Remnant's Maiden Of Dawn

By CameronKiller535

170K 3.7K 1.2K

RWBY Harem x Female Village Survivor Rights to Rooster Teeth More

Volume 1 Profile (Redux)
Chapter 1: Second Chance
Chapter 2: The Academy
Chapter 3: Familiar Faces
Chapter 4: The Trial
Chapter 5: First Day
Chapter 6: Instinct
Chapter 7: Chains Broken
Chapter 8: Unclear Bond
Chapter 9: The Return
Volume 2 Bio
Chapter 10: New Changes
Chapter 11: Master Vs Weapon
Chapter 12: Favor
Chapter 13: The Dance
Chapter 14: Mission Start Part 1
Chapter 15: Mission Start Part 2
Chapter 16: Confessions
Chapter 17: Need for Change
Chapter 18: Apologies
Chapter 19: Old Wounds Fade
Chapter 20: Wild Night
Chapter 21: Sweet Rose
Chapter 22: Sick Wolf Family
Volume 3 Bio
Rival Bio
Chapter 23: Amity
Chapter 24: More Challengers
Chapter 25: Wise Words
Chapter 26: Emotions vs Desires
Chapter 27: Undeserving
Chapter 28: Descent
Chapter 29: Fatal Omen
Chapter 30: Strength Past Loss
Chapter 31: Downfall
Chapter 32: Broken By Revenge
Chapter 33: Left Isolated
Chapter 34: Mask Of Guilt
Volume 4 Bio
Chapter 35: Next Step Forward
Chapter 36: Lasting Sorrow
Chapter 37: Persistent Pain
Chapter 38: Fears
Chapter 39: Incoming Threats
Chapter 40: Luck Worsens
Chapter 41: Answers Of Poison
Chapter 42: Painful Steps Forward
Chapter 43: Fate Of Kuroyuri
Chapter 44: Determined Paths
Chapter 45: Familiar Sky
Volume 5 Bio
Chapter 46: Haven Reached
Chapter 47: Troubles Arising
Chapter 48: Planning Ahead
Chapter 49: Improving
Chapter 50: Past Life
Chapter 51: Fear and Answers
Chapter 53: Fear Of Loneliness
Chapter 54: Power Of Forgiveness
Chapter 55: Battle Of Haven PT.1
Chapter 56: Battle Of Haven Pt.2
Chapter 57: Reunited
Volume 6 Bio
Chapter 58: Path to Argus
Chapter 59: Question
Chapter 60: Past Lives Revealed
Chapter 61: Weakened Wills
Chapter 62: Melancholy
Chapter 63: Revertion
Chapter 64: Seperated
Chapter 65: Pushing Forward
Chapter 66: Lost Memories
Chapter 67: Clashing Ideals
Chapter 68: Together
Chapter 69: Resolving Hate
Chapter 70: Completion
Accidental Publish
Chapter 71: Destination Reached
Chapter 72: Atlas Academy
Volume 7 Bio/New Title
Chapter 73: Advancing
Chapter 74: Dream Realized

Chapter 52: Old and New Times

1.2K 32 19
By CameronKiller535

3rd Person POV:

In the Mistral household, The three members of Team RWBY with Y/N along with the remaining members of Team JNPR all sit at the dinner table having a happy conversation enjoying being in each others company again.

Yang: (laughs to Jaune) How do you lose your map at a time like that?

Jaune: Believe me, I've asked myself the same thing ever since.

Yang, Weiss, Y/N and Ruby laugh, while Jaune smiles and giggles sheepishly.

Nora: Hey, but you made up for it, Mister Muscles! You shoulda seen this guy take a giant Grimm head on!

Jaune: I couldn't have done it without Ruby wearing it down.

Ruby: I was only able to stall for that long because of how fast Y/N was with her cool silver wings.

Y/N: (shaking her head while blushing) I didn't do that much compared to Ren.

Ruby: Yeah, he was completely out of control!

Ren: I'm sorry, I may have lost my temper momentarily.

Ruby: No, no! Out of control as in "awesome"!

Ren: Oooohhh. (smiles) Thank you.

Everyone at the table bursts into laughter.

As dinner continues, Weiss tells her story about how she accidentally summoned a Boarbatusk during the Schnee charity ball.

Ruby: (gasps) You did not!

Weiss: (placing her face in her hands outta embarssment) Yeah, right in the middle of the party.

Yang: Please tell me you let that lady have it.

Weiss: Of course not! Even if I did really want to.

Nora: (crossing her arms, skeptical) No way, I don't believe it.

Weiss summons her Boarbatusk right next to Nora. The Grimm summon growls, causing Nora to yelp and fall to her side. Weiss, Yang, Jaune and Ren all laugh.

