From Work, With Love || Dylan...

By stiles-o-dylan24

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If you don't know-- It's Always Been You is my other series which is a complete rewrite of Teen Wolf with the... More

Meet Cute
And Action!
Cameras Rolling
No Spoilers
Don't Break Character
Supporting Role
Needed on Set
Running Lines
Filming Schedules
Play the Trailer
Quiet on Set
New Season, New Characters
Gag Reel
Booking Roles
Guest Star
On Location
Unit Base
Lining Up Auditions
Switching Sets
From the Top

Autographs & Pictures

499 16 26
By stiles-o-dylan24

Addy POV

The rain machines kick on to a barely there drip and after everything is checked over the water slowly starts increasing in pressure. Unfortunately it needs to be turned up to pretty much the highest level because you cannot see the water droplets on the cameras otherwise.

The smell of the water hitting the pavement is faint but it still brings a smile to my face, however it falls a bit when I realize that even though I'm not under the water yet I'm already shivering.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I feel Ty wrap his arm around my shoulder as he brings me into his side "Don't look so nervous, it won't be that bad and it's not... as cold as it looks."

I snort and roll my head to the side to look at him "I'm only in a thin shirt and even though it's long sleeved, I'm already freezing."

"Right, well at least you're not in a heavy jacket" he counters, smiling wide with a little increase of his hold on my arm causing me to laugh.

Dyl walks up and throws his arms out to his sides, adding on to the previous comment "Or a fucking sweatshirt- this is going to be a bitch to pull off when we're done."

"It's not going to be that bad, besides you've got a bit of experience in this simulated freezing rain department don't you, Addy?" Ty remarks and I glare over at him, hearing a snort and cough not so smoothly covering up laughing coming from my other side.

I elbow Dyl in his side hearing him groan and laugh more as he drops his forehead onto my shoulder and I make a face at Ty "Never going to let me live that down are you? Besides that was different-"

"Because you were wearing less clothes?" Ty interrupts and I reach over to flick his ear. He lets out a loud laugh and covers his ear while I continue my previous statement like he didn't interrupt me "It was summer and we were inside, plus we were dancing!"

"Once we kill this scene, you bet your cute little ass we're going to have a dance party out there" Dyl offers and pulls me against his side, wrapping his arm around my back and placing his hand on my hip. His fingers toy with the edge of my shirt, slowly lifting it just enough so he's able to feel my skin and he moves his thumb back and forth in little patterns.

I smile and lean into him a little more when Jeff runs over and lets us know that they're almost ready with the cameras, the rain levels and that we need to go and stand under the water for a few minutes so we're already drenched for the beginning of the scene.

Easy peasy.

Dyl slides his hand up my side and we slowly move towards the curtain of pouring down water. I tighten every muscle, bracing myself for the first hit of the cold rain and take the final step that puts me under the water.

I suck in a sharp breath and hear Dyl do the same, feeling him reach out to grab my hand as we move over towards the Jeep while Jeff talks to Ty about his lines.

Making a noise I brace myself with a little pep talk before I uncross my arms and hold them out to my sides. Another round of shivers shakes my body and I breathe out a little squeal.

Dylan laughs softly and steps in front of me, facing me and smiling "Just trying to make sure you're the most drenched?"

I throw him a pitiful look and recross my arms over my chest "I don't want freezing rain water to hit innocent dry patches of skin and have me ruin the scene with my screech impersonation of a cat falling into a bathtub."

He laughs more and sets his hands on my hips, slowly having me walk backwards until my back is pushed against the side of the jeep out of view of everyone else.

Stepping half a step closer until his front is flush against mine he leans his forehead against mine and slides his hands up my sides. The action causes me to shiver as I set my hands on his sides, however it has absolutely nothing to do with the rain now. Which I'm more than certain he knows that based on the lopsided smirk he throws my way.

Setting his hands on the sides of my face, his thumbs move against my cheeks while I feel his fingers gently gripping on the sides of my neck "You want to be ridiculously corny and rom-com make out with me in the simulated rain, Blondie?"

I laugh and increase my hold on him as I push up on my toes, my lips brushing his with my answer "Stop making me swoon and kiss me already, Rider."

I hear his chuckle a second before his somehow warm lips cover mine and I feel him smile into the kiss. He drops one of his hands to my hip, increasing his hold on me as he pushes into me just that much more.

Something about the coldness of the water paired with being warm every place he's touching me instantly makes me moan.

I slide my hands from his shoulders and into his hair at the nape of his neck, pulling gently like I know he loves. The action gets me one of his deep groans that shakes his chest which causes me to whimper and I push into him more, his hands digging into my hips a bit harder.

Keeping his lips moving with mine he slides his hands down from my hips until he's gripping behind my legs. Using the jeep as leverage he lifts me up and wraps my legs around his middle, pushing against me harder. A gasp falls from me and he uses the advantage to swipe his tongue against mine, rolling his hips into me at the same time.

Even if somewhere in the very back of my mind, where my nerves are sending different signals and I've registered it's freezing standing under this water... that doesn't even matter anymore as this has quickly become one of the hottest moments of my life.

His touch is like fire, keeping me warm from the way that he's holding me in his arms and claiming my mouth with his own.

We've kissed before but this is unlike any other time and I swoon just that much more that he figured out a way to give us this little moment before we filmed tonight.

"Holy shit" comes shrieking from our side and we break apart, though our arms stay wrapped around each other and my legs don't even think of moving with the hold Dylan's arms have on me.

Ty is standing beside us, doing his part to get drenched for the scene we're about to film while also looking at us like we're insane "Why- seriously whyare you doing that right here?"

Dyl tightens his hold on me and throws a look towards him "Calm down, you're going to tell me you wouldn't take every chance you got to kiss your girl? Besides we were told to get soaked while they turn the machine up."

I snort with how that could sound which earns Ty to make an even more disgusted face while he argues "Looked like more than kissing- her feet aren't even on the ground, dude."

Dyl looks back at me, smiling like the cheeky bastard he is as he shrugs "That's because she's so tiny I had to hold her up here plus I was trying to keep her warm."

I smile at him, shaking my head softly to let him know I know the real reason why he lifted me up and Ty once again chimes in "Yeah and that's way too lined up for me and my virgin eyes."

My turn to laugh as I look over at him "Holy fuck, stop talking about us being lined up- all of our clothes are still on."

"Would they still be if I hadn't walked over here?" He argues with a smirk and I throw him a look as I grumble "Yes, McCockblock they would be because we're about to do a scene so calm down."

"Nice nickname" Dyl chuckles and slowly sets me back down onto my feet. Ty scoffs and looks between us "Fuck off, I'm hardly a cockblock if you already weren't planning on doing anything right now"

"Jesus dude, we're working of course we weren't going to do anything else and also- am I still kissing my girl, dude?" Dyl questions just as the rain above us gets turned up even higher and Ty takes a moment before answering on a barely there grumble "...No."

"Then you definitely earned the nickname she just gave you" Dyl remarks and I laugh walking up to Ty as I poke him in the chest "You're turning into your character more and more."

"Camera's ready guys"


When we first got the script for this scene, Jeff had Addy chiming in with her own two cents a lot during this fight. I had talked with him later that while I agreed with a lot of what she was saying, I think it should happen towards the end and maybe only said between her and Scott instead of the three of them all talking.

