The Bad Boys Exception

By JadeGreen16

1.2M 25.2K 15.3K

She was a good girl. She was polite. She was humble. She was extremely beautiful. She studied hard. She didn'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 61 - part 2
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
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Chapter 63

10.6K 241 150
By JadeGreen16

Emily POV:

The smile falls off of my face momentarily, "my sister died of brain cancer 4 years ago today."

"I'm so sorry dear girl, I had a child who died of cancer also when he was 12." Carol says sadly, a tear falling out of her eye.

"What was his name?" I ask, it seemed like I actually understood what this woman was going through, and she understood what I had been through.

"His name was Ian and he was the happiest child you would ever meet, we knew he would die young," Carol smiles sadly. My heart breaks for her.

"I'm sorry," I reply softly.

"I know it's hard now dear, but it does get better. There will always be hard days but time does heal," Carol says, smiling at me.

"Was he your only child?" I ask.

"No, he had a sister named Elizabeth. Liz had my 3 grandchildren that are here now, her son is named after Ian." Carol smiles.

I smile back.

"Turn the page," she encourages.

We go through the whole album, it was astounding how all the pictures of Maddi made me smile instead of cry. It was so nice being in Carol's presence.

"Would you like to look around the house? See how it is now?" Carol offers. I nod straight away, I would love to see everything now.

I follow Carol as she takes me around the familiar house. Everything is the same except for the furniture and we finally get to the last room of the house, Maddi's old room.

I sigh, opening up the door. I see a child sleeping on a single bed, she looked to be around 4. I look around the room, the walls were still painteded the purple color that Maddi and I had picked out for her, the small drawing on the wall in the corner of the room was still there. If you didn't know it was there, then you'd miss it.

Although the room brings me intense sadness, I was so happy that I had gotten the chance to see it. A tear falls down my cheek but i'm also happy.

"Was this her room?" Carol asks gently. I nod.

"Do you want a minute?" Carol offers sadly.

I shake my head, declining her offer politely before walking back down to the living room.

"Are you okay dear?" Carol asks gently as she sits across from me again. Brian had gone to sleep a little while ago.

"I will be, tell me about your grandkids," I suggest, I wanted to know as much about this sweet old woman as I could.

"Well, theirs the youngest who is only 18 months, that's Ian. Then I have the middle child who is now 3, that's Beth and then my oldest who is 4, she is Maddi."

Wait what?


I look at Carol in shock and she obviously notices this; "well Madeline but we call her Maddi."

"My sister was named Maddi," I smile. For some unknown reason, knowing there was another Maddi sleeping in my sister's old room filled me joy, my sister's legacy would live on even though this child would never know.

"That's lovely," Carol smile gently but I cam see she's a little surprised. "Dear, give me your number would you, I would love for you to meet my grandchildren one day."

I smile warmly at the old woman and put my number in her phone quickly before texting myself so I would have her number.

"Thank you so much, Carol, for everything, you have no idea how much you've helped today," I admit gratefully.

"I'm glad my dear, you are always welcome here. I do hope you come again," Carol smiles.

"I would love that," I smile. My phone rings, interrupting our conversation and a silly picture of Toby lights up my screen.

Carol nods at me before heading towards the kitchen, obviously telling me to answer the call.

"Hey," I greet into the phone.

"Mills?" Toby questions, he seemed a little panicked and I instantly begin to worry.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" I ask.

"I'm so sorry Mills but Aiden is absolutely smashed. He said he won't stop drinking until you come, I tried to deal with him but I think you need to come over," Toby begs.

I sigh, worry flooding through me; "sure, where are you?"

"At Aiden's, do you want me to walk you over from your house?" Toby offers.

"No, I'm out. I'm leaving now so I'll be like 15 minutes," I reply.

"Thank you so much Mills, I'm so sorry," Toby sighs, his relief obvious.

"You're welcome," I reply, rubbing my temples as I end the call.

I walk into the kitchen to say goodbye to Carol who gives me a comforting hug before I run to my car as it was still raining heavily.  Sighing to myself in frustration I begin driving towards Aiden and my house.

Why the hell did he want me to go over? Couldn't Katherine go?! It was almost midnight now which meant that the worst day of my year was almost over. Why did I have to spend it looking after the guy I was in love with when he was in love with someone else?

I almost want to scream in frustration at the irony of it all, why was everything so freaking complicated?!

Finally, I arrive home. I park my car in its usual spot and run over to Aidens house where Toby is already waiting with a towel and relieved look.

"Hey Tobes," I smile.

Toby smiles back, "thank you so much for coming Mills."

"What are friends for if not helping out each other when they're drunk," I attempt to joke but the word friends makes it seem a lot sadder.