As dinner nearly finishes, Yang shows off her robotic prosthetic arm to the rest of the group. All of them react in awe with the exception of Y/N, who's trying to hide her saddened expression with a small smile.

Yang: It's not a replacement for the real thing, but I'll make sure to make good use of it.

Jaune: That's amazing.

Ren: Incredible.

Ruby gets all starry-eyed and quickly zooms over to her sister's side to admire her arm.

Ruby: (holding Yang's arm up) And it's just as strong?

Yang: Hm, sure is.

Suddenly, they hear a bang on the table. Nora has her arm out ready to arm wrestle.

Nora: Wanna bet?

Weiss: Nora, please, now's not the time...

Despite Weiss' protest, Yang and Nora arm wrestle. Jaune and Ren cheer on Nora while Ruby and Y/N cheer on Yang, Weiss on the other hand looks on disdainfully.

Jaune: Don't let her beat you! You can do it! Come on!

Ren: You can do this! Show 'em what Team JNPR's made of!

Y/N: You got this Yang! She's got nothing on you!

Ruby: C'mon, sis! Aw, you can't lose to a girl in a skirt!

Weiss: You wear a skirt, Ruby.

Ruby: Weiss, you're not cheering loud enough!! (she shakes Weiss, who is still frowning)

Nora: It definitely feels like the original, I'll give you that!

Yang: Yep. But, it does have some new features!

Nora: Heh, oh yeah?

A robotic sound is heard coming from Yang's arm, and suddenly Nora's is knocked back to the wall holding Yang's detached arm in her hand.

Nora groans in pain while the others look on in concern, except for Yang, who has a smug grin on her face.

Jaune: Did

As Nora comes to, she realizes she's holding Yang's robotic arm, causing her to scream and throw it away from her. Yang laughs while she catches her arm.

Later on, Jaune helps clean up the dishes.

Jaune: Gyah...We ate it all...(he picks up the pot holding all the bowls) Oh, I think I'm gonna be sick...

Yang: Easy there, Vomit Boy, I believe in you.

Jaune: (sarcastic) Oh, we're doing nickname throwbacks now. Wonderful. (walking away with the dishware in his hands)

Nora: (pointing at Weiss giggling) I mean, the Ice Queen seems to like it.

Weiss stops giggling, and Ruby bursts into laughter at Nora's remark. Weiss smiles nonetheless.

Weiss: (rolls her eyes) I so did not miss you people.

Nora: (gasps) Oh my gosh, she really does like it! What went and warmed your heart while you were gone?

Weiss: Hey! You make it sound like I used to be terrible.

Yang: Nah. Just a lot to deal with it once.

Weiss: Hmph!

Yang playfully sticks her tongue out at Weiss, who clings to Y/N's arm while making a pouty face.

Ren: It's been a long time. We've all grown in our own ways.

Ruby: You really think so?

Ren: Well, think back to when we were all at Beacon, would you say you ever did anything foolish or embarrassing? Or do you think you were perfect?

Weiss: Oh gosh. (releases Y/N before burying in her hands again)

Yang: I may have been a little too gung-ho from time to time.

Ruby: Heh, you? I tried to 1v1 a Nevermore on the second day of school.

Jaune: (walking back into the room) Yeah, well...don't even get me started.

Y/N: (looking down saddened) Me too.

Ren: Well that embarrassment - that desire to go back and tell yourself not to be so stupid - that just proves you're not the same person you used to be.

Ren: You're smarter, you're kinder, you're stronger, and you're not done growing yet. None of us are.

Y/N looks down trying to keep her expression hidden from the others.

Y/N: (That's not true...)

She looks back up to the conversation as Ruby speaks up.

Ruby: Yeah, turns out Ren gets real deep when he feels like talking.

Everyone giggles while Y/N fakes her own giggle.

Nora: Well, hold on, I thought I was pretty great in school!

Yang: Even at the dance? When you spilled punch all over yourself in front of--

Nora: Yes, especially the dance! Thank you, Yang!

Yang covers her ears from Nora's yelling, who has her scroll out playing "Shine". while Ruby laughs.

Qrow: How can seven kids possibly make so much noise eating dinner?!

Qrow and Oscar are seen standing next to Jaune. Nora presses her scroll to stop the song. Oscar gives a small laugh.

Everyone heads up to the second-floor living room, with Weiss and Yang having finished being filled in on what everyone else knows so far.

Weiss: So, the Maidens. Magic. Salem. It's all true?

Qrow: Uh-huh.

Ozpin: Miss Xiao Long, is this more or less what your mother told you?

Yang doesn't respond, still having her arms crossed. Weiss answers for her.

Weiss: For the most part.

