthon. . ." (I'm sorry if this was offensive in any way to you guys.) She said that while signing at the same time. I didn't find anything wrong with her voice. I find it cute. She looked at me with a type of sad face. I quickly grab the folder and start writing

Your voice is cute. Why were you saying it like it was bad?

Because even though I can't hear my voice physically. A lot of people have described it as disgusting.

Well like you said before "I don't hate it. It's very unique. It makes you more special than the people I have met."

She starts to have tears in her eyes. I start to panic. I go closer to her and I wipe the tears off her face. I then hug her while patting her head. She hugs back. I start blushing once again.

Y/N's p.o.v

No one has called my voice cute. He didn't judge me. He had a conversation with me. He heard my voice without showing any signs of disgust. I felt so many emotions towards him that I just cried out of happiness.

He panicked. He wiped the tears off my face and hugged me I started blushing while hugging back. I just met him and I barely know anything about him!

Corpse's and Y/N's p.o.v

What is this feeling?

-Time Skip A few years-

Y/N's p.o.v

Jaxon dropped out of school at a young age. I was sad of course. He only entered high-school with me for only a while but then completely dropped out. Apparently he was good in only Computer and English so he said he was gonna start a channel soon. He was living with me in my apartment and I don't really mind it. I made a friend during high-school and her nickname was Val. She's graduating with me today. Jaxon was joining the ceremony. I was happy about that.

Me and Val were graduating to become an Artist when we were older. (Sorry if you don't want to be one.) Val was planning on making her own YouTube animation channel. We were at Val's apartment. In a few hours we were going to graduate. I was nervous and excited at the same time. Val started talking while signing me the things she was saying.

(Bold means talking in sign language)

"So are you nervous about the next few hours until graduation because I am!"

Yes, I am nervous but I'm also excited!

"Excited about what?"

Well. . .we're both graduating to become artists. . .and someone special is coming to see us graduate.

"Ahh is it Kohei Horikoshi!?"

What? No.

"Oh well worth a try"

Remember Jaxon?

"Ohhh yeaaa"

Yeah he's the special person coming to visit us.

"More like visit you."

Huh! What do you mean?

"Well I barely even know him.
(^S t o p T h e C a p-) He's like your BestFriend since childhood. While I only met you during high-school."

But your my BestFriend too!

"Oi I got a question."


"Do you like him?"

What? What ever do you mean!?

I turn to look the other way while blushing.

"See that was the reaction I was looking for!"

I look back at her to see her smiling wide.

Well uh Don't you like this guy and girl in our class?

"Yeah and?"

She smiles wider.

Uh. . .

"You have nothing against me do you?"

She smirks

Ugh fine you caught me. I have Nothing against you.

"Ah ha ha. Anyways its time to get ready."

How do you know that?

"Teach sent us a text."

What? Since when?

"Since now."

My phone now get a few notifications a second later. I check to see what was the first notification. It was obviously from our teacher. The next one was from Jaxon.

I check the first one.

Mrs. JuJu 👩🏾‍🏫🎨
HELLO!! Ya'll Better get ready!! It's almost time my baby's!! See you there. :)

I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Val.

"I love Mrs. JuJu she's the best, Sweet old lady. Love her. Mwah."

Honestly. She's the best.


I check my other Text message from Jaxon.

Hey N/N.
I was wondering if I should wear something more fancy or something casual but not to casual?

Just put on your Gray dress shirt that you have along with your black pants and you'll be fine.

Do I have to put on dress shoes to?

No you don't have to if you don't want to tho. Just be comfortable and not to formal that you'll look like a professor. Lol

Lol. Anyways thanks see ya there. :)

See you. :)

I then get notification. I check to see it was Val.

Oya oya oya. you both act like a couple~


I turn to face her with an angered face but it looked like I was pouting with a blush. Even though I can't hear her. I can see that she's laughing at my embarrassment. Once she stopped laughing she went to her closet and pulled out a white dress shirt along with black waist high tight jeans that would hug her curves. She starts to remove her previous clothes she had on. I turn around.