Stiles and Scott break up because of a miscommunication that neither of them are aware of in this scene and the reason Scott loses Addy is more because of the way he handles the situation, even when he somewhat knows he doesn't have all the facts.

It's two entirely different reasonings and I just felt like it needed to happen as such instead of 2 against 1 and the couple staying on the same side because they're a couple. Addy doesn't choose Stiles' side because they're dating, she chooses his side because she knows it's the right thing to do.

I offered my change and he read through it, instantly agreeing that it felt more real and in tune with how Scott should lose both of us in this scene.

A fact that I'm very grateful for as we're halfway through their fight and me being a silent bystander not knowing exactly how to handle this situation as I look between them, to me, looks fucking perfect.

"-Some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. Some of us are HUMAN!"

I feel frozen in place with his bellow of that line and it has absolutely nothing to do with the rain machine.

Ty looks between us, delivering his next line which earns me to start looking confused like I'm supposed to be as the next round of lines are delivered between the pair. They go back and forth between Dylan asking what he's talking about to Ty declaring that there's a point when it's not self-defense anymore.

I'm grateful that I'm silent in this scene because the two of them going back and forth, desperately trying to figure things out and have the other see it from their side is mesmerizing.

It's also heartbreaking and I don't even have to try to look sad as I feel my brows drawing together on their own accord, uncrossing one of my arms to cover my mouth with my hand.

My eyes move between them as I'm completely caught up in the scene of Dyl channeling Stiles desperately begging Scott to say he believes him.

Once they get to where Dyl asks what he's supposed to do and Ty answers that he should go talk to his dad, Ty turns to walk inside before he stops and addresses me.

I expect them to call cut, however, I'm instantly grateful that they don't because I'm so wrapped up in this scene that I want and need to keep going. I want to speak these lines with the emotion that just built up as I watched the two of them get through their part perfectly.

Ty tells me to go inside and the sadness clears from my face, replaced with confusion as I cross my arms again and deliver my line asking what he's saying.

I step up beside Dyl, feeling him set his hand on my lower back while Ty says his line about not wanting me around him and asking if I know what he did.

I answer yes and Ty is brilliant with his reaction, turning angry almost as he snaps his eyes over to Dyl and accuses him of putting me in the middle.

Scoffing I throw my arms out to my sides and happily shout out that I wasn't put in the middle and remind him I'm a banshee so I knew something happened- a line I was not above begging to be added into this scene.

I continue through my line basically calling Scott out on being a moron to actually believe the worst in Stiles and not even ask him what happened before Dyl interrupts me.

The way his voice is still swimming in emotion and cracks on my name when he tells me not to bother, equally breaks my heart and excites me for how fucking amazing this scene is more than likely going to look.

Dyl, Ty and I have had our fair share of emotional scenes, however, none have been to this degree. This is pivotal to our characters and their friendship that started it all, we've been the main trio since day 1 and this scene is single handedly destroying one of our fundamental levels.

Dylan walks off and again I think they're going to call cut, though when they don't and Dyl slams the jeep door- I easily stay in character to scowl deeply and turn back towards Ty once he grabs my arm.

His grip is gentle so it doesn't deserve my glaring eyes moving from it to his face, however, it feels like the right thing to do.

I attempt to have as much disdain in my voice as I can as I clip out to let me go before I finish my line.

Ty and I do not get enough scenes where it's just the two of us and I wish we did because even though we're fighting, he's so talented that he's making this scene be captivating.

He quickly mutters out his line that it doesn't matter before I interrupt him with exclaiming that he didn't even ask what happened.

Ty glares and argues his line questioning that I know what happened only because he told me, thinking he's making a great point before I again shout out yes because it's Stiles who we know.

I hadn't planned on this but being in the moment is causing me to just go with it as I reach over and poke him in the chest, finishing my speech with surprisingly no mistakes seeing how I'm actually feeling angry as I say these words.

Once I say the last words through clenched teeth I snap my arm out of his grasp and we finish the scene with just looking at each other before I turn on my heel and take two steps towards the jeep.

We hear cut a few moments before the rain stops and as soon as it does Ty breaks out into a huge smile, opening his arms out to me "Holy fucking shit!"

I visibly shake off the feeling the scene left me with before I slightly jump towards him and he laughs as he wraps his arms around me.

I feel someone come and stand behind me a few seconds later and smile when Dylan's arms wrap around us as well "You guys fucking killed it"

"Us?- You guys fucking killed your half of the scene" I quickly correct him, feeling him set his chin on my shoulder and kissing below my ear.

Ty screams in an excited we just did that way and increases his hold around me, causing us to laugh before he says loudly "I fucking love you guys."


Dylan POV

There are many different things that I love doing with Adds- sitting in her trailer while she packs to leave me is not one of them.

Which is unfortunate with how often it's happening now.

Her weekend bag is plopped down beside me while I lay back on her bed, my hands linked together and laying across my forehead.

I hear her moving about, singing softly under her breath while she grabs her things. Inwardly groaning with how much that little detail is already making me miss her and she's not even left yet.

Letting out a huff I sit up quickly and she jerks back with my sudden movement, laughing quietly to herself as she leans forward and kisses my cheek.

I smile sadly when her soft lips meet my skin and reach out to set my hands on her hips, gently pulling her to stand in between my legs.

"We're not even wrapped here yet, how are you going to be flying back and forth for this?" I question, fully knowing exactly how because she's said as much at least twice before this very moment.

I should probably work on not being so fucking ridiculous when she's packing to leave for another set.

Good thing I have some time to work on that while she's gone.

Addy throws me a look that screams 'you've got to be kidding me' and I attempt to look innocent, throwing in a little shrug "I, uh- I need a reminder."

She snorts and shakes her head as she continues to shove some of her lounge clothes into her bag that's beside me, a few soft strands of her hair falling into her face.

Tucking her hair behind her ear she humors me, quickly rattling off her schedule "Since we filmed the trio's breakup scene last night I won't have anymore for the episode this week and I've only got 6 scenes left for the finale- which will be done at the very end of next week. Nerve needs me for 5 weeks so I'm knocking out 11 days right now, coming back for 3 days to wrap here before going back to New York for the remaining 3 weeks."

"Then you're going to England for Belle" I pout and she softens her face, countering gently "And you'll be in Louisiana for Caleb."

"I don't like this" I grumble, fully aware of how pathetic I sound, however I don't care in the slightest. I feel like we've been going, going, going for the last 7 months and I just miss her. Even when she's right in front of me it doesn't feel like it's going to be for long- and I just fucking miss her.

"I don't either" she responds and I don't waste a second to huff out "Plus once you're back from being a Disney princess you're going to be taking how long to go be Davina?"

Adds makes her thinking face, scrunching her nose up as she looks up to the ceiling which brings a small smile to my face.

"I'll finish with Belle mid July-" she answers and the smile on my face turns into a frown with my grumble of an answer "Comic Con."

"And after San Diego I'll head to Atlanta to wrap on Davina" she continues on with a smirk like I didn't interrupt with my stating of the obvious answer regarding our yearly July event.

Her words actually register though and I make a face "You're wrapping on her- does that mean...?"

She nods when I trail off, a somber look coming over her face "Yeah, however, they did say that's not the end of it for her."

