The Royal Werewolf Twins

By Lezboiis101

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Tamara and Tristan Wistan are two very special 16 year olds. All their lives they have dealt with being outsi... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

92 3 0
By Lezboiis101

Tamara's POV

Driving down the road into town I kept going over everything in my head. I can't understand how Tristan is so calm about all of this, how can he be so understanding and feel like everything is normal still? Taking a deep breath I glanced over to see Tristan just watching me with a smile on his face,
"What're you staring at?" I asked feeling a blush creeping up my neck.
"You of course, the way the sun is shining off your face makes you look like you're glowing. You look like an angel right now."
"Then again you always do" I heard him whisper under his breath, causing my heart to start pounding in my chest and my entire face to light up bright red.
"Sh— shut up Tris, you can't just say that sort of stuff."
"Why not? It's true and it makes you smile so why wouldn't I say something that would make you happy? it makes you feel good about yourself, so why would I ever stop trying to make you feel as beautiful as you naturally are?"
Feeling completely stunned I just shrugged my shoulders and sent a small half smile his way focusing on the road in front of me.
"Can we go to the diner over in Roster?"
"But Tris that's 3 towns away, it would take over an hour to get there!"
"Yeah but no one would know us there and I can hold your hand and we won't have to worry about anyone trying to but into our business or hearing those goddamn whispers and rumours that are constantly being spat at us."
"Not at you Tristan, they only talk about me and judge me. You're the golden boy around here remember?" I spat looking over at him from the corner of my eye seeing him wince and the hurt look spread across his face before his face went blank.
"Shit Tris, I didn't mean that, I'm sorry. I just hate this town and all of the assholes in it. You know I don't care about all of the drama spread about me, and I'm glad that everyone still treats you with respect after everything."
"Whatever T, you know I hate being the 'Golden Boy'. just because I get good grades and I am a decent athlete doesn't mean I'm some perfect guy. I'm just me, the guy that does his homework, plays as many sports and I can do that I can get the fuck away from our godforsaken family as fast as I can."
Feeling tears starting to prick the back of my eyes I took a deep breath, "I know Tristan, I'm sorry I said anything. I shouldn't have shoved it in your face."
"It's alright Mara, I know you didn't mean it, I just—- no, I don't want to talk about the bullshit around here right now. Let's just go to Roster, we need as much privacy for this conversation as we can."
"You're right, there's no point talking about the drama right now, we have enough on our plate right now with the dream things we both had." I stated, looking over my shoulder making sure it was safe to change lanes so I can head off to the highway.
Feeling a little claustrophobic due to the awkward silence I opened my window my thoughts going wild.
What am I supposed to tell Tristan? What did the Moon Goddess already tell him? How are we supposed to go on living with mom and that bastard that we have called dad all our whole lives? How could mom not tell us?
Feeling like my head is about to explode, I reached forward and turned on the radio. Hearing the soothing sounds of Luke Combs, I slowly start to feel my shoulders relax
"Her day starts with a coffee
And ends with a wine" I sing softly, feeling the music wash over me, calming all of the thoughts that were swarming throughout my head.
"Beautiful, crazy
She can't help but amaze me," Tristan chimes in, staring right at me. Feeling the tension in the air evaporate I look over at him, catching him wink at me before continuing to sing at the top of his lungs. Looking back towards the road, I try to hide my blush with my hair before he can see it.
"Don't hide your pretty face from me Mara," he said softly brushing my hair behind my ear. "I love knowing I'm able to make you blush. I know this is different and we are both confused about what's going on but honestly, as long as we go through it together then we can deal with anything." He stated so confidently, making me feel a little bit better about what's going to happen when we get to the diner. I nodded my head, not sure what to say to him.
"Well we are just about there." I murmur trying to remember which road to take to get to the diner. Slowly turning left down the next street, I see the little run down building coming up. Turning into the parking lot I start to feel my hands clamming up. Taking slow breaths hoping to calm my anxiety I park the car before slowly turning towards Tristan.
Nervously I reach over and grab his hand before he can hop out of the car. Turning back towards me I see him raise an eyebrow staring at my hand holding his.
"I just need a minute Tris, can you grab us a booth and I'll meet you in there? Please?" Pleading him to understand with my eyes.
Slowly he nods looking really confused before he opens his door and walks confidently into the restaurant.
"You can do this Tamara, it's not going to be anything bad. She visited him in his dreams last night so he will believe you. He loves you, he won't judge you or call you crazy. He loves you." I whisper to myself hoping to convince myself, before taking a calming breath stepping out of the car and walking towards the door.