Toby visibly flinches but I ignore him before walking inside the warm house.

"Where is he?" I question, an extremely nervous feeling setting in the pit of my stomach.

Toby doesn't have time to reply when I hear Aiden's voice, usually, I loved his voice but I hated it now as he was talking in such a slur that I could barely understand him.

"Collins, you came!!" Aiden slurs, wobbling into view.

I instinctively wrap my arms around his torso to steady him. Toby grabs his either side. Even drunk, the slight contact makes butterflies erupt all over my skin.

I hate myself for the way he makes me feel.

"Let's get you to bed," I sigh as Aiden stares me.

"You know Collins, you are very beautiful," Aiden shrugs confidently. I stare at him in shock as my face flames the familiar red. I knew Aiden was confident but he usually had a joking look when he made comments like that, right now Aiden was looking at me like...well like I was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes on.

"I love it when I make you blush," Aiden grins, wobbling a little.

"Alright mate, that's enough," Toby chuckles.

"But I need to tell her that I do really like her," Aiden persuades Toby. Did he even realise I was right here?

"Well then maybe you should tell her tomorrow," Toby laughs.

"Come on Aiden, please go to sleep," I beg, my face still burning.

"I will," Aiden begins grinning, Toby and I both sigh in relief. "If Collins goes to sleep with me."

"Seriously man?" Toby groans. Aiden grins, nodding.

Toby sighs before looking at me expectantly.

I knew for a fact that I should say no, in fact, I should run away so far that it takes Toby until the morning to find me. I was in love with this guy who was in love with a stunning girl who wasn't me. Sleeping in the same bed as him would be so bad for me, there was literally no way I could say yes, even if I wanted to.

"Yeah that's fine," I find myself replying.



Fuck me!!!

Aiden just grins and Toby looks at me gratefully.

I hate myself so fucking much.

"Alright, help me get him to bed? He's one heavy motherfucker," Toby chuckles.

"Are you calling me fat?" Aiden looks at Toby in all seriousness and I can't help but laugh.

"Sure bro," Toby replies rolling his eyes.

"That's not very nice," Aiden responds sadly. I can't help but laugh again and Toby rolls his eyes but smiles at me.

Together, we drag him to bed.

"Aiden you need to get changed" I insist. Aiden was still wearing black jeans and a tight white shirt and although he looked as hot as ever, I knew he would be uncomfortable.

Aiden groggily takes his shirt off and throws it on the floor. Even drunk his body looked as though the god's personality carved it. He unbuttons his jeans and gets them off before throwing them with his shirt, now he was only in his boxers.

"I'm going to go home and tell Robert that I'm staying here as well as get changed," I sigh to Toby.

"No!!" Aiden interjects, attempting to stand.

"Why?" Toby asks rolling his eyes, I look at Aiden expectantly, waiting for him to answer.

"I want her to wear my clothes, I like it when she wears my clothes," Aiden explains.

"Really Aiden?" I groan, drunk him was getting annoying.

"Yep, or else I won't go to sleep," he grins cheekily.

"Fine," I sigh, massaging my temples.

Toby chuckles before getting me out an oversized plain black shirt and some sports shorts. I take his hand out impatiently and go into the ensuite so I can get changed, why was he so fucking annoying?!

I put the shirt on and am not surprised when it drowns my small frame. The shorts are too big so I angrily give up, the shirt will have to do.

I walk back into Aiden's room only to see him and Toby talking quietly.

Aiden sees me and his eyes widen, "shhh Toby, she'll hear us."

I almost throw something at him but instead lie on the spot beside him in frustration. Aiden smiles at me like he had just won the lottery but I ignore him, rolling over to glare at Toby who was trying to refrain from laughing.

"I'll come over tomorrow with Carter and Blake, I'll invite Dale, Charlie, and Luke as well," Toby smiles at me.

"Do you really think he'll be in the mood to host?!" I ask Toby, giving him a pointed look.

"Not at all but I wasn't in the mood to babysit tonight and paybacks a bitch," Toby grins. I laugh at him, trying to ignore it when Aiden throws his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

Toby rolls his eyes at Aiden but blows me a kiss before he walks away and out the door. Now it was just Aiden and I.

Aiden falls asleep almost straight away but I can't. Today, well yesterday was the worst day of my life, so why was I so willing to deal with a drunk Aiden?! Most importantly, why did it bring me comfort that his arms were wrapped around my frame when he didn't even know what had happened?

If this was what unrequited love was, then I wanted out.


A loud groan wakes me up. I stir slightly and turn around to come face to face with Aiden who looked like hell.

"Collins?" Aiden questions in surprise.

"Yeah," I mumble back. I was still so tired.

