Change Your Ticket (N.H)

By Just_Keep_Singing13

73.6K 1.5K 844

How did this happen? Why didn't I look at the ticket when I got it? I should have left earlier so that I wasn... More

Chapter ஐ 1
Chapter ஐ 2
Chapter ஐ 3
Chapter ஐ 4
Chapter ஐ 5
Chapter ஐ 6
Chapter ஐ 7
Chapter ஐ 8
Chapter ஐ 10
Chapter ஐ 11
Chapter ஐ 12
Chapter ஐ 13
Chapter ஐ 14

Chapter ஐ 9

4.2K 85 23
By Just_Keep_Singing13

Hey...... So I hope ya like this chapter! I finished writing this at like 12:00 a.m. and am so tired! Anyway THXX! :)

*Niall's POV*

"Sorry mum, but I have to get going, I'm getting tired and am ready to sleep, but I'll stop by again soon," I put Theo down from my grasp and walked towards the door.

"Okay, try to come by again this week, you were on tour for so long and I've missed you," I gave my mum a hug. I've missed my family too, it's going to be really nice to have a break for three whole months.

"Of course I will, love you," she said love you too, then I headed out the door.

I had just spent the day at my mums house, Greg was there too with Theo, and now I am exhausted. All I want to do is go to bed, maybe I can actually go to bed at a normal time tonight.

I started up the car and pulled out of the driveway. It was around 8:00 p.m. My flat wasn't to far away, maybe a good 25 mins. When I bought my flat I made sure that it was near the city, just in case I had to get to the airport in a last minute rush.

While I was at my mums, in the back of my mind I was still thinking of Freya. I hope she found something to do today. I didn't tell my mom about her yet, why should I though, she's going to leave and go back to California soon anyway. Tomorrow will most likely be our last day to hangout.

I arrived at my flat and hopped out of the car. I couldn't wait to warm myself up from this winter night cuddled in a blanket on the couch watching something on tv, hopefully futbol.

When I got inside I threw of my shoes and went upstairs and changed into some sweats and a T-shirt. Luckily, a rerun of a futbol game was on, although I preferred live, I just needed something to tire my eyes until I could drift into sleep easily.

I pulled out my phone and decided to text Freya and ask if she wanted to hangout tomorrow.

To Freya: Hey, I was wondering if ya wanted to hangout tomorrow??

I waited for a response anxiously. I wonder if she already left to go home. She did say though that she wanted to stay for at least a week, so if that were the case then she wouldn't have left yet.

Just as I was about to doze off right there on the couch I felt my phone buzz, and I reached for it a little to excitedly.

From Freya: Ya, sure what are we going to do? 😀

Uh oh, I hadn't really thought about that, I just assumed we would hang at my flat but maybe I should take her somewhere. She's basically on a trip, I'm sure she doesn't want to just sit inside all day.

To Freya: If ya want we can go out to eat? 😎

I know the perfect place to take her out to eat, it's my favorite. I focused back on the tv, noticing that the other team scored a goal while I was on my phone. My phone buzzed again, she answered quicker than I expected.

From Freya: Yeah, that sounds fun! What time?

I thought about it and decided it would be best to go to this certain restaurant that I was thinking of, between lunch and dinner.

To Freya: How about 3:00 p.m.?

That seemed like a good time, maybe when we were done she'll want to walk around the city a bit, or maybe hangout at my flat.

From Freya: Okay sounds good, see you then 😉

This may sound cheesy but I thought it was adorable how she used a winking emoji. I need to stop thinking like this, I shouldn't get attached. Her and I are just friends, I have to remember that. If I end up liking her like that, it's going to be hard to say goodbye.

To Freya: See you then!

I didn't hear back from her and decided to go upstairs to bed. Before I went to bed I posted a pic of Theo and I on Instagram. I started to get a bunch of likes and comments. A few of the comments caught my attention, they weren't even pertaining to the picture that I just posted.

@xxniallsgirlxx: Who's your new slut girlfriend?

@niallersings: Who's that in the picture with you I saw online!

@singit1D: Your new "girlfriend" isn't really that pretty...

I was shocked.

How did people get pictures of Freya and I?

I don't remember any paparazzi around us anytime. Then I remembered, Freya and I took a picture with a group of girls, it must have spread. This made me mad, now she was going to get hate, hate that she doesn't deserve. I wonder if she's even seen the hate yet, hopefully not.

I angrily threw my phone onto the side table and tried to fall asleep. But I couldn't, all that was going through my head, was the hate that she is probably receiving. Luckily, I know that the true fans will be nice and not hate, and defend the hate, this hope that I have in my true fans is what brought me to sleep.


*Freya's POV*

I couldn't believe it. I knew I would get hate for being friends with Niall, but I didn't expect this amount. I wasn't going to let it get to me though, I was smart enough to know that people were probably just jealous. It was weird though because I wasn't even his girlfriend, like many people seemed to think. To calm myself I focused on only the positive comments, these I knew were from One Direction's true fans.

I had been sitting on my couch while reading the comments and just realized it was 11:34 p.m. I sat up and walked into the bathroom to change into some pajamas and get ready to sleep.

I was excited to see Niall tomorrow, we had a lot of fun getting ice cream and watching that scary movie. I wonder what restaurant he's going to take me to tomorrow.

I brushed my teeth then walked over to my bed. Thoughts jumbled my mind, the hate, Niall, how long would I stay in Ireland?

It has almost been a week and if I wanted to stay longer I would have to tell Cameron at the front desk. Which reminded me, what did that girl have against me. Ever since Niall came to pick me up she has always been on my case. I don't know how I'll react if she makes another bitchy comment, I can't just keep my head down, I have to stand up for myself.

I turned off my notifications from Twitter, my phone would be going off all night if I didn't. I set a timer to wake me up and then put my phone under my pillow, were I usually kept it when I slept.

I'm 75% sure though that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow will be my last full day here in Ireland, but there was still the other %25 of me that wants to stay a little longer.

Follow my Twitter account: @1Dismylife136

Sorry for the short chapter..... I will make the next one longer!

Comment your favorite song at the moment. I need to buy some on iTunes!

Hope ya like the chapter! I'll try to update more frequently from now on! Xx :) Thx

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