After a few minutes I turn back around to see her struggling with a few buttons I chuckle. She turns around and faced me she then pointed at the few buttons. I get up to button up the missing buttons. After that was done she pulls out a F/C dress that's Above/Below/Ankle high. (Sorry if you don't like dresses)


"I know right. I picked it for you. Hope you like it."

Its beautiful.

"Go ahead and put it on."

Once she said that I walked up to her took the dress and Laid it on the bed. I started to remove my clothing. I look over to see Val looking away. Once I was done putting on the dress I see her folding both graduation gowns. She looked at me and signed.

"Le Gasp. You look gorgeous!"

You Too!

"Awww thanks. But you still look sexy as ever."

I blushed and roll my eyes. She shrugged.

We start to enter the bathroom with our makeup supplies once we finish with the basic makeup we head back out towards her bed. I had my shoes there she had hers in the closet. Once she put on her black high tops that had colorful paint splattered all over it. . .yea those are the shoes she wears for art class. She looks at me. I took the chance to start 'Talking'.

Are you really gonna wear those?



"Because these hold the memories of this school in art class. . .plus these are Mrs. JuJu's favorite shoes that I wear. She said they bring out my personality~."


"Oi let me ask ya something."

Go ahead.

"Should I wear a Choker, Bow tie, or a Tie?"

Bring all three and ask Mrs. JuJu.



"Sorry Hai mean yes In Japanese."

The more you know

She starts laughing.

"Anyways you ready?"


"Time to head out."

-Time Skip brought to you by 🙂📓🖊-
(If you got the emoji's love ya.)

We start heading towards the entrance of the school which was where the gate was. We were waiting at the entrance for Jaxon. I take out my phone to text him.

Corpse's p.o.v

I was already at the entrance of the school. Oh boy. I then get a notification. I open it up. It was from Y/N

Are you near?

I'm at the entrance.
Where are you?

I'm in front of the gate with Val.

Wait for me ok?


I laugh. I was actually planning on confessing to Y/N after her graduation. Val has helped me build up the courage to confess to her face to face and not. . .over. . .text. I start walking towards the gate of the school where most of the students were at waiting for some of their friends. I see two familiar faces Y/N and Val. I was wearing the dark gray dress shirt along with the black jeans I had. I wore my black dress shoes. I had my chain necklace, A few piercings along with my rings.

I start walking towards towards them Val noticed me first and gave me a thumbs up. I gave one back. Val then taps Y/N's shoulder and points toward my direction. Y/N's looks over to see me and waves rapidly. I felt my cheeks heat up again. I walk closer to her and start a conversation.


Hi! It's good to see you. Even though I see you every day.

She smiles.

Lol. But anyways you look gorgeous today as long as every other day.

She blushes this time.

Aww. Come on. You look handsome yourself as always.

She looked away shyly with a blush. I would call that a successful mission but that was part 1. I then hear some laughter beside me. Val starts talking.

"As much as I love the interaction you two love birds are having. Me and N/N have to get ready." She smiles.

Y/N then starts signing at the both of us.

Hey. Even though I can't hear you. doesn't mean I can't read lips.

She smiles and Val smirks.

"Well then if can read lips then you would understand that we have to get to Mrs. JuJu like Now."

Her eyes widened. She grabs my hand and basically drags me inside the school with Val behind us. Once we got to the auditorium I almost tripped.

Val has chosen three seats for us in the middle row. She placed two objects on the seats beside me. She told me they were going up stage.

Y/N's p.o.v

I couldn't help but blush everytime he's near. Ok yes I like him. . .more like love him. I mean who wouldn't fall for such an amazing guy. He didn't care what I sounded like. He didn't care I was deaf. He was my first friend. My first true friend. And now I can't stop imagining what our future would be. But the nerves of me confessing and getting rejected is just around the corner. You never know. That's what scares me.