"Of course it's not- wouldn't be a supernatural show if it was" I smile at her and she laughs softly "True- though they did let me know that this is the last full-ish season I'll be on. Next season is just a couple episodes as it's looking right now but it'll be a somewhat happy ending for her."

I know how much this show has meant to her so it's going to be tough when she wraps on it. I clear my throat though and try to keep the conversation light since the look on her face means she's nowhere near ready to talk about it yet "That's good- I'm not sure I could watch you die for a third time and have it be how your character ends."

Her eyes snap up to mine, a bright smile overcoming her face before she's closing the small distance between us and pressing her soft lips onto mine.

All too soon she pulls away and rubs her nose along mine "I love you"

"I love you, baby" I wink and kiss the tip of her nose. She laughs softly and steps away from me while I chew on the inside of my cheek and watch her grab a few more things.

While I silently watch her moving about, a thought comes to mind and I don't hesitate to make it be our reality "How long of a break do you have from finishing in Atlanta before we're coming back here?"

"Two weeks- I think? I can't really remember but mum said she was emailing me the schedule to go over on my flight" she answers and I don't miss a beat "We should go somewhere."

She chuckles and zips up her bag "Oh yeah, like where?"

While she moves past me to set her bag by the door I reach up and scratch the side of my jaw "Anywhere, I don't care- a full on vacation or holed up in a hotel suite or renting out a vacation home or something- I literally do not care. We need to get away... just you and me baby, completely uninterrupted."

Adds had slowly walked towards me with my answer, her eyes locked on mine and when she's standing right in front of me she takes a moment before chewing on the side of her mouth "You want to be with just me for two weeks?"

"Yup" I answer with zero hesitation or doubt in my voice and she quirks a brow, attempting to fight off her smile "You won't get sick of me in those two weeks?"

I throw her a look as I shrug sarcastically "I mean we can't deny it is a possibility- so we should really use this time to truly figure it out, don't you think?"

"Nope, I think we should live in blissful denial when it comes to the possibility of you getting sick of me" she jokes and crosses her arms over her chest.

Making a noise in my throat I reach out and wrap my hands just above her elbows, slowly pulling her closer until she's standing in between my legs. She said it in a joking way but something is telling me there's a bit of truth behind her words... and I can't have her thinking there's even a fraction of a possibility of that happening.

Her eyes are somewhere on my chest and when my attempts to get her to look at me, with various imploring noises and grips of my fingers into her skin, fail- I change my tactic.

"Show me your blues, baby" I mutter just above a whisper and she takes a few seconds before she slowly connects her eyes with mine.

I softly smile at her and drop my hands to grab onto the sides of her hips, moving her gently from side to side with my words "You are aware just how much you don't have to worry about that right?"

"Sometimes" she mumbles her reply surprisingly quickly and I throw her a look as I push on "And the other times?"

She takes a few seconds before she huffs and sets her hands on my shoulders "That it's too good to be true and I'm waiting for reality to wake me up from this dream."

"This is most definitely our reality and I mean this in the nicest way possible..." I trail off, pulling her closer until she has no choice but to climb up and straddle my lap. My hands grip the side of her thighs while her arms wrap around my neck. Closing the space between us, I lean towards her and brush my lips against hers "But you need to just do so much lessworrying."

I fully press my lips onto hers, feeling her smile into the kiss as she pushes her chest against mine more. My grip on her legs tightens as I slide my other hand up her thigh to grab her hip and hold her to me. The action causes her to let out a whimper that I use the opportunity to deepen the kiss and move my tongue with hers.

Feeling her move her hips in sync with her tongue has my head officially becoming foggy as I increase my grip on her hip, wanting to both make her move harder but also knowing we should stop while we're ahead because she deserves more than anything more happening in her trailer while in between scenes.

Somewhere in the back of my mind where I'm realizing we should slow down, I vaguely think I hear the door- which is confirmed not even a second later.

"Jesus Christ you guys, lock the fucking door!" comes Pose's shriek from behind us and we pull apart, though we don't move much except to turn our heads towards the doorway.

When we see Pose with one hand over his eyes and the other out to his side like he just made an excellent point, Addy laughs "Again, it's just a little make out sesh. Who knew McCockblock was such a prude"

I snort through my own laugh with that and Pose just glares at us, quickly moving his hand back and forth to indicate between us "Yeah well a sitting on the lap make out sesh can quickly turn into a different kind of horizontal sesh in the matter of a few seconds"

My face drops the previous light hearted smile I had and I groan in frustration "So not only are you continuously interrupting me kissing her, you're also killing the mood completely"

Pose snorts and throws us an amused face "Okay, if it makes you feel better we can continue to pretend like the two of you can at all keep your hands and mouths off each other long enough when you're alone"

"I'll have you know we can" Adds chimes in, the cocky tone of her voice already letting me know what's about to happen as she stands up- which Pose proves a second later "Is that- is that a bet?"

Adds makes a noise, shrugging one of her shoulders as she sing songs through her answer "Maaaaybe"

I make a noise and point between them, answering before Pose can "No it's not, I'm not fucking agreeing to your guys' incessant need to prove the other one wrong."

"What's the bet?" Pose goes on like I said nothing, however, I'm not having any fucking part to that "Pose, fuck off she's leaving tomorrow and I won't just not be kissing her before she leaves because you can't stand down from a bet"

He scoffs and throws his mock wounded look towards me while pointing at her "She started it!"

Adds laughs and points back at him "No, McCockblock, you started it!"


Dylan POV

Addy got back from New York this afternoon and we just had enough time to get some dinner in her before we needed to start filming part of the finale episode tonight.

Sitting in the jeep with her, I start to drive slowly down the deserted road before they call action.

We sit in silence for a few seconds before I snap and hit the steering wheel, looking over and seeing her close her eyes for the camera that's right on her face.

When she looks over at me I sigh and look between her and the road before I whisper out a barely there 'sorry'.

She reaches over and grabs my hand in hers, sliding her small fingers in-between mine as she delivers her line so softly that I don't have to be sorry for being upset.

Her eyes are on our hands as she finishes that I have to stop punching things because she can't take away my pain and I don't even really think about what I'm saying next.

I squeeze her hand and say a line that I hadn't even talked to Jeff about adding in "Yes you can, Adds."

Her eyes snap up to mine and all I'm able to do is offer a small smile before I look back to the road, feeling her gently move her nails against the back of mine.

I squeeze her hand in mine twice, getting her three in response before the smoke kicks on and we start coughing.

Cut sounds from the megaphone and I stop the jeep, letting the cameras get set up outside before they call action again and I pull us over to the side of the road.

We get out and Addy stands off to the side, looking on helplessly while she lets me huff and groan in frustration from mark to mark as we work through this scene.

Getting more and more worked up I throw the tools down the road before I stalk back over to the jeep, grabbing the wrench prop and heading back towards my mark again.

Once I throw the wrench towards the windshield, that will cut to a different take of the windshield being hit in the actual episode, I attempt to catch my breath as I move to sit down with my back against the front tire.

Adds waits a few beats before she slowly makes her way over to me, though I'm focused on trying to appear to be calming down. I plant my feet on the ground and set my forearms on my knees, moving my thumbs over my fingers in my attempt to show the adrenaline I do actually feel from being so worked up and aggressively throwing shit around.

Remembering her standing off to the side, looking so small with her arms crossed in front of her as she watched me helplessly, tears invade my vision and I sniffle once.