"What the fuck happened last night?" Aiden asks me.

I sit up groggily, "you got way too drunk and wouldn't go to sleep unless I stayed with you."

Aiden looks at me in surprise; "so you did?"

I laugh lightly; "I didn't really have a choice, plus, that's what friends do."

Aiden stares at me as an unrecognizable emotion flashes through his beautiful eyes. He continues to stare at me before he groans again and lies back down, holding his head in his hand.

I laugh at him, serves him right. I slide out of bed and walk to his bathroom where I had noticed Advil last night. He watches me and I only just remember that I was in his shirt and nothing else. My first instinct is to cover myself but I refrain.

I grab him the tablets before going down to the kitchen and getting him some water.

"Mills!!" Toby grins excitedly.

I jump at the sudden and unexpected noise before glaring at a laughing Toby.

"What the fuck Toby?" I question.

"I got here like an hour ago to wake up Aiden but you guys were all cuddled up and I just couldn't do it," Toby grins knowingly.

"Shut up," I reply, my face flushing red as Toby continues to laugh.

"Carter and Blake are on their way," he grins.

"Okay," I reply smiling, it would be nice to see Carter and Blake.

Toby looks at me and smiles sadly; "go and talk to him, I'll give you guys 15 minutes before I get revenge. But Mills, he's a better person with you in his life, even if it's just friends."

My face flushes crimson when it hits me that Toby knew everything. I smile at him painfully before heading back to Aiden's room with a cup of water.

As soon as he sees the water in my hand he smiles at me gratefully and sits up, quickly dowing the tablets and water.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I'm so sorry Collins," Aiden says. I get the feeling that he is talking about a lot more than him drunk last night but I ignore it.

"It's fine, like I said, that's what friends are for." I reply.

"So we're just friends then?" Aiden questions. My heart race accelerates as I realize the dangerous waters we're about to enter. I didn't want to hear him tell me about Katherine and how she was the one.

"Please Aiden, don't go there. Can we please just pretend that whatever happened between us didn't and we're friends again? I want you in my life," I end up begging, I couldn't afford my heart to break any more than it already had.

Aiden stares at me for a minute, trying to detect any trace of deceit in my tone. When he finds none, he eventually nods and my heart almost jumps out of my chest in relief. I would still have him in my life now, just not the way that I had wanted him.

"Well then as your friend I do have to say, you look great with my shirt on," Aiden smirks.

My heart jumps almost on cue, the old Aiden was back, the flirty one. I knew that as relieved as I felt, there was also a small hole in my chest knowing that even though he was still flirting with me, he never really felt the same way I did.

"Put on your clothes, I'm coming in," Toby calls from the door. I blush crimson but open the door for him. He grins at me cheekily but I glare at him jokingly.

Toby and Aiden share a look but as always, I don't understand what it means. Or why Aiden shakes his head slightly at a now frowning Toby.

The doorbell rings, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"It'll be Carter and Blake," Toby says.

"I'll get it," I smile, relieved to get away from the unknown looks the boys were sharing. I always felt so out of place when Aiden and Toby did their psychic thing.

I hear quiet voices the second I leave but I'm unable to make out any words. I was excited to see Carter and Blake, it felt like ages ago when we all hung out last. Charlie, Dale and Luke would also be getting here very soon.

As soon as I make it to the door I remember I was still only in Aidens shirt, it didn't really matter, these guys had seen me in much less than their best friend's oversized shirt.

Shrugging it off I open the door with a smile on my face. I look up to greet the boys but instead find that my heart literally sinks to my chest. My smile falls off my face completely as I stare at the prospective supermodel in from of me.

"Hello?" The stunning girl smiles, although I can hear the questioning tone in her voice.

I knew this girl, I had heard all about her. It seemed that she was even more stunning in real life.

This girl was Katherine.



Soooooo, what are we thinking?

Don't hate me but the next chapter will be in Aiden's POV. I feel like you guys are really going to have some issues with some of my future plans for this story. I'll let you know when it gets closer to what I am talking about.


Vote, comment, show me some loving.

I love you guys!!!

- Jade xx

ANDDDDD, that's it for today. I know I left you on another cliffhanger but right now I only have like 5 more chapters written so I'm going to leave it at that. I swear I'll try and write more and every 2 chapters I write, I'll post one so fingers crossed this is a good couple of weeks for me...your comments and votes are the reason why I write, they're what push me to continue writing so make sure you keep it up this week...

I honestly don't know how many chapters left of this story but I think there is a fair few even though we're definitely nearing the pointy end. There is just so much drama that has to happen before the book finally ends.

Thank you guys so much for the constant support and love and make sure you keep it up if you want to push me to write more and therefore, publish more.

I love you all so damn much.

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