Opening the door of the diner the first thing I notice is the strong smell of pancakes and bacon feeling my tummy grumble. Looking around I see Tristan stand up from a secluded booth in the corner away from the rest of the customers. Walking over to him I look around, finally being able to relax once I see that everyone here has no idea who I am. Feeling a smile grace my face I actually feel more relaxed than I have in months.
"What are you smiling about?" Tristan asked, looking confused. "It's just really nice to be able to walk into a place and not have every person glare at you or look disgusted. It just felt really good."
"Ahhh, I get it babe." He said casually as I felt my heart stutter and I'm sure my whole face looks dumbfounded.
Noticing my silence he looked up at me looking confused before a look of recognition went over his face and he suddenly looked paler than I've ever seen him. "Uh, umm I didn't, I mean, T, I can't bel— I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He whispered looking terrified before he put his face in his hands.
"I-it's okay Tris." I say softly, reaching over and grabbing his hands holding them in mine figuring that'll help sooth him before changing the subject. "Anyways, what should we order?"
"Uh can you just get me whatever your having? I'll be right back." He muttered before slipping out of the booth with his hands in his pockets and eyes trained to the floor. Watching him slump his way outside, I felt like my chest had a huge hole in it. Why did I have to make such a big deal? It's not like he did anything major, all he did was call me babe not ask me to marry him. How do I always manage to screw everything up? Why do I have to be such a failure all of the time? Rubbing my eyes to keep the tears from falling, I hear the clicking of heels coming closer to me. Keeping my head down hoping that who ever it is will just keep walking past me, obviously luck isn't in my favour as the sounds stop at the end of the table.
Hearing a throat being cleared I look up seeing a girl with her shirt three times to small squeezing her breasts almost completely out of the shirt and a short skirt that leaves little for imagination. "Can I help you?" I ask, not able to disguise the disgust in my tone.
"Are you going to order little girl? You can't stick around unless you buy anything." She screeched, blowing a bubble with the gum in her mouth towards me.
Looking down at the menu in front of me, "Oh umm yeah, can I get 2 orders of blueberry pancakes with sunny side up eggs? One order with bacon and the other one with sausage please? Oh and two of the biggest coffees you have."
Scoffing at me she looked me up and down, " Do you really think you need all that fat? God no wonder you're here all alone. Your pathetic."
Not wanting to show how much those words hurt I took a breath before saying, "Excuse me? I'm pathetic? At least I'm not a desperate slut." As I eye her outfit up and down.
"At least I'm not an ugly little bitch going to a diner ordering a lot a of food all alone. I doubt you even have any friends."
"She's not alone."
I look up and see Tristan standing there glaring at the bitch. She looked him up and down licking her lips. "Damn aren't you a sexy thing." She said trying to sound sexy, reaching over to run her hand up his chest.
"He's mine you slutty little bitch. If you don't get your STD covered hand off of my boyfriend I swear on the Goddess herself that I will rip it off of your body." I ground out, seeing red I tried to think of anything to calm down. Not taking my eyes off of her I take a step around her, grabbing her wrist with a tight grip. Squeezing her wrist as hard as I could before tossing it away and turning towards Tris I wrapped my arms around his neck and slammed my lips to his. Hearing a scoff and a foot being stomped from behind me, I smirked against his lips causing him to pinch my hip before shoving his tongue into my mouth. All my surroundings disappeared as I push my body as close to him I could. Feeling myself run out of breath I slowly pulled away and rested my forehead against his, searching his eyes worrying that he would push me away. Staring into his twinkling eyes seeing the grin on his face, I knew that he was definitely not upset. Slowly I pulled away from him and turned around to sit back down at the booth, almost running into the girl. "Shit, I forgot you were there. Could you go put in our orders please? Oh and make sure to send a new waitress or better yet your manager out with our food when it's ready." I sass, smirking before grabbing Tristans hand and pulling him next to me on one side of the booth.

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