Going Solo

By NiniSotakulove

81.5K 4.1K 1K

He was heart-broken, but so was she. She was rambunctious, and he was all about business. When their paths cr... More

Extended Summary
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Just an A/N
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 55

Part 54

240 16 20
By NiniSotakulove


After getting dressed I headed straight to the venue. Thankfully, Hugh and I were able to convince one of our sponsors, Mark Williams, to allow us to use the ballroom in his home for the charity ball. Not only were employees going to be in attendance, but also our sponsors, their friends — who were in my eyes potential sponsors, the members of the board, and some contacts I'd acquired during business meetings. In all we were expecting a turn-out of 300 people.

Thankfully everything seemed to be running smoothly when I arrived. The crowd was chattering, mingling, and cackling. As soon as I walked in I spotted Hugh and Nicole.

She was stunning. When she'd asked me earlier how she looked, I had held back from telling her exactly what I thought. I wasn't exactly sure why I felt the need to hold back. It wouldn't necessarily have been inappropriate. Then again, I always do seem to say the wrong things around her. So tonight, I've decided to stay as far away as possible.

Nicole turned her head, caught me staring, smiled and waved. Before I had the chance to react, I was swept into conversation with Micheal Johns. Micheal and I walked and talked as he lead me over to his associates. He introduced me briefly.

"We just love this place, and the food!" One man's wife remarked while on the arm of her husband. "It's lovely."

"Yes Jin," her husband chimed in, extending his hand for me to shake, "we've heard a lot from Micheal about the work you do. We've donated 10,000 to the cause."

"Your donations are greatly appreciated." I smiled, shaking both their hands.

Michael and I moved on, before he led me over to his daughter, Iris.

"Jin!" Iris called, "Let's dance!" 

She dragged me from her father's side and onto the dance floor, where Hugh and Nicole were already dancing together. I sighed, having already resolved myself to this. After dancing with her twice and listening to her mindless chatter, I decided to head over to Mark's table, where he and his wife were whispering to one another. Iris followed suit, close behind me.


"Jin," he exclaimed, standing up to shake my hand. "How are you enjoying the evening?"

"It's spectacular thanks to all your hard work!" If there was one thing I knew about rich people, it was that they loved talking about what they've done and bragging about how much it cost. 

"Oh, it wasn't a problem at all, especially not when it's for a cause like yours. You can't imagine how much credibility it brings the company when people know we're sponsors of The Public Health Center. So a measly 15 grand to pull this off, is nothing."

"Of course it's something, your support is always appreciated." 

"Well you do seem to be having a wonderful time, and there's nothing like a good-looking company to improve one's mood" Mrs. Williams said from her seat at the table.

I turned back to see Iris blushing. "This is Iris Johns of Johns General Hospital, Micheal Johns' daughter."

The Williams each greeted her before Mark turned to me, "You two looked quite good out there on the floor."

I nodded, hoping to end the conversation there, before Hugh came over, Nicole on his arm.

Nicole, gave me a once-over before turning her attention back to the Williams as Hugh greeted them and then introduced her.

"This is Nicole Pearson, one of our stellar interns."

She shook their hand and before anyone could say more, we were asked to be seated.

Our MC of the night, began speaking about the cause and reminding everyone of our donation stands throughout the venue. A speech was given by one of the doctors of Johns General Hospital, about the effects of propaganda pushed by drug companies in certain areas, on the youth. Then, a live band began to play and couples were encouraged to grace the dance floor.

Iris began fidgeting in her seat, but before she could fix her mouth to ask me to dance I popped out of my seat and circled the table until I reached Nicole, holding out my hand. She stared at me for a moment, and out of the corner of my eye I saw the Williams give each other a look.

"Might I have the honor?"

Hesitantly, she reached out her hand and put it in mine. 

Once we reached the dance floor we were quiet for a moment, before I finally said, "I don't understand why you're so upset with me, but I won't fight you on it if you try to pay me back."

The hand that was gripping my shoulder and then the one fitting so gently in mine, dropped. We stopped dancing. 

Did I say something wrong again? This was why I was intent on avoiding her tonight, but that was hardly possible, being seated at the same table.

"You can pay me back, with interest if you want." I shrugged my shoulders, wanting to see if that would ease her frustration. Nicole sighed. 

"It's not really about the money, Jin. Admit it. You like me, don't you?"

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