Lie to Me (Aizawa x OC)

By vonsphinx

13.8K 359 21

My Hero Academia Fanfic Hasaku's quirk is Soul. She can change her physical body, making her capable of going... More

ONE: Bittersweet Reunion
TWO: Hidden Hero
FOUR: Secret's Out
FIVE: Rescue Mission
SIX: First Day
SEVEN: Hero Exam
EIGHT: The Meeting
NINE: The Hassaikai
TEN: Hospitalized
ELEVEN: School Festival
TWELVE: The Past

THREE: Training Camp

1.2K 36 0
By vonsphinx

We all stepped out of a portal, splitting up. Shigaraki was looking for one of the U.A kids, wanting him to join the group. He had a whole plan set out.

I, along with a clone of Dabi created by Twice, headed towards the base where the kids were staying, going to check the place out. We knew most of the students were in the forest, doing some sort of group activity.

I went invisible and snuck inside, taking a quick look around all the rooms. Most were empty, except for one classroom where two teachers - one of those being Aizawa - and six students were in.

"There's some other students back at their base," I tell Dabi after going back outside. "Two teachers as well. It's probably best not to alert them of what's going on outside, it'll be easier on us to attack only when they try to leave. Our main goal is to keep them separated, don't let them group up with the ones we're after"

"You sure have this all thought out," Dabi says.

"Most of it was Shigaraki, keeping the students separated from the few teachers there are. But it is easier when there aren't professionals in the way"

I sat down on the roof of the base, just above the entranceway, waiting for someone to come out. The Dabi clone remained on the ground, going to be the first to attack whoever stepped out.

"I don't like bringing all these kids into this," I mumble to myself.

"You gotta recruit them young," Dabi told me.

"Yeah, but, hero kids?"

"The one Shigaraki's after doesn't seem like much of a hero"

He went quiet, moving more towards the shadows as the fire in the forest started to grow. I watched Aizawa run out of the building, looking up over the trees at the black smoke from the fire the real Dabi was starting. Then Dabi's clone quietly moved to Aizawa's side, surprising him.

"Looks like your concern has you distracted, Eraser," Dabi said, his hand out and ablaze. "You pros oughta lay off. We haven't come here for any of you so just stay out of our way"

The fire grew, surrounding Aizawa in a big blue explosion. I brought my arms up in front of my face to block the heat. When I moved my arms away I found Aizawa holding onto the roof, he had jumped out of the way of the fire, but he still didn't see me.

He had his quirk active, keeping the clone from using his quirk. I didn't make myself visible just yet. He threw his scarf at the clone then tackled him to the ground, breaking one of his arms as he asked him some questions.

"Mr. Aizawa!" A student with glasses called out.

"Stay back," Aizawa ordered.

Dabi got out from under Aizawa, still wrapped up in the scarf, but he had a smirk on his face. "That's exactly the performance I'd expect out of a U.A teacher. Tell me, hero, you worried for your students?"

Aizawa tried tightening the scarf but it only went through Dabi's body, his body now turning to clay and vanishing. Aizawa ran off past the students and I flew after him, knowing it was my turn to fight.

I lost him for a bit in the forest, he was fast, but eventually I spotted him again. This time he was running back towards the base, a kid in his arms. I almost wanted to let him go, get the kid to safety, but I knew if word got back to Shigaraki that I let him go, he'd be even more suspicious of me.

I dropped down, making myself visible, cutting Aizawa off from his path. He skidded to a stop, making sure to keep a distance between us. He set the kid down on his feet.

"You know the way back?" Aizawa asked the kid, not taking his eyes off of me.

"I-I think"


The kid ran off, running in a big semi circle around me, and I let him. I got into a fighting position and he got his scarf ready, his hair floating as he activated his quirk.

"No going easy this time," I tell him. "Neither of us"

His scarf shot out at me but I grabbed it, prepared for anything this time. I wouldn't let him take a cheap shot. I ran at him, avoiding getting trapped by the scarf.

He kicked at me but I dodged, ducking under his leg. He quickly spun and tried punching me but only punched the air, because I was one step ahead of him.

I grabbed the back of his scarf, pulling it right to his neck, but where I was so close to him he managed to grab my arm and flip me over his shoulder. I landed in a crouch, jumping away as he attacked again.

While he attacked, I dodged, watching his movements. I was waiting for the right time, trying to pick my opportune moment. When the moment did arise I slipped behind him, kicking his legs out from underneath of him then kicking him forward.