We walk up to Mrs. JuJu. She look at us and smiles widely.

"Well if it isn't my two favorite students! Don't tell the others bout' that ok?" She laughs. "Well then my two baby's are grown up to become two beautiful young artists. Ya both look gorgeous as ever my baby's."

Me and Val smile.

"Hey Mrs. JuJu. I need you tell me out of these three options which one should I go with?" She shows the Choker, Bow tie, and Tie.

"Well then child with the outfit you're wearing. . .I'd say the bowtie. Ya both look better than other kids anyways. Now get moving! I'm not the graduating here! Put on ya gowns!"

"Yes ma'am Mrs. JuJu./Yes Mrs. JuJu."

"Ok now go." She smiles while waving her hands.

We start to move a bit further from her. Val passed me my gown and she put on hers. Once we finished with that Val looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. She placed my cap on my head and I placed hers on her head. We nodded and we started to walk towards the stage with the other students. The class was talking among themselves.

After a few minutes we finally got called up. . . .Time to graduate.

-Time Skip after your graduation and small party.-

Mrs. JuJu told was she would miss us the most because the other kids were more annoying. We both gave a gasp. Mrs. JuJu then said she was kidding. Val said she had to do something. I nodded. I then started 'talking' to Mrs. JuJu.

(Y/N read her lips. But Mrs. JuJu knows sign language but she doesn't like to do it.)

-Corpse's p.o.v-

It was after the party. Val told me that N/N will be out soon so I can confess to her. My nerves were going crazy. I had to relax. Val gave me water and told me to be myself and left. Sometimes Val is too confusing.

A few minutes later have passed and N/N started walking out. She was looking around. I waved my hand. She smiles and started running towards me when she reached me she hugged me. I obviously hugged back. I then started signing something to her.

Hey I wanna tell you something.

She looked up at me and smiled.


Once she said that I gently held her hand and brought her to the big tree at our old school. Yea the same tree I have developed my love for her. She gasps and starts dragging me there. She let go of my hand and sat under the tree while she patted the spot next to her smiling. I laughed.

We stayed there for a few minutes looking at the sky. The sun started to set. I take a deep breath. I look at her. She looked at me with a smile on her face and starts signing.

The sky is beautiful. Is it not?

It is. But your way more gorgeous.

She blushed. I smile and start signing.

Look N/N. I'm gonna go straight to the point. I love you. I have loved you ever since we first hugged. I love the way you look. Your personality. And your voice. Before you say that is sounds bad. I don't find it that way. I actually find it adorable when you speak. And if still call you a freak for speaking with your voice. Then. Let's be freaks together. So N/N will you be my Girlfriend?

My hands were shaking and I felt anxious. The next thing I knew I fell to the ground with someone hugging me. I then hear her speak.

I love you too. . .Jaxthon. . .

I sit back up with her on my lap. I look at her and smile. I put her face in my hands and started to kiss her face. She laughs. We calm down and there was a comfortable silence. We rested our foreheads together. Her arms were around my neck and mine around her waist.

I decided to finally kiss her.

No one's p.o.v

Jaxon rested his free hand on her face. She knew what was gonna happen next and she was both filled with Love, Happiness but also Anxious about how her first kiss would turn out. But she trusted him.

They closed their eyes and decided to close the gap between them. They immediately felt the love and warmth coming from each other.

But sooner than later they had to break the kiss.

They smiled once again. And gave eachother a quick kiss. They both stood up and started walking back towards the high school to reach Jaxon's car.

They were both happy with the new step into their relationship.

-Timp skip to Years Later meaning they got married along those years.-
(Beware of the S p i c e.)

Y/N's p.o.v (You got hearing aids!)

Being married to Jaxon is amazing. He is the sweetest man and very funny too. He has gained more popularity on YouTube. He now plays Among Us and other games with his friends. He has already introduced me to his stream many times.