Looking up towards her, I quickly drop my eyes back down to my hands while I deliver my ad libbed line I briefly mentioned to Jeff earlier "I– I made sure you were far enough out of the way before I threw–"

Ever the one to just go with my changes to our scenes together, Adds makes a noise and kneels down beside me. She sets her hands on my arm and catches my eyes when she leans forward to immediately interrupt "I know you did."

We end the scene with me reaching over to lay my hand on top of hers that's still on my arm and Adds closing the small distance to rest her forward against my shoulder.

Cut is called and I feel Adds start to move away, however, I have fucking missed her so instead I reach out and grab either side of her waist, pulling her against my chest which causes her to straddle my lap to get more comfortable.

Zero complaints from me.

She makes a noise with my manhandling of her, smiling through her surprise as she wraps her arms behind my neck at the same time I adjust my feet on the ground, letting her rest back against my legs so her knees aren't fully on the ground.

I smile at her, moving my thumbs against the skin on her hips "Hey baby"

She returns my smile, humming a little contented noise while she moves her fingers through my hair just above my neck at the same time she runs her nose along mine "Hey you."


Once we wrapped on the scenes for tonight I got changed and headed over to Addy's trailer, preparing myself on the way to clock in some much needed cuddles.

Adds is washing her face after she finished telling me how her last few days in the big apple were and when she dries off her face I implore as nonchalantly as I can "So you had to kiss him or you're going to kiss him?"

"Both- last night we wrapped on the diner set which included the kiss for Vee's first dare" she offers and I nod, remembering reading that scene with her, with a little shrug "That's not so bad."

She hangs up her hand towel and draws her brows in while she looks over my face "Are you okay?"

I instantly feel guilty with the way she's looking at me, guilty that how I've treated previous situations has made her worry about how I'm going to react.

She doesn't deserve that.

Licking my lips I nod and look right at her "Yeah, yeah I think we just need to, um..."

"Need to... what?" She offers when I trail off, wondering exactly how it is I want to phrase this. I clear my throat and tilt my head to the side "Just maybe- we should maybe come up with an agreement"

Drawing her brows in adorably she clarifies "An agreement?"

"Yeah, you know Adds I've never done something like this before- the whole relationship thing while doing what we do... so I think we should maybe figure out what would make us the most comfortable in instances like this where we have to have scenes that we're kissing other people."

She nods and thinks that over "Okay, so what would make you the most comfortable right now?"

I make a noise and step closer towards her "Well this isn't just about me, I want us both to be comfortable with what we agree on for when we're in each other's shoes"

"Wait, so did you not want me to tell you about the diner kiss?" she offers and I'm quick to disagree "No!"

She jerks back with my outburst and smiles at the embarrassed face I make before I clarify "Jesus Christ no, I meant no that's not what I wanted. I'm glad you told me- grateful you did because if you hadn't then I'd find out when I take you to the premiere or see it in a trailer or whatever."

Addy scrunches her nose, tilting her head to the side as she tries to follow my weird train of thought "You ran lines with me though- you knew I was going to have to kiss him more than once."

I nod and reach out to set my hands on her hips "That's this instance babe, we don't know that I'll always be here to run through the lines with you before you have to leave"

"Right... okay well, so what's your suggestion?" she takes on a more serious stance and I love her that much more for agreeing or just humoring me right now- either is fine.

Shrugging, I tell her honestly "You just- we need to be upfront about these types of scenes beforehand. Just letting the other one know it's going to happen and whatever else we want to share. Letting me know before you have to film it would be the most ideal for me personally."

"Okay..." she starts but I keep going "And I promise I won't make it awkward, or make you feel weird about it in any way when you have to tell me either- and it's not even for the sanity side of needing to know but also because I just want to know about your day and your schedule and how the scenes go."

She sets her hands on my chest and leans into me a little more "You do?"

I laugh, licking my lips and moving my eyes between hers "Yes, call me crazy but I love talking to you, Adds. Hearing about your day, how a scene you were worried about actually went or how you feel it turned out. I want to know about all of them no matter what."

"Well good because I want to talk to you just as much about all of that when either of us is on another set and more" she chimes in with a bright smile and my chest feels lighter knowing she's feeling the same as I am.

"You do?" I repeat her question and she smiles, chewing on the side of her lip before she repeats my words with just as much meaning behind them "Yeah, call me crazy but I love talking to you."

Smiling with her words I lean forward and press my lips to hers, pulling her hips to bring her closer against me at the same time.

I place a kiss on her nose before I lay my forehead on hers "Look I know I've handled certain other situations with your kissing scenes weird and let out a jealous side- a jealous side that I am trying to keep at bay when it comes to you might I add- but honestly I'm so fucking sorry for acting that way and it stops, well I- I mean it has stopped."

"We haven't had anything else come up since though" she remarks jokingly and I lift my head up in mock hurt "Do you not think that I can change?"

She humors me and puts on a serious face "Of course I do, I'm just-"

"I didn't freak out right now, did I?" I interrupt and she thinks about that before she mutters thoughtfully "No, this is actually the most level headed I've seen you when talking about me kissing someone else."

Smiling brightly I boast "Yeah, that's right- that's what we call growth"

"Such humble growth as well" she rolls her eyes and I clear my face of the previous humor to remind her "Adds, I'm dating the sweetest, most beautiful girl I've ever known- literally... you know, I'm only human when it comes to you baby."


Addy POV

The following three weeks are a whirlwind as we film in the late evening/early, early morning in New York- the city that truly never sleeps.

Since we've been filming late in the evenings, my voice is so strained that it's cracking through a lot of the scenes, especially when I have to react or scream in an excited celebratory way when we finish a dare in a scene. Which has been especially hilarious during the tattoo scene where I have to be in a shit ton of pain and attempt to rap along with a Wu Tang song.

The motorcycle stunts are definitely the highlight as well as being able to joke around with Dave and Miles.

Surprisingly the most nerve wracking scenes were not the motorcycle stunts- nope the most nerve wracking scenes were where Dave and I had to run through the mall that was closed down for us... in nothing but our underwear.

I reach forward and grab Dave's arm, squeaking through my nerves. When he turns around to face me again, I lift the phone in my hand and point towards it "Okay technically it just says we have to leave the store... right?"

Running throughout the mall, down the escalators and past the handful of extras was actually a lot of fun... however in the next scene it wasn't even hard to act that I was embarrassed in the awkward elevator ride.

"Promise I'm not looking" Dave jokes, laughing even harder a second later when I throw him a look and grumble on a whisper "Right, well it wouldn't matter if you were because we're kind of on full display for this entire segment"

"Not fully- just in our beachwear best" he offers, raising his brows with a hint of a smile breaking free like he's begging me to find this funny.

Which I do a second later when I snort, shaking my head as I cross my arm over my chest to rest my hand on my shoulder "My swimsuits aren't this skimpy but I see your point- sort of, I mean your boxers look like shorts dude."

"I would never wear these to swim in" he jokes again and at look I throw him he laughs and continues "Don't worry, I'll cover you as much as I can when we get outside"

"Thanks, I almost completely forgot we'd be running through the small group outside taking pictures to make their flashes go off" I groan and he laughs more, reaching out to grab my hand when they call for us to take our marks and be prepared to run "It's about time you had your first run from the paparazzi moment- come on, besides their flashlights are giving off the illusion of the camera flashes."

