The Secrets We Keep [Spencer...

By SpookyDrReid

287K 5.8K 14.7K

Spencer is missing and it's up to the BAU to get him back. But when her and the team digs up information on h... More

Happiness Doesn't Live Here...
A Drive
In The Field
The Secrets We Keep
Spencer Fucking Reid
The Lies You Told
A Vipers Bite
Meant To Be?
Not Over
The Gun Safe
Diamonds Or Paper For Forever?
Fifteen Minutes
The Rival
Her Father
He Loves Her
Safe and Sound
The Caregiver
Spencers Suprise
The Tape
500 years
Our Rightful Place
Nights Alone
Rough Cases
Rougher Sex
Nothing To Say
Shots Fired
The Alpha
Try Me
... And In The End
The Engagement
The Pregnancy
Check Out My Other Fics!

When It Falls Apart

8.2K 176 1.2K
By SpookyDrReid

Warnings: eavesdropping, angst, yelling, jealousy, arguing, talks of restrictive eating (unintentional), lack of sleep.

"He did not say that to y/n?" Garcia's stunned voice ringing out from the other line. Emily called her once we got back to the police station. You could hear her typing away as she got the name of Viper – Paul Thomas – and informed us of his mullet.

"Newbie & Matt, I have a question." She suddenly said.

"Fire." They said in unison.

"Does this guys stuff actually work on real breathing girls?" She asked.

"Why are you asking us? That's a question better suited for Reid." Luke teased, hitting Reid in the arm and laughing.

If you only knew what Reid could do.

"We all know boy genius doesn't need that to pick up woman. He won y/n over did her?" Everyone got quiet. "I abhor the whole chicks dig jerks thing." She hurried muttered trying to clear the air.

"You're the exception, Garcia" Spencer said with a smile.


With that it was time to deliver the profile.


You were hardly paying attention as they rattled off about how the unsub used these classes to learn body language.

"One classic routine the Viper promotes is called the 'push-pull' method." Reid started, walking forward. "He'll insert himself between two women, and immediately after complimenting one, he'll deliver a subtle insult, then pay attention to the other."

He looked over at you, leaning closer into you and noticing the hoop earrings you were wearing. Ones he bought you. "Those are really nice earrings. I like those." You stomach did flips as he straightened up. You brought your hand to them and tried so hard to swallow the blush getting ready to swallow your face. "My grandmother wears a lot of fake jewelry also." Before eliciting a laugh from the department and from the department and your coworkers. Including Emily.

You rolled your eyes, shooting him a deadly look. "Ignoring the one woman puts her in direct competition with her friend and causes the other to pursue you more aggressively." He explained before turning back to you and saying, "I was just demonstrating. So I'm sorry."

You muttered a 'mmm' and rolled your eyes once more.

The police chief told her officers how eyes and ears were needed at every club the Viper frequents and with that they were dismissed with orders to circulate the sketches.

"I think I might stay home and man the tip line. Clubs aren't really my thing." Spencer told Emily. He was right, but they needed him, they had enough people manning tip lines. And his profile skills were needed. And Morgan and Luke needed wingmen. According to them.

"There is another angel we need to pursue. We still don't know what made him change his victimology." Dave muttered. "What made him stop killing prostitutes and move into the clubs. I think the answer is somewhere in Vipers class. But to figure that put we have profile the teacher."

"We need to bait him with someone he sees as a challenge." Morgan said "We need to study his style up close and personal. It's gonna take someone he's already attracted to." All eyes fell on you.

"Oh this is really going to suck." You groaned. Images of the last time you went undercover flashed in your mind. But at least this time, Emily would be at your side instead of across the bar.

The rest of the team was tasked with handing out flyers while you and Em distracted the teacher, trying to profile him as best you could.


Your eyes scanned the room, meeting Vipers not to long after Em brought your drink over.

"Fuck head at 1 o'clock." You whispered to her, laughing as if you told her a joke.

Emily did all the talking, listening to this fuckhead groan on and on about how woman like being hunted. How we cant help our eyes dilating when we're turned on, just basic anatomy bullshit mist drunk girls would like. Meanwhile, you watched as Spencer struggled to hand out his flyers, being rejected left and right. It made you feel bad for him. How anyone rejected him was beyond you, but here we are.

Suddenly you watched Morgan walk over empty handed and seemed to be talking to him about something. He shook his head and motioned for Spencer to speak again, this time cheering and then pointing to the bar. You looked over. Behind the bar was a dark haired woman. She was short, but pretty. You watched as Morgan practically pushed Spencer her way. He looked nervous and now, you were zoned out of the convo Em and the Viper were having.

He leaned on the bar, talking to her about God knows what. Then you watched him stab the paper and drag the pencil off of it without tearing it. The bartender clapped and looked impressed. You felt your blood boil. This mother fucker was flirting right in front of you. Granted you weren't together, but still.

You watched her bat her lashes at him. You almost threw up. Then he went to walk away and almost sighed with relief before she seemingly called his name. He turned back and said something to him. He pointed at her which she reached into her hair and pulled out a card. Spencers card. He waved at her and turned back, meeting back up with Morgan who clapped his shoulder and walked away with him. Spencer had a stupid smile on his face, and you wanted to knock him out.

You turned back to the bartender who looked at him with the saddest fucking puppy dog eyes youd ever seen. You looked at Emily, and she luckily took the hint.


You'd never been so silent in your life. You said nothing on the way back to the hotel. The bureau was kind enough to give you each your own rooms. You grabbed your card from Emily and hurried upstairs. Once inside your room, you slipped out of your dress and hopped into the shower. For the second time that day, you let the water mix with your salty tears.

