Joining The Navy seal

By Xx_Mia_W_xX

22.1K 524 27

my grandfather was in the navy seal my dad was and died in the navy seal my big brother is in the navy seal ... More

-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
-Chapter 3-
-Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-Chapter 12-
-Chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 15-
-Chapter 16-
-Chapter 17-
-Chapter 18-

-Chapter 8-

1.1K 23 0
By Xx_Mia_W_xX

I went to the bathroom and started getting ready


half-hour later I was already ready, my mom always joked about how fast I'm getting ready, I miss them and it's only been two days, maybe I will talk to them later if I could.

Nate gave me my uniform yesterday so I was wearing my uniform and I did my hair into a dutch braid that my mom taught me how to do 

(Ignore the tattoo)

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled, I look like a seal. I hope I make you proud dad.

I walked out to see the boys starting to wake up

"good morning," I said while they all sat up and looked at me

"you look so badass," Jaxon said and I smiled at him

"no go change you look more badass than me and it's not allowed," Lanny said and we all laughed

"If I wasn't afraid before I sure do afraid now," Luke said an I laughed 

"Thanks guys now get up, you crazy asses," I said joking. it was then that we heard knocking

Owen came in and laughed hard

"what's so funny Adams?" Luke asked 

"she got here yesterday and still she is ready before you. now that's hilarious" Owen said and got his camera which I didn't know he had and took a picture of us. the boys look confused and I laughed 

"you and this camera I swear," Jaxon said to Owen

" in our defense, it's only five now how the hell is she ready is a mystery," Lanny said and I laughed

"sure sure. get ready meet me at six at the cafeteria" Owen said and left

"he is right you know," I said and got a "shut up" from the boys

"wait now that I think of it, where does Owen sleep?" I asked confused 

"A Chief has his own room so Owen sleeps there" Jaxon replied. Oh, that makes sense. I nodded in understanding

"I'm going to my brother, do you know where his room is?" I asked and they all nodded

"I will show you," Luke said. Lanny and Jaxon looked surprised but Luke already walked out and I followed him

"you need to get ready," I said to him. he won't have enough time

"Lanny and Jaxon take longer," he said

"so you could explain to me where his room is," I said and he shrugged. that would be more reasonable, I think its something else

"What's the real reason?" I asked him. he stopped walking and turned to me

"in the mission stick to us don't ever try to be a hero that's how you die okay?" he said and I smirked

"you worry about me? that's so cute thanks luke" I said and laughed 

"it's not- ugh," he said and I laughed more. before I could say anything else he stopped walking 

"that's his room but wait here I will get him, his team is annoying believe me you don't want to deal with them yet," Luke said,  I laughed and nodded. he walked to the room and came after a few moments with Nate

"Thanks Luke," I said and he nodded and left

"good morning," I said like in a singing tone and he smiled which doesn't happen a lot in the morning. Nate is definitely not a morning person and even now he looked annoyed but I know it's not towards me

"I missed waking up to you already up with so much energy," he said and I smiled

"I wanted to say goodbye," I said and he gave me a sad smile and pulled me in a hug

"I won't see you again until I come back, I will be gone for a few days maybe a week I don't know exactly," he said. I nodded still hugging him

"good luck out there you will do great," he said looking at me seriously

"back at you. I love you and I missed you too" I said and pulled back from the hug giving him one last smile and starts walking to the cafeteria

"always be strong never give up," he said. when he needed to come back after being home for a few days those words always were his last ones before he leaves he said that if something will happen he wants those words to be his last ones, my dad used to say that to us too. 

"you too, always be strong never give up," I repeated to him like I always did.