Colson having to 'punch' me was in his words his worst scene "I'm not even actually punching you and I still feel like the shittiest person alive right now"

"Because she looks like a toddler standing next to you?" Dave remarks to Colson being more than twice my height and failing at holding in his laugh when I glare at him "Fuck off, Dave"

They laugh even harder before Colson starts to jump up and down on his feet a few times, blowing out a calming breath like he's preparing for battle "I just don't like it- let's film me handing you the bumper sticker again, that one was easy"

I chuckle with that and offer reassuringly "This one's just as easy- you lift your phone and aim your fist towards that camera beside me... so just, you know, make sure you actually miss my face."

"Wow so encouraging, you should be an acting coach" he deadpans and I laugh with a little shrug "Come on, you can do this"

"You're the actor, not me- this is my first gig" Colson argues and I pat him on the chest encouragingly "Well after tonight you can't say that anymore- you're doing great"

"Thanks, Tiny" he smiles before we get set to continue with the scenes for the evening.

Filming the final dare scene in a colosseum with a crowd full of extras was pretty intense and really easy to get swept up in the scene we were bringing together.

Colson was phenomenal with portraying a psycho who actually wanted to shoot me and Dave had me choking up when he reacted to me being shot.

It's these types of moments that I miss Dylan being here, imagining how different the scene would be if it were him- which is ridiculous since I can't always have him on set in all the scenes with me.

The final night of filming I got to wear this oversized red hoodie, keeping the hood on my head while I enacted my own sneak around like a smooth spy sequence on a ferry. It was ridiculously fun and I'm loving how everything about this movie and the scenes I've gotten to do has been absolutely nothing like anything I've ever done before.

I love being on the TV shows I'm on, but just like my dad- films are where my passion is quickly becoming more prominent.


Addy POV

I've officially wrapped on Nerve and I'm so proud of the work we did, I think it's going to be a great end product with the kind of message that I can easily stand behind in regards to technology and how fast it's growing now.

Having a few days before I actually need to be in London to start filming on the Beauty and the Beast set Dyl and I decided to meet up for the weekend in Louisiana before he also needs to start filming for Deepwater.

My flight from New York to Louisiana was not long at all and before I know it, I'm making my way through the airport going over my texts from my mum about the car that's picking me up and when my flight to Heathrow is.

"That's her- Addison! Addison over here" shouts from beside me and I jerk slightly from the abrupt tone, seeing a few paps standing around with their cameras now aimed at me. I smile politely, not stopping my steps but hopefully giving them a few decent shots so they won't follow me much further.

They don't follow me, however a group to my right heard them and quickly make their way over. Their bright, smiling faces asking if they could possibly have an autograph and a few photos does make me happily stop my steps. I return their smiles and slide my sunglasses up on top of my head.

I pose with the two younger girls with them and wait while their mom who was taking the photo hands her phone over to the older gentleman with them so she can be in the next one.

"Thank you for stopping, we are huge Addy fans in our house" she whispers towards me and I smile at her, my chest filling with so much gratitude "It's my pleasure, honestly."

They have me sign a few things, one of the girls even had a copy of the Maze Runner and I laugh when I point at it "Are you sure you want me to sign this? I'm not technically in that one."

"Are you kidding? You are a part of the series and I'm fangirling so hard right now one because of my first love, Teen Wolf, but also because you're Brenda and you're perfect for her! To be completely honest, I'd have had you sign whatever book I had in my carry on bag. Plus you're the first one to help me with my dream goal which is to somehow get as many of you guys from the cast as I can to sign this copy- we're going to comic con this year and I'm prepared to not leave until that happens."

I make an impressed face, partly because if I was in her shoes I'd probably be doing everything in my power to have the same thing happen. I sign the book and hand it back to her "What's your name?"

"Kelly" she beams, clutching her book to her chest like it's her lifeline and I smile even more from the joy rolling off of her in waves "Well Kelly, if you come to any of the panels I'll be at, I promise to make sure that goal is met without you having to stage a sit in and possibly be thrown out by the fine security of the con."

"No way, even Dylan?" She questions and I laugh, throwing her a look like it'll be a piece of cake "Oh yeah, he'll be the first one I have sign it"

"Because you guys are secretly dating?" The younger of the two asks and I laugh instead of actually answering.

"Girls" their mom chides and I share a look with her like it's completely okay because I get it and Kelly's next words cause me to look back at her "You'd really do that?"

I offer a genuine smile and nod once "Of course- even if you can't make it to any of the panels, if you're able to be at any of the signings, I'll make sure this happens and get it back to you."

"I don't know what to say" she shakes her head a few times and I smile at her.

"Tell her thank you, dear" her mom says to her and I wave her off "It's the least I can do, it's my favorite series too" I reply with a wink before I make sure they're all set, shoulder my bags once more and I keep walking towards the pickup area.


I arrive at the hotel Dyl is staying at before he's going to move into his trailer on the set they're building the oil rig replica on- which just so happens to be on the grounds of an abandoned amusement park.

Kissing my cheek, he lets me into his room and I set my bags down at the same time he points to his phone against his ear and says 'mom'.

"Hey Mrs. O!" I shout towards the phone, earning Dylan to laugh as he nods and looks at me "She says 'hi sweetie'."

I smile with that and wait for him to be done on the phone, making my way over to sit on the edge of the bed.

Once he's hung up his phone he walks over and leans back against the dresser that the tv is mounted above. He crosses his arms over his chest and drums his fingers on his arm.

Something is definitely on his mind, though he doesn't give me a chance to ask about it before he's saying "Today was our last day with the survivors from deepwater that we met a few days ago so we all ended up having a late lunch but I'm sure you're hungry so do you want to order something here or are you in the mood for something in the city?"

I make a noise, narrowing my eyes in thought as I sift through things he's been mentioning since being here "Oh, you didn't mention that all was happening today."

"Yeah, seems we're both a little guilty of not mentioning things wouldn't you say?" He mutters without missing a beat and I jerk my head back, brows all sorts of furrowed in my confusion "What does that mean?"

He doesn't answer right away instead choosing to huff as he turns his head and scratches the side of his jaw, glaring a hole in the other wall.

Facing me again he throws his hand out to his side before he sets them on his hips "It means I'm just trying to figure out why you feel the need to keep who you're hanging around from me."

"Wha-" I release a shocked breath, shaking my head towards him "I'm not- I haven't been keeping anything from you."

His face is a mix of sad frustration as he nods and moves his hands with his words "Well you're telling me one thing and someone else is telling me another."

Complete confusion floods my brain and my body as I try to figure out if this is a nightmare or if this is actually real life right now "Who's telling- no, wait- actually... please just tell me what you are talking about?"

"Nothing, never mind... let's just figure out food please" he breathes out and rubs his hands over his face. I, however, am not letting it go "Yeah, I'm not hungry and I'm sorry but you definitely can't just say something like that and then not want to finish this."

He drops his hands and quips "Well I don't, Addy."

"You brought it up," I say with a pointed look and when he just shakes his head with a little shrug I scoff "So what, you just want to put a pause in this and try to have a nice week together? Have me attempt to ignore or not think about what you just said, what it could mean or how I'm supposed to be okay with you looking at me the way you are right now?" I rush out, my words coming out quickly the more and more worked up in my own confusion and frustration I'm getting.