You stepped out and pulled on your pajamas. You crawled into bed and cracked open a book, hoping to get lost in a fantasy world and escape your own. But that proved to be incredibly more difficult than you wanted.

Oh Fuck

It was Spencer's voice. His room was right next to yours. You sprang up, pushing your ear to the wall. You prayed he was just jerking off and trying to get you to come over.

Fuck Spencer."

You almost fell over in shock. He wasn't alone. Not even by a long shot. Anger bubbled in your chest and you thought about going over there and pounding on his door. Embarrass him. But you couldn't tear your ear from the wall.

Yeah? You like when I wrap my hands around that pretty little throat? Huh, Austin?"

Your mouth fell open in shock. He was talking to her like he talked to you. Their moans mixing in a poor harmony. Nothing close to the music you and him would make.

And as fast as it started, it ended. You jumped out of bed, deciding you'd inconspicuously get a snack from the vending machine as this little slut came out of his room. You listened until you heard them exchange their goodbyes and you ran to your door, opening it and quietly running down the hall to the vending machine. Then you saw her, Austin as she was apparently. Aka the fucking bartender he gave his card to at the bar. They weren't talking about the case. Not even close. She eyed you suspiciously as she did the walk of shame out of his room and to the elevators. You scoffed and trudged back to your room and went to bed.


The next morning your alarm blared off in your ears. You groaned and shut it off. You pulled yourself out of bed, throwing on jeans and a black button up shirt, one that was once Spencer's. You didn't realize you had packed it. You shrugged in on and made your way down to grab breakfast.

You met everyone in the lobby, grabbing a muffin and some coffee after you said your good morning's to everyone else. Except for Spencer who wasn't down yet. You sat next to JJ, and ate. Just then the elevator dinged and out came a very sleeper Spencer Reid. You laughed to yourself as he sat down next to you.

"Morning, Fluff." He said quietly, leaning close

You just laughed louder and stood, ignoring him completely. You felt his eyes on you, but you didn't care.

"I'll meet you guys there." You grabbed the keys from JJ and hopped into the SUV. You heard feet behind you but you didn't turn until they grabbed your wrist and spun you around.

It was Spencer.

"What's your issue, Fluff?" He asked.

"I- excuse me? MY issue? My issue? Hmmmm" you said tapping your chin in fake thought. "How about the fact that you lied to me? The fact that you're apart of the mafia? The fact that you didn't trust me enough to tell me? The fact that you put all of us in danger because you couldn't be fucking honest? Idk Reid. You tell me what my issue is." You spat at him. Your blood was boiling. How dare he?

"How was your night with the bartender? Sounded pretty great to me." He was taken back by your statement, but you didn't let up. Instead, getting louder as you got closer to him, "Recycling the shit you used to say to me? Pathetic. Do you miss me that much that you cant even be original?" Spencer just looked at you with a stupid look on his face.

"Y/N..." He tried but you didn't let him.

"No. I don't wanna hear it. Clearly, you aren't that sorry. It's been two weeks. TWO WEEKS!"

"Y/N.." he tried again.

"STOP! You clearly don't miss me. Did you ever even love me?" You swallowed your tears, trying so hard not to cry. But it wasn't working as a tear slipped down your face.

Spencer grabbed you by your neck and pressed his lips to yours. His kiss was everything he wanted to say, but you wouldn't let him. You melted into his lips, kissing him back. He was the first to pull back, his hands never leaving your neck. You looked at him, shocked and speechless.

"Stop. I do miss you. I miss you much it fucking hurts. It hurts so fucking bad. I don't sleep, I barely eat. I needed a distraction." His eyes never left yours.

You sniffled, "So you thought hooking up with the fucking cunt you met ladtnight was the answer? I was right next door. I was right there." You cried.

"I know. I know. I shouldn't of done that. I am so fucking sorry, angel." You met his eyes, red rimmed and puffy. "I needed the hurt to stop. I couldn't take it. I'm so sorry for not telling you. I'm sorry for doing this to you. I'm so fucking sorry. But I cant lose you. I cant."

You pulled out of his grasp and yelled, "you slept with her Reid. You had sex with someone who isn't me. Two weeks after we broke up. TWO WEEKS."

He looked down. "I didn't sleep with her."

That made you stop dead in your tracks, "what?"

"I didn't sleep with her. I was going to but it didn't go far. Just some heavy petting and kissing."

You squinted at him. "You're lying. You're lying so I'll come back."

"I'm not lying. Look at me. Do I look like I'm lying? You're one of the best profilers in the country. Am I lying?" He asked.

You studied him carefully. He didn't show any signs of a lie, and he though he was from Vegas, you could read him better than anyone. It's something you grasped from your past dynamic. He wasn't lying. But you couldn't answer, because you knew.

"Exactly. I'm not lying. We didn't do anything. We didn't even get undressed. I didn't want her. I want you. Because I love you. I have always loved you, princess. Yes, what I did was wrong. But I wasn't ever planning on staying in that life. I didn't plan to drag you into it. I didn't mean to put you in danger. I will spend forever making it up to you. Please, just give me a chance."

You just stood there, a complete mess. Your head spinning at all the information. Did you have a right to be angry? What if he was being honest? You knew deep down he loved you. You knew he wasn't lying about that. There was no way he could've.

"Please, princess. Let me show you how sorry I am. Even if it takes the rest of my life."


A/N : will she forgive him??? 

We'll see hehhee 

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