Still Mine

By harrystyles_gurl01

240K 6.1K 1.3K

'You can run you can hide but baby girl, you're still mine.' As soon as Harry set eyes on Amy he was infatuat... More

On hold


12.8K 334 34
By harrystyles_gurl01

Harry’s point of view

The plan was finally set. After months of analysing everything here, I had come up with a plan on how to escape.

Currently Zayn and I were sat in our cell that only occupied us two as it was maximum security or something. Breaking the silence, I had asked the question that had been in my head for a while.

“Are you ready for the plan tonight?” Zayn looked up at my words and smirked

“Of course I am we have been over it thousands of times and at the end of this we will get our girls back.”

“Well I think we should get some sleep it’s going to be hard tonight and we need to be ready.” Zayn nodded and climbed onto the top bunker while I stared at the bunk above me.

I couldn’t wait to escape for months I had been worried about Amy. I was upset and angry at her for selling us to the police. Upset because she betrayed me and angry because I thought she was warming up to me. But she will be with me soon.

~~~Night time~~~

I was now wide awake and alert and so was Zayn. Any minute now, the prison guard should come in with our food.

As I thought this, the door opened and in came the guard. I waited until he had sat the food down on the table, and as he turned around I swung my fist at his temple.

I made sure my fist hit the thinnest part of the skull which wouldn’t kill him but most likely just leave him with a headache when he wakes up.

Trying to be quick I took the guards clothes and put them on. I also took his Id badge, swipe card and his car keys.

We then ran towards the security room where the guard sits looking through the cameras for trouble. This guard wasn’t an expectantly healthy looking guard in fact I think he was morbidly obese.

This would be an advantage as it would make it easier to take him down. Before I could move towards him with the pepper spray which was in my hand I heard a bang and looked to my left.

There I saw Zayn with a gun pointed towards the direction of the guard and the guard bleeding on the floor.

“Mate that wasn’t part of the plan” Zayn grimaced at me

“I know but people can’t think we are going soft it will ruin our reputation.” I did agree with his thinking a little and just let it go.

We continued towards the reception room and swiped the stolen cards to get through.

After a maze full of empty corridors and rooms we finally reached the car park where the guard’s car should be parked.

Pulling out the keys, I pressed the button and a set of lights went off. We speed walked over and got in.

I inserted the keys into the engine and it started with a roar. I pulled out of the space and drove towards the exit.

Once at the gate, a security guard came out and tapped on the window. I unwounded the window and stuck my head out.

“Can I have… hey I haven’t seen you around here before but you also look very familiar.” Out of the corner of my eye I saw Zayn lean down to where he had previously put his gun.

The man was staring at us when a look of recognition crossed his face.

“You’re supposed to be locked up in maximum security w-what are you doing out of your cell.” He reached for his walkie talkie and he sounded frantic. “I need back up we have two escapees from the maximum security prison by the exit yes.”

I didn’t wait any longer and floored the peddle the car lurched forwards towards the bar that wasn’t raised. It quickly splintered and broke at the force of the car and I sped up not slowing down until we were a long distance from prison.

“Harry we did it we have escaped from prison now let’s go and get our girls.” I knew one thing for sure; I wasn’t ever letting Amy go after this.

I know it may seem boring at the moment because even i found this boring to write but soon Harry and Zayn will get the girls back. Hopefully.Thank you for reading and voting.

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