He licks his lips, drawing his brows in while nodding his head to the side "You still don't know what this could be about?"

I make a helpless face and scoff lightly "No, and I need you to tell me what you mean because it's obviously hurting you, bothering you to an extent I've never seen something bother you before, and I want to know so I can fix it."

I watch the tick in his jaw as he ponders my words for a few seconds. Ultimately he sighs and a little of the anger I saw earlier fades "I just want you to feel like you can be honest with me when I ask what you're doing and who you're with when we're not together."

I offer a humorless little laugh, reaching up to pinch the bridge of my nose "You know I think I can only ask 'what do you mean' so many times until eventually I'll need to leave so I don't throw something at your face."

He jams his tongue into his cheek, the fact that he's debating between evading my fucking question again or finally just coming out with it is quickly fueling my frustration into my own anger. This is bullshit.

"Who's the guy in those behind the scenes pictures, Addison?" he finally mutters the real issue behind his mood and I feel the sting of him using my full name.

Setting my hands on my hips I shrug, having absolutely no idea what he's going on about "Which guy in which picture, Dylan?"

He throws an unamused look my way and I shake my head at him, earning him to huff loudly "The behind the scenes ones that I sent you a few weeks ago."

I stand down a little with that, keeping the frustration out of my voice with my answer "I already told you, the only one you didn't know was Colson-"

"Right, Colson" he interrupts in a mocking way and my shackles are immediately back up "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

He smiles but there's no humor or good fun behind it, he's mad and he's not backing down "Why does this mean that something has to be wrong with me? You're the one lying to me and I'm sitting here trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, trying to figure out why you feel the need to lie to me."

He's mad and upset, I get that, but now so am I.

I shake my head and throw my arm out towards the counter with his stuff on it "Check your fucking cigarettes to see if someone laced them with something because you're fucking delusional if you think I'm lying to you about something."

He laughs once, running his tongue along his bottom lip "Look I get you're on a new set, around new people in New York of all places and you may not quite understand what you're doing-"

"Stop it" I interrupt with a scoff and he jerks his head back "Stop what?"

"Stop treating me like I'm a child who doesn't know how to be on a set without you. That I don't know what's out in the big bad world without you right there with me to fill me in on all the things you don't think I've been privy to because of the few instances where I wasn't an expert."

That makes him pause and a bit of his anger fades "Adds, I didn't mean-"

"No, you wanted a fight-" I interrupt and he shakes his head "I never said I wanted to fight with you."

Scoffing with that I cross my arms over my chest, muttering quickly "Well you sure have a weird way to just talk about something that's bothering you, so I'm giving you one. You think I'm lying?"

He looks at me, not answering right away and instead moving his eyes between mine. He takes a step closer towards me but still leaves a few steps between us "Yes- whether you're doing it because you don't want me to react the way I have in the past or because you think you're protecting me-"

"Protecting you from what?" I interrupt, trying to keep the hysteria out of my voice from being so confused and exhausted with this conversation.

He draws his brows in sadly and admits "From the fact that you're hanging out with someone other than who you originally said and you don't get how that wouldn't be a big deal to me."

My brain actually hurts from trying to figure out what he means and I'm sure it's written all over my face "Why wouldn't I think that's a big deal?"

His face softens and he drops his eyes to the ground between us before he looks back up at me "Well honestly, babe, that's what I'm trying to figure out and why I'm actually leaning more towards you just don't want me to freak out because you love me but know that in the past my actions have leaned more towards being over jealous."

"You are extremely over jealous" I state immediately and he nods "I know."

Scrunching my mouth to the side, I tilt my head to the side "Especially in instances when you don't need to be"

"I know" he breathes out with a little nod and I continue "Like even in the slightest"

The corners of his lips quirk up as he laughs once "I know that too."

Raising my brows I make a face and state "Great- I still have no idea what this is about"

"For fuck's sake Addy, come on!" all of his anger and frustration come slamming back into his face and voice, though I throw it right back at him "No, you come on and explain this to me like I'm 5! You're so hellbent on trying to catch me in a fucking lie that you're actually just looking more like an asshole because you won't just tellme what this is about so I can go to bed."

Bringing my arms up I run my hands from my forehead and down my face, hearing him chime in incredulously "You want to go to bed?"

I scoff and drop my hands back down to my sides with a slap "No, our last few days together before we don't see each other until the fucking comic con meant I thought you were finally going to fuck me against a wall- but apparently you decided to channel into hidden characteristics deep within your personality that you were saving for this exact moment of our relationship."

"The wall-" he attempts to miss the point completely so I keep going "So excuse me if my head literally hurts from this bullshit you're spewing and the only wall bashing I'm willing to do right now is with your face."

"Your violence tendencies sure do come out in a fight" he remarks and tries to, I don't even know what, lighten the mood?

Rolling my eyes I scoff and turn to grab my bags from the chair beside me "You're an ass- I'm leaving."

"You can't just leave" he reaches out and before he has the chance to touch me I step away from him "Why? We sure are not getting anywhere in this conversation- I mean, jesus christ Dyl, I didn't do anything wrong and you're acting like you have some secret hidden tape of me cheating on you, holding it over my head like your checkmate to this entire fucking ordeal."

He moves to say something, but he got me all riled up and I'm on a roll so I don't let him chime in "Now I know you don't have any incriminating evidence for two reasons- 1, I haven't fucking done anything and B, fuck you for doing this"

"For doing what?" he shakes his head, genuinely confused which just agitates me even more and I'm fuming as I try to mask my hurt "For so easily believing whatever it is you think you have over me instead of listening to me. I hope whoever your source is they're really fucking special to you-"

"It's Pose" he interrupts and I scoff dropping my head back to look at the ceiling before I look back at him and quip "Great, well call him up because you two have some pent up sexual frustration to get out."

He smiles- he has the fucking nerve to smile at me when I'm angry at him before he takes a moment, licks his lips and states "You lied about who that guy in the picture is."

Groaning with seven levels of frustration I take a step back from him and rush out "I don't know who you're talking about but holy sweet fuck I did not lie-"

Dylan breathes in and nods, changing his approach "Look it's ok if you thought I wouldn't like you hanging out with someone like him, because in all honesty I do see red when it comes to you- but you have to be honest with me when I ask you something like this, Adds. Especially when we came up with our agreement before you left!"

Making a face like he's crazy I reply "I was honest- I told you the scenes where I had to kiss Dave!"

"This isn't about Dave or those scenes" he mutters and I raise my brows into my hairline "Well I sure as fuck didn't kiss anyone else"

"I never said you did, look, ah-" he groans, rubbing his fingers into his forehead before he continues "This relationship is never going to work if you don't even tell me something as simple as who someone is that you're working with."

I scoff through a humorless laugh "No, this relationship isn't going to work if you don't believe me when I answer your questions about who I'm working with- I don't even understand who you think I lied to you about hanging out with."

"It's not that- fine, you know what," he groans and steps back for a second before setting his hands on his hips and looking at me "I give... you were hanging out with Machine Gun Kelly on set and I'm man enough to admit that yeah it does make me a little jealous especially when I see pictures of the two of you smiling and laughing around set. He's way too good looking to be having a good time with you, hearing your laugh and seeing the way your nose scrunches up adorably when you find something funny."