Yang: You forgot something. You forgot to tell everyone what you did to Qrow and my mother.

Ruby gasps.

Jaune: What is she talking about?

Qrow: Oh, great.

Ozpin: Hm, that's not a secret I thought she would give up so easily. Your mother must trust you a great deal.

Yang scowls at him.

Ozpin: My ability to reincarnate, though a curse, isn't without a few key benefits. Much like the Maidens, I too possess a certain..."magical" power.

Ozpin: (stands up and walks next to Qrow) Using this power, I was able to gift the Branwen twins the ability to "see" more, to move freely and be unburdened by their natural bodies. I... well... gave them the ability to turn into birds. (chuckles) Rather ridiculous sounding out loud, isn't it?

Y/N: (Wait...birds?)

She thinks back to the Raven she named "Akane" remembering the times the bird landed on her shoulder and comforted her everytime Raven defeated her in combat and left to go back to the bandit camp.

Y/N stares daggers at Qrow, who indiscreetly whistles sensing the anger coming off the wolf faunus.

Ruby: Uncle?

Ren: You turned them... into birds.

Nora: Alright, now you're just messing with us.

Jaune: (angry) What else is new?

Weiss: He's telling the truth. We saw it. Yang's mom...changed, right in front of us.

Yang: (to Ozpin) Why would you do something like that? I mean, what is wrong with you?

Qrow: Yang, that's enough! We made a choice. We wanted this.

Yang relents.

Ozpin: (to Qrow) May I? (Qrow nods) Granting this power to them was no trivial task, and I can assure you it was not done frivolously.

Ozpin: I required assistance in gathering information on Salem's plans, as well as searching for Maidens when their hosts became unclear.

Ruby: Okay, so, have you done this with others? Like General Ironwood? Or Professor Goodwitch?

Ozpin: As helpful as that might be, unfortunately, it is not that simple. My power is finite, and if I'm being honest, dwindling. The amount that I gifted to Qrow and Raven was, all things considered, rather miniscule.

Ozpin: You see, centuries ago, I sacrificed a great deal of magic to four young women, who I hoped would use my gift for good. They were the first Maidens. (everyone is silent for a moment)

Ozpin: Miss Xiao Long, it was never my intention to lie to you. To any of you. There are just some matters that I prefer to... "play close to the chest". (looking to Qrow) I believe that's how you phrased it?

Qrow: (chuckles) Yeah.

Ozpin: Everyone has a choice. The Branwens chose to accept their powers and the responsibilities that came with them. And later, one of them chose to abandon her duties in favor of her own self-interest.

Ozpin: Now, all of you have a choice. If anyone wishes to leave, now is the time. There's no shame or disgrace in abstaining, only in retreat.

Everyone is silent as they ponder Ozpin's words.

Ozpin: Very well, then.

Yang suddenly stands up.

Ruby: Yang?

Yang: If Ruby sticks around, then I will too. If there's one thing I know about her, it's that she somehow always knows the right thing to do.

Yang: (smiles at Ruby after saying that) But, if we're going to help, if we're going to keep risking our lives, no more lies. No more half-truths.

Everyone remains silent. Ozpin and Qrow exchange a brief look with each other. Ozpin ponders Yang's words for one last moment, before responding.

Ozpin: (smiling) Understood.

Yang sits back down.

Jaune: So...what now? I mean, what can we do?

Ozpin: Mm, that is a difficult question. One that I believe is best answered tomorrow.

Jaune: What do you mean?

Ozpin: The road ahead is undoubtedly filled with hardships and peril. However, it's been far too long since you have all been together. (puts his hand on Yang's shoulder) Please, take tonight, enjoy this moment. (Yang smiles)

Suddenly Oscar's eyes glow, with Ozpin giving him control back to his body. Oscar realizes he has his hand on Yang's shoulder

Oscar: Geh! (quickly takes his hand off and nervously clings to his cane)

Yang and Weiss laugh at him, before hearing a noise from Nora.

Nora: (suddenly realizing) Oooohhh. Raven? Qrow? They're birds!! Cracked it!

Ren shakes his head at Nora being slow on the uptake.

It's now nightime as everyone has went to sleep as Y/N walks out from the shower and changed into her night attire as she makes it to her room when she suddenly feels someone hug her from behind.

Y/N: Huh?

Y/N turns to see Weiss in her own night attire.

Y/N: W-Weiss?

Weiss: I'm sorry for surprising you, I just couldn't really sleep.

Y/N: I...I see.

Y/N: D-Do you want to sleep with me?

Weiss responds by hugging Y/N tighter.

The two get into bed together as Y/N kisses Weiss before drifting off to sleep.