I walked to the cafeteria and saw the guys already eating, I sat in a free chair and started eating too

"so Skyler let me explain a few things, I'm Thunder 1 Jaxon Thunder 2 Luke is Thunder 3 and Lanny is Thunder four which means you are Thunder five. don't leave Luke's side, he will be with you at all times, it will be like that for the beginning but anyway most of the time we are with somebody and not alone depend on the circumstances. the details about our mission, your gun, and the rest of your things are in the command room we will go there when we will finish eating. most of the missions will be at night but this one is different. you listen to me unless you can't hear me or something happen to me if that happens then it's Jaxon, you can say if you think its a bad idea but in the end what I decide is what goes and I'm saying that because we don't have time to argue when we on a mission. and lastly, in missions, we call each other by saying Thunder and the number the person you want to talk to is. is everything clear?" he asked. I knew almost everything he said

"Yes," I said calmly and he smirked at me

"you really are a Harris," he said still smirking

"according to my mom, yes," I said while eating and everyone laughed

we finished eating and now we are in the command room getting details about the mission

"They weren't joking" a girl that just walked in said. she looked directly at me and smiled

(ignore the outfit only the face and hair)

"CIA?" I asked and she nodded

"Natalia Simmons," she said and put her hand in for a shake

"Skyler Harris" I answered and shook her hand hard like my dad taught me. she smirked and I smirked back. I like her.

"Ladies, do you mind?" Luke said, I looked around us and realized everyone was watching

"Shut it Lucas," Natalia said to Luke. I laughed when Luke winked at Natalia and she ignored him

"Skyler its good to see you again," David said walking toward me

"Good to see you too," I said and smiled

"Are we waiting for someone?" I asked because we weren't starting 

"yes actually-" David started to say but was cut mid-sentence by another girl walking in

 "I'm here let's get this party started" the girl who walked in said

"wait a second," she said once she saw me

"Skyler Harris," she said and I look at her confused 

"in the flesh," I said and she laughed

"Sorry you look a lot like Jonas, hi I'm Hailey Warren but you can call me Eli," she said. I gave her a smile and we shook hands

(again ignore the outfit and the earrings only face and hair)

"Eli here is the technical genius she is very good with computers," Lanny said

"Thank you Lanny," Eli said laughing

"now that we are all here let's get started," David said and we all sat down

for the next hour, David explained a lot of details about the mission and now we are all ready to go. they even brought me my gun.

"Okay let's get going," Owen says and we all got in the military car

there was a guy called Scar who was a very dangerous man and he wanted to kidnap a woman because of her husband. her husband, Adam, was his enemy and Scar kidnapped him and now he wants the wife we want to take scar down for that we need to save the wife so she can tell us as much as she knows and she knows stuff we just don't know how much so know we are on our way to where she lives

"We are five minutes from there" Owen announce

"Let's have some fun," I said as I smirked. they looked at me like I was crazy and I just shrugged

we got out of the car and started walking. 

"Okay they may have already here Thunder 4 go to that building and be ready with the gun," Owen said and Lenny went towards the building Owen told him to

"The rest of us lets head to the building over there and look for the wife," Owen said and before we can say or do something we heard a voice

"Thunder 1 it's better if you split up because there are two enters one at the back and one at the front" we heard Eli saying through the earpiece

"copy that. Thunder 3 and 5 you go to the back and we will go to the front" Owen said Luke and me nodded and walked towards the back entrance

we walked into the building it was sad to see the conditions some people living in it was a crappy place, to say the least. Luke tilted his head towards the right side which indicating he wants to go to the right.

we walked carefully searching for the wife so far we didn't find her but then I heard a noise

"you heard that? it came from here" I said and Luke followed me. 

"don't come near me" a woman who I recognize from pictures is the wife said while pointing a gun at us

"Thunder 1 we found her we will meet you in ten at the back entrance," Luke said through the earpiece

"copy that heading there now" Owen answered through the earpiece

"Listen we don't want to hurt you we want to help save your husband," Luke said but she didn't look like she believed him

"Look at me, we are from the army seals we want to take down Scar and we need yours and your husbands help for that" I spoke gently so she would understand, she looked at me then lowered her gun

"The people who want to hurt me wouldn't send a woman to do that so you are not lying," she said taking a deep breath. so far it was pretty easy

"Scar's man arrived now they are armed be careful," Owen said through the earpiece

Maybe not so easy

"We need to go," Luke said to the wife but she didn't move

"I'm not leaving without my child," she said

shit. not easy at all 


we have new characters:

Natalia Simmons 

(in real life Emma Watson)

Hailey Warren

(in real life Camila Mendes)

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