He breathes out a deep huff having rambled all of that in what seemed like one breath. I take a moment to process everything he just said and connect my eyes with his "I have no idea who that is and don't call me adorable when I'm mad at you"

Nodding his head to the side he states "Noted-" before he scratches his the side of his head near his temple and stammers "And yes you do- you hung out with him."

Widening my eyes slightly I sigh "Okay... well I was never introduced to him"

"Adds you're laughing with him in photos!" he shouts and I throw my arms out to my sides "What fucking photos?"

"Jesus Christ, here" he grumbles, shoving his hand into his pocket to grab his phone. He taps away on the screen for a few seconds before he makes a noise and hands it over to me.

My eyes take in the instagram post that one of the assistants made for when we were in New York and Dylan reaches over to scroll through them "Yeah, okay these- specifically this one that I sent you asking who everyone was so I could put faces to the names you had told me."

Furrowing my brows at the photo he's pointing to I attempt to answer him "That's-"

"Adds, I love you," he interrupts and I look from the phone and up to his face, seeing him smile sadly "But I already told you who it was and I honestly just need you to be honest and tell me why you thought you had to keep this from me. It hurts more that you lied, it's driving me crazy in all honesty because if you're lying about something as simple as this, what else will you lie about- what else have you already lied about?"

That hurts.

I clear my throat and my voice gives way to how much hurt his words just caused "I didn't keep anything from you and I didn't fucking lie to you about him."

"Addison-" he states with a condescending look and I'm officially done being here and turning blue in the face from saying the same thing that he's choosing not to hear.

"Dylan, I love you but you're a fucking idiot," I state simply and slap his phone into his chest. I keep my eyes locked on the back of my hand, slowly seeing his hands come up to grab onto his phone. The silence stretches and the moment his fingers graze over mine to clutch onto his phone I turn around and walk away from him.

"Wait, where are you going-" he rushes out, quickly stepping after me. "Addy, for the love of-" he gently wraps his hand around my upper arm at the same time he's turning me towards him "Come on, that's how you're leaving this- you're just going to fucking leave and not explain anything right now? Don't I deserve something-"

I throw him a look and narrow my eyes at his hand, pulling my arm out of his grasp as I interrupt "Yes good idea, let's talk about what we do and don't deserve right now-"

"...Great" he replies hesitantly, hearing the tone of how I just said that while looking between my eyes- which are more than likely shining with the overwhelming hurt he's just caused right now as I silently will the tears away.

I lick my lips quickly and nod towards his phone in his hand "You deserve to know that that person in the pictures introduced himself to me as Colson Baker-"

"Wait, wha-" he stammers, confusion instantly clouding his features as he jerks his head back, though I wholeheartedly do not care and keep going "I've never heard of Machine Gun Kelly until you just said his name. Now I won't call you or Ty liars because that's probably his name- Colson, however, is what he went by on set and you can call or text or carrier pigeon Dave or Matt or whoever the fuck you think is more reputable to give you the truth than me-"

"Adds, wait-" he rushes out, his voice taking on a more nervous desperation at this point, however, I shake my head and reach over to grab the straps of my two bags "So I'll see you in two months, I guess."

"No, stop," he pauses and makes a noise as he steps closer to me "Please, wait for a second and just talk to me- you can't just leave like this,"

I watch as his hand follows in his attempt to grab the straps from my hands- which just makes me angrier and I drop them back onto the chair "Why not? You- you just yelled at me- belittled me in the mostcondescending way. You made me out to be some cunning liar while at the same time looking at me like you have no idea who I am because I called him by the name that was introduced to me-"

"Adds" his voice breaks and if I wasn't so hurt and angry it may have given me pause, but as it is my wounded heart needs to get this all out in the open space the size of the grand canyon he just put between us.

"So now let's switch and talk about what I don't deserve shall we?" I pause and see him swallow hard, the confusion clearing his face instantly as he finally hears the hurt in my voice "In not so many words you called me naive yet also deceiving like I was trying to get something past you. You called me a liar."

My voice breaks, finishing the word 'liar' on a half whisper and I watch as he flinches ever so slightly. I lick my dry lips to give myself a moment before I continue "I have not once- not once in the years you have known me, and especially these last 9 months of us being together, tried to lie to you over something as serious in nature as this. Sure we have jokes and I've surprised you with roles or set visits- plus I kept secrets about the show Jeff asked me to but this was different. This is about you and me- about us. Real life us and you think I would jeopardize that over changing the name of some guy I had 3 scenes with and someone apparently featured us in their behind the scenes instagram posts? You think I would just blatantly lie to you about something as simple, and downright stupid if you actually think about it, as to answering who someone is? Do you even understand how hurtful it is to comprehend right now that that is how you think of me- that that's how you view me and what I apparently think of you and our relationship?"

He's speechless. Absolutely speechless as he looks at me, the hurt in his eyes quickly turning to guilt while he fully processes my words, opening and closing his mouth a few times.

I need him to do something- to say something to make this better. I need that just as much as I need to leave and put distance between us before I do something as stupid as he did and keep running my mouth, saying things I know I will regret.

I have never been hurt by someone I love like this before and I can feel walls I never knew I needed beginning to lay the ground work.

When the silence turns deafening, I can't take it anymore. I make a noise and drop my eyes to the ground between us, the space seeming to have doubled in size even though neither of us had moved.

"Adds..." His voice so thick with emotion that it cracks, however, he doesn't make a move to say anything else, to do anything else and I've had enough.

Grabbing the straps of my bags I will the tears threatening to invade my eyes away, as I lay one strap on my shoulder and the other across my chest. I release a shaky breath and start to turn away from him, my voice barely audible as I head towards the door "Bye, Dyl."

I don't wait a second after I close the door before I walk quickly down the hallway towards the lift, clutching my purse on my shoulder tightly while my other bag bounces on the back of my hip with every hurried step.

While I wait for the lift to arrive I slide my phone out of the back pocket on my jean shorts and call my mum, closing my eyes to prepare myself to not sound out of sorts to her highly trained ears.

The voice that picks up is not one I was expecting, however it's a much appreciated surprise "Ace, you sweating bullets in the deep south and absolutely miserable or what?"

I smile despite my mood, the action making the tears in my eyes even more apparent, and chuckle into the phone just as the doors open "Daddio, I didn't know you were going to be home and also yes... to both of those questions."

Stepping inside the lift, I hit the button for the lobby and can hear a slamming of a door coming from down the hallway I just came from. The possibility of it being Dylan causes my eyes to widen and my finger to hit the button for the doors to close a few times more than is necessary but, you know, heart aching anger will do that to you.

The doors finally close and I breathe a sigh of relief just before dad answers my previous statement "Had a bit of a break in the schedule so figured I was due for a surprise visit to your mum," I smile through the pang in my heart from his words and he proves that apparently he has magical powers to see across the states "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah," my voice betrays me and I clear my throat, letting go off the strap of my purse to scratch my temple "Yeah I'm fine. I just, uh, something's come up schedule wise here and I thought why not head across the pond a little early if that wouldn't be too much trouble to figure out."

He scoffs in his lighthearted way, that makes me miss him even more. I can hear him moving around, probably heading towards wherever mum is in the house "I doubt it, mum always makes sure your tickets are exchangeable because your schedules as of late basically demand it- only thing would be lodging, I think she's already finalized those dates."