Lemon Warning 18+

An hour passes as Weiss is still unable to sleep as she can't help but stare at her cute wolf faunus girlfriend.

Weiss: (It's been so long since we've slept together)

Weiss: (I can't help but feel really happy)

She smiles and starts stroking Y/N's hair as the wolf faunus smiles in her sleep.

Weiss: (She's way too cute!)

Weiss kisses her exploring her territory before releasing Y/N and soon finds herself getting more lost in her lust.

Weiss: I'm sorry....Y/N.

She starts groping Y/N's breasts through her shirt as the wolf faunus let's out small moans while still remaining asleep.

Weiss then moves on to her behind before proceeding down her legs.

Weiss: (She's definitely gotten a little bit skinner probably because she hasn't been able to get any of her sweets these past few months)

Weiss: (I'll see if I can get her some tomorrow)

She feels up Y/N's legs before she slowly starts to take off her blue pajama pants exposing her striped blue panties.

Weiss hesitates to go further as she looks to see Y/N is still asleep as her face is now red.

Weiss then moves her panties aside and proceeds to insert her finger inside the wolf faunus causing Y/N to wake up from the sudden pleasure.

Y/N: W-Weiss!

Weiss doesn't stop as she continues her pace causing Y/N to let out more and more moans from the pleasure.

Y/N: I-I'm...

Weiss then uses her free hand to pull on her wolf tail as Y/N eyes widen from the sensation.

Y/N: (using her hands to muffle herself) Cumming~!

After her release Y/N looks down as Weiss backs away trying to explain why she did it.

Weiss: I-I'm sorry Y/N! I just couldn't help it since I haven't been able to see you for so long! I...I

Y/N then embraces the Schnee girl before kissing her again.

Y/N: I...I really missed you too.

Weiss: Then why did you seem so...scared when you saw me and Yang?

Y/N: Because I...lied to you both.

Weiss: "Lied"?

Y/N: I promised you both that I was gonna come back and not do anything reckless.

Y/N: But I lied and did neither because I wanted to revenge against Cinder.

Y/N: When I heard that you and Yang met up with Raven and learned about me, I was scared because...I don't want you both to hate me.

Weiss: (flicking Y/N's forehead) You dolt.

Weiss: The only thing me and Yang hate about you is when you do things like this.

Y/N: W-What?

Weiss: You always blame yourself for things that was out for your control and always make yourself as this ugly and hateful person when you're nothing but the complete opposite.

Y/N suddenly remembers Ruby saying similar words back on their way to Mistral.

Weiss: I'm head over heels for you Y/N and I want you to be happy.

Y/N: I...

Weiss: (sigh) I guess I'll just have to keep working on you until I can make you see for yourself that you're the wonderful girl I see you as.

Y/N: W-Weiss.

Y/N kisses her once again the two release as Y/N undresses Weiss leaving her only in her bra and panties.

Y/N starts to slowly unbuckle her bra strap to reveal Weiss's breasts.

Weiss: I'm sorry, that I'm nowhere near as good as Ruby and Yang.

Y/N: That doesn't matter, it's you so I'll love any part of you no question.

The wolf faunus then sucks on one of her nipples while using the other hand to grope her breast as Weiss let's out a small moan biting her lip to keep herself from getting any loader.

Weiss: Ah~ I-It feels so good~

Y/N then let's go of her nipple with an audible pop before proceeding to lick her neck as Weiss let's out another moan.

Weiss: Y-Yes~ R-Right there~!

Y/N keeps going before she moves to Weiss right ear and gently bites it.

Weiss: (using her hands to muffle herself) I'm Cumming~!

The two stare into each others eyes before kissing once again as they fully make out waiting to see who gives first.

Y/N gives out first as Weiss sees the opportunity to pull on her wolf tail once again.

Y/N: W-Wait...I want you to feel good too.

They soon switch positions as Y/N and Weiss are inserting their tongues into each other as Y/N is sitting on Weiss's face as the ice queen is enjoying the taste of her wolf faunus girlfriend.

Y/N: P-Pwase don't stop~

Y/N goes down more on the Ice queen trying to make her feel equally as good as she is her.

Weiss: (I-I can't help but feel so good~!)

They both continue to pleasure each other reaching their limits as Y/N gets off Weiss's face as the two stare at each others lustful expressions while pleasuring each other.

Y/N: I-I'm gonna cum~

Weiss: M-Me too~

They soon reach their absolute breaking point and climax while trying to keep themselves quiet.

Y/N & Weiss: Kyaaa~

They kiss one more time and release as they cuddle with each other.

Y/N & Weiss: I love you.

They soon both drift off to sleep feeling nothing but happiness from being reunited.

Lemon's Over Sorry If It Sucked~

Chapter End

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