But a after being married for a few years. We started to have baby fever. We don't really have 'segs' that often so we weren't really trying. But today I'm gonna change that. From what I know Jaxon hasn't started his stream yet.

I go upstairs to our shared bedroom. I enter the room to see him sitting in the middle of the bed on his phone. He looked up and spoke.

"Hey Baby. You need something?"

Yes. . .

"Ok then take whatever you need pumpkin."

He looks back at his phone. How the Frick am I going to tell him that I want to have a baby. . .I'll just say it. . .

I walk up to him and sit in front of him. He looks back up.


No. That will be later.

"What do mean later?"

He puts his phone on the his night stand. As soon as he did that I pushed him down and I sat on top of him.

"Uh pumpkin w-what are you doing?"

I wanna make a family with you.

He blushed hard that his cheeks turned a dark crimson.

"Y-you want to d-do that now?"



I kiss him. I felt him tense up but slowly melt into the kiss. I slightly lick his bottom lip asking for permission. He allows me. (W h y I s i t S P I C Y-) our tongues fought for dominance. I won this time. I slowly start to grind on top of him. He groans. (Why am I not feeling any emotions writing this-) we break apart for air. I start to kiss his neck. He gives a deep moan. I am so glad I got hearing aids. Once I left a few marks on his neck. I start removing his hoodie.

Once I did that I started to kiss his chest. I felt his hands on my hips while he was grinding against me too. My kink was activated by one word that I heard.

Mommy~ please~

(Yes you have a Mommy kink-👀)

I remove mine and Jaxon's clothes. Leaving us in our underwear. Time to have fun.

(I'm leaving the lime on a cliffhanger. You can imagine the rest in your head if ya want. Sorry~)

-Time Skip to 7 Months-

Y/N's p.o.v

It's been 7 months since I got pregnant with the child of my adorable husband. He decided it was time to tell his stream and Friends he's gonna be a dad soon. So we both thought of a cute way to tell them. He was gonna do it on the last round they were gonna play.

-Time Skip to the final round-

Corpse's p.o.v

I need to change my name for the plan me and N/N had to tell them I was gonna start a family soon with the woman I love most. I unmute my mic and start talking.

Corpse: Hey Felix I gotta change my name. I'll be back real quick ok?

Pewds: Sure Thing!

I leave the game. I obviously know that the stream will know about me being a Dad soon.

I change my name to.


I quickly re-enter the code and enter the lobby. Everyone was talking so they were distracted. I quickly go to the computer and I sill had my Wolf ears but I add a Crewmate Child next to my character.

Corpse: Alright I'm back.

My chat was blowing up.

Rae was the first one to scream along with Felix.

Pewds: Yes!! You're Gonna Have A Faceless Baby!

Pewds: now that I say that out loud it probably doesn't sound right.

Poki: Congratulations!
Ash: Congrats Corpse!

Sykkuno: Congratulations Corpse! I'm so happy for you!

Brooke: Wait since when? How many months?

Corpse: Thanks guys. How many months? Well its been 7 months.

Toast: And you tell us this when it's almost time for its Birth!-

Corpse: Yup.

I then feel a tug on my shirt. I look to see N/N with small smile signing.

Tell them I said Hi.

Of course pumpkin.

Corpse: N/N wants to say Hi.

Everyone: Hi!

-Time Skip to the end of the stream. And everyone said goodbye-

I was Laying with N/N on our shared bed. The baby's room next to us. I look over towards N/N to see her sleep peacefully than the other times. I smile. I couldn't ask for a better wife to spend the rest of my life with. I yawn and soon fell asleep.
Hello Everyone! I am so sorry for keeping you guys waiting. Anyways I hope you enjoyed today's One-shot. Sorry for any Grammar mistakes. I'll fix them later. . .

That was my first Lime that I have EVER made. Ta-ta My Sweets 🖤.

4527 WORDS!

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