I pinned him to the ground on his stomach, holding his arms behind his back. I leaned down closer to him, stopping when my mouth was beside his ear. I could've sworn I saw his ears grow a little red as my breath brushed against them, but the darkness made it hard to tell.

"Kamino ward, Yokohama city," I whispered.

He got his hands free and I jumped away from him before he could knock me off of him and attack. I was ready to fight back, until someone spoke over the radio in my ear.

"Vanguard action squad, I've acquired our target. The show has officially come to a close. Meet me at the retrieval point in the next five minutes for the final bow," Compress said.

"No hard feelings," I say to Aizawa, floating up into the air. "Right?"

His eyes narrowed, he was clearly confused by what I had whispered into his ear. I tried leaving but his scarf wrapped around my ankle, yanking me back to the ground.

I gasped for breath as I hit the ground, the wind getting knocked out of me. Then the scarf wrapped around my entire body, keeping me from moving. I didn't struggle, I focused on regaining my breath.

"We need to talk," he tells me.

"I've already said enough," I managed to wheeze out, still struggling to breathe.

"Are you giving me information?"

"Am I?"

The scarf tightened around me, making it a little harder to catch my breath. I squeezed my eyes shut, putting my whole focus on my breathing. When it was back to normal I opened my eyes, finding his face right in front of mine, his long hair a curtain around the both of our faces.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Thats all I can give you"

"Is it where your base is?"

"I'm not answering anymore questions"

I managed to use my quirk long enough to get myself out of his scarf, but when I was expecting him to use his quirk and cancel mine, he didn't. I managed to fly away from him without a worry.

He let me go.

I ran a hand down my face when I landed in the forest, Dabi and Twice standing around. Twice jumped a little, clearly surprised at me appearing out of nowhere.

"What took you so long?" He asked.

"I was fighting against Eraser. He took out Dabi's clone like it was nothing, obviously I'm not going to be here right away. Anyway, I'm going to fly on ahead"

"Don't get caught!" He shouted as I flew off.

"Don't plan on it," I say, even though I knew they couldn't hear me.

When I got home I changed into something more comfy, then I headed out, not going anywhere in particular.

I was minding my own business, wandering the empty streets at night, when a familiar looking scarf wrapped around my body. I followed where it came from, finding Aizawa perched at the edge of a roof of a house.

"Are you following me?" I ask.

"Come with me," he ordered.

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? I wasn't even doing anything and you're taking me in?"

"I'm not taking you in"

"Then why this?"

"You ran last time. We need to talk"

"About what? Why do you want to talk so badly? You do know phones are a thing, right? My number hasn't changed"

"Would you have answered if I called?"

"Yes... eventually"

He let me go and I crossed my arms, waiting for him to jump down. He landed in front of me, his scarf going back around his neck.

"If you have something to talk to me about, there's no one around. I have someplace to be so I can't go anywhere"

"Why did you reveal the location to me?" He asks.

"What location?" I ask, acting stupid, knowing full well what he meant.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Why do you care so much?"

"We made a promise that I intend to keep"

"Promise me this. No matter where we both end up, we look out for each other. If I need you, you be there for me. And the same thing the other way around. In this world it's hard to find people you can depend on, so, we depend on each other," I said.

He nodded. "Promise"

"Oh, right. I nearly forgot about that," I mumble. "That was so long ago"

"I want to help you"

"Help me?"

"That's getting really annoying," he grumbled.

"What is?"

"Answering everything I say as a question"

"Well, I wouldn't be asking if you'd explain further instead of just giving me barely anything. How do you want to help me?"

"I want to save you from them"

"Save-" I stopped myself with a sigh. "I don't need to be saved from them. I willingly joined, what do you not get about that?"

"But this isn't you. I know you, you would never dream of doing this, it was never a possibility"

I grabbed his scarf in fists, yanking him closer to me. He was surprised, not knowing what I was doing, probably not knowing what I was so angry about either.

"You just have to be the hero, don't you?" I hissed.

I wanted to lean in closer, he was already so close, not trying at all to move away, his eyes locked with mine. But my hands loosened their grip, letting my arms drop back to my sides.

"I have to go"

I made myself go invisible and floated away from him as fast as I could. I could briefly hear him calling out before I was too far gone.


I didn't need him getting in my way. I needed to finish this job before I got found out, before I let my emotions give away my true intentions.

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