The doors open and I head across the lobby towards the hallway near the pool area "That's okay I can figure that out while I'm waiting at the airport," I step out of sight and cross my arm not holding the phone over my chest and grasp my elbow, leaning my shoulder against the wall "I, uh, just wanted to check in and make sure it wasn't going to be a hassle or impossible and to let you know where I'll be."

There's a pause before dad chimes in thoughtfully "Never a hassle to get you where you need to be, Ace."

"Thanks daddio" I whisper, closing my eyes and resting my forehead on the wall beside me. I can feel his impatience to ask more questions in the silence that follows, and since I'm no where near ready to process anything that just happened- I muster up a soft laugh and open my eyes "Alright, well I better go and call for a ride to the airport-"

"Jake's already sent someone, go to the parking garage" dad interrupts and I push off from the wall with a noise, laughing incredulously "What- but I-"

"What- it's not weird, Jake was already on standby knowing you were going to be there and would eventually be going to the airport in the next week" dad mutters quickly and I laugh quietly through his excuse.

Jake has been on my dad's security team for as long as I can remember and a few years ago Jake expanded his security business to involve drivers for his clients- which apparently he's grown enough now to mean at the moment's notice and not just scheduled in advance.

"Listen Ace," he trails off and clears his throat "Everything's going to work itself out. I'll update mum with your plans and just, uh, just call us if you need anything. Or there's any trouble at the airport or with the lodging and you need something sooner, yeah?" he urges and I genuinely smile as I check my surroundings and make my way towards the door with the lift to the parking garage.

"I will. Right, talk to you soon" I reply and we say our goodbyes just as a text from Jake pops up informing who my driver is and where he's waiting. That kind of service is why I'm assuming his business is doing so well... also doesn't hurt that it's much appreciated at the current situation.

Once I find him and get myself and my 2 small bags loaded in beside me, the car is maneuvering through the parking garage and we're turning onto the street's of Louisiana in no time.

We pass by signs indicating where Bourbon Street is and my mind can't help but bring me back to when I was here last, surprising Dylan and meeting everyone from the Maze Runner. We spent the Saturday I was here walking around that very street, getting sucked into the city and having the best night.

Trying to keep my mind busy with the current task at hand I open my messages, though I stop short when I see a blue dot next to Dylan's name and the beginning of his message "Where are..."

I don't click on his conversation though and instead my eyes, on their own zero self preservation accord, move over to his contact picture. Seeing his face causes me to breathe in deeply through the tingling pain that's starting in my nose.

Shaking my head I scroll down a few conversations and click on Kaya's name. I had already made plans with her to meet up in the next few weeks in between filming days, so hopefully she won't be against a little bit sooner of a visit.

Typing out my change of plans and hope that it wouldn't be imposing to stay with her for a few days while I wait for my hotel to be ready, I hit send and lock my phone. I move to shove it into my bag, feeling it vibrate with a message before I can let go.

Hoping that it's Kaya, up and ready to reply ridiculously fast at almost 5 in the morning in her part of the world, I close my eyes and bring my phone back out of my bag- because while that may be what I'm hoping I know it's not true. And even though I'm mad at him, I cannot bring myself to let him suffer and continue to worry about where I am.

I click on the notification and read over the messages, seeing the three dots that he's typing

D: Look I don't deserve you to agree but I just need to talk to you Adds. I get that you probably don't want to stay with me still but can you please come back? At least for tonight?

D: I'll sit in the hallway and you can sit in the doorway, okay? Plenty of space between us while I grovel and tell you how sorry I am. While I tell you that I know you are the worst liar I've ever met and don't have a deceitful nerve in your body. While I explain to you that my lapse in judgement obviously means I have a brain tumor that caused me to make the biggest mistake of my fucking life.

He doesn't give me a chance to reply and sends one more message since he can obviously see that I'm reading his messages and he's got me right here for the moment

D: Please, baby

I tap my fingers on the side of my phone for a few seconds before I type out my reply

A: I'm actually already on my way to the airport and I think that's for the best right now

His response comes in at lightning speed

D: Well I don't. You already left for the airport?

I scoff and lock my phone, choosing not to send a 'duh' message since I just said that's what I'm doing.

I'm apparently still in the feisty fight mode stage and not quite to the heartbroken my boyfriend said really mean things to me while somehow believing I could lie to him stage... so not responding to everything he says is probably wise at the moment.

My screen lights up with another incoming message and I open it without hesitation- which is kind of easier to do with how much distance the car is putting between us

D: This is the longest we're going to be apart in years and this cannot be how we leave things. Please don't leave yet, just come back and talk to me.

A: I don't have anything left in me to say right now, but I'll let you know when I land

Not even a second after seeing the 'delivered' change to 'read' is he attempting to FaceTime me. I roll my eyes and lock my phone to decline the call, setting it face down in my purse beside me.

I huff out my attempt at a calming breath and lean my head back against the seat. My eyes stay open as I watch the street lights zoom past through the back window and I cross my arms over my chest.

Hearing my phone buzz against something entirely too loud in my purse I roll my head to the side, seeing the light in my purse fade away to black once more. I chew on the inside of my cheek, waiting a few seconds before I reach over and flip my phone over to press the home button

D: Fuck Addy, I'm sorry okay? I don't want to do this in a fucking text message but I will! I am so fucking stupid, Pose saw the pictures and mentioned to me how cool it was that you met MGK and I didn't know who he was so Pose pointed to him and I didn't know what to think. I asked him if he was sure, if he knew if he went by a different name and he said not that he knew of. I should have asked you if you knew who he was, I should have just fucking asked you instead of accusing you like I did because one look at your face if I had paid attention and I would have known you were in the same boat as me with not knowing who he was.

I don't know what to say to that because in all honesty yes, he should have just asked me if I knew who he was. It would have set a different tone to the question and he wouldn't have been so blinded by his alleged hurt and betrayal that he would have seen the genuine confusion on my face.

Why didn't he just ask?

He was so fucking stupid.

D: All I can picture is your face and how hurt you looked before you left me. It's killing me that you left but I will spend however long you need me to in order to make this up to you. You didn't deserve anything tonight, not how I acted, not what I said... literally nothing. Even if you had done what I claimed you wouldn't have deserved how I acted. I'm going to make this up to you, I'm going to prove to you that I deserve you.

D: I let my own fears paired with me missing you put doubt in my head and I shouldn't have.

I read over his words two more times, fighting with myself on what to say or do right now- which is especially difficult to figure out since all I want to do is curl up in a blanket fort, watching Disney movies and eating junk food until I forget about this whole night.

D: Please tell me I didn't just fuck this up and lose you forever

Tears begin to well in my eyes while I tap my fingers across the letters with my reply

A: You fucked up

I watch him begin to type and stop three times before his message comes through

D: ...But did I lose you?

I stare at the blinking cursor in my text box, seeing the three blinking dots appear on his side of the message before they disappear a few seconds later.

Closing my eyes I take a deep breath in, equally wanting to tell him 'yes' and 'no' as the tears I was holding back quickly make their appearance.

A few fall down my cheeks and I sniffle once, opening my eyes and wiping them away as I pick my phone back up and type out my response.

A: I want to say no

D: I'm begging you to please go with that feeling

A: I'll let you know when I land

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