Something Old

By Winchestories

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Someone from Sams past comes back into his life, is it innocent or sinister? Only time and Dean can tell More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (A little smutty)
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (This one has a smut part so beware)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Tear jerker)
Chapter 16 The Finale
Chapter 17 (Really really the finale)

Chapter 9

177 4 2
By Winchestories

I decided to write some more of this cause the ideas just came flooding in!!! Thanks for reading it!

After I left Dean I knew I couldn't get a job, I mean after all I had become a pretty good hunter, I tried to avoid cases I knew they would go after or cases in the Midwest. It was hard for me not to reach out to them, especially after all the things I heard they'd been through this year. From Dean and Sam being vessels to Ellen and Jo I even heard that skank Anna went back in time to try and kill their parents so the guys couldn't be born, I knew she was trouble! I had just gotten back to my room from a hard hunt, I was tired and bruised and covered in blood. I took my phone out of my pocket and noticed I had a voicemail from Dean, "Why would he call me after all this time?" I was nervous to listen to it so I decided to get cleaned up. I took a shower and put on his black t-shirt and underwear, I grabbed a beer and sat down at the table, "Hey Nic it's uh Dean.." I laughed because how could I not know it was him, "Sorry to bother you but I just wanted you to know that tonight Sam and me well we're gonna take on the devil...." My heart sank, "So if I don't make it I wanted you to know how much I love you, none of why we didn't work was your fault it was all me. So take care of yourself and I love you again." I hung up the phone and tried calling him back but he put me straight to voicemail every time. "You ready Sam?" "To say yes to the devil? No but I gotta be. Who keeps calling you?" "Nic." Sams face lit up, "Seriously?" Answer the damn phone!" "No." "Why not?!" "Cause Sam if I hear her voice telling me not to do this then I won't be able too and this needs to be done." "Don't you wanna tell her how you feel at least?" "She knows." Since he didn't answer I decided to leave him a voicemail, "Dean please I'm begging you don't do this, please you can figure out another way I mean it's the devil for christs sakes!" "Dean you should listen to the voicemail at least!" "No." He deletes it without even listening to it. "Bobby, it's Nikki, where are they? I don't care if Dean will be pissed, Bobby please, I know it's the devil but I need... Fine I will figure it out on my own!" I hung up on him. I got dressed and headed out the door. "Alright Chuck you and me are gonna have a little chat!" I drove all day and got to his house around 10 at night, I banged on his door and he answered, he was in a dirty robe with his hair a mess I could smell the alcohol on him, "Nikki? Uh wha are..." "Don't have time for all that shit Chuck! I need to know where Dean is?!" "I uh don't know." "Bullshit! You are a prophet you can see this stuff before it happens!" He moves his head from side to side, "I can see most of it but I never saw you coming here, so I don't know where Dean is right this minute but..." He walks away and pours a drink, "Chuck!" "Oh boy listen I can't, Dean would kill me if..." I pulled my gun out and pushed him up against the wall, "Right now you better be worried about me killing you!" He had his hands up against the wall then all of the sudden the phone rings, "Uh I should probably get that." I agree and move but don't take the gun off of him, "Mistress Magda, oh hi Dean." He looks over at me, "I know, I know.." "Give me the phone!" He shakes his head, "I might have seen it, it goes down in some old bone yard Stull Cemetery.." I slapped him on the back of the head, "Give me the phone!" "Ok Dean bye." He hurries and hangs up the phone. "What the hell Chuck!?" "I would rather take my chances with you, I think Dean would more than kill me!" "Aggghhh!!! What is going down at Stull Cemetery?" "I can't tell you." "Chuck!" "Ok ok, the big fight." "What does that mean?" "Oh that's right you don't know, Sam said yes to the devil and now he's gotta have the fight with Michael." I take a step back, "So Deans gonna say yes to Michael?" "Uh no, Adam did already." "Adam? Their brother?" "Yes." "Last question where is this place." He hesitates, I walk towards him, "Lawrence, Kansas." "Thank you." "But if Dean asks I didn't tell you a thing!" I smiled "Deal."

I drove to Lawrence, I found the cemetery and pull up in time to see Cas throw a bottle on fire at Adam and he is blown to bits by Sam, "What is this a party?" Dean turns around after Sam/lucifer says that, "Oh no! Nic get out of here now!" "No Dean I'm not going anywhere!" "I'm getting bored over here!" Dean comes over to me, "Listen that is the devil ok not just some demon so please leave before you get hurt or worse!" "If you're here I'm here!" "Go wait in the car, and what ever you see don't get out no matter what!" "Ok." I go back to my car. "Are you two done playing house?" "Shut up!" "You know Dean, Sam is in love with her right?" "Shut up! You son of a bitch!" "Oh and not only that but he thinks you are not good enough for her and he thinks about touching her soft porcelain skin all the time." "I know that's not Sam talking!" "True but I can read his thoughts." "Sam if you can hear me.." "Blah blah blah" Lucifer starts to hit Dean, Bobby try's to shoot him in the back but he turns around and with a flick he breaks Bobby's neck, "Nooooo" I can't sit here and do nothing, I run to Bobby, I look up at Dean and his face his bloodied and swollen, "No Nic run!" The devil looks at me and eerily smiles, he stands me up and pulls me over to him I was floating in a way. Dean try's to move but he's stuck, "You know Sam yearns to be with you, and I can see why." He has my face in his hand, "Leave her alone!!!" "Please stop hurting him." "Sam is way better for you then Dean is! It's time you wake up!" He kisses me, I pull away and slap him, "That was stupid bitch real stupid!" He flings me all the way to my car smashing me into the windshield, there was blood coming from my head and mouth. "Oh god no! You bastard I...." "Yeah yeah you're gonna kill me!" Sam continued to beat Dean but somehow he got through to him, Sam took control and jumped in the hole. Sam was gone. Cas was gone. Bobby was gone. I was gone. Dean was lost.

Cas came back and touched Deans face, he was better. Dean runs over to me and lifts me off the car, he had my blood all over him, "Cas! Can you help her?!" He tilts his head and walks to Bobby first he brings him back and comes over to me, he touches my head and I take a deep breath, "Oh thank god!" "Dean?" "Yeah baby." "You're ok?" "I'm alive." He held me, "Cas how are you back?" "I don't know but I'm new and improved." Dean helped me up, "Sam?" "He uh.." He just put his head down. "I'm so sorry." Cas left and Dean, Bobby and I got in the impala and left, we drove a couple hours to Bobby's, "You guys wanna stay here tonight?" I looked at Dean, "Whatever you wanna do." He just looked so somber, "I am pretty tired." We all walked in and Bobby went to the kitchen for a bottle of whiskey, "How are you holding up?" "Not really sure, I know Sam had to do it but damn it I'm tired of saving the world! I just want for once the world to give us back something!" I put my hand on him, "It brought me back to you." He smiled at me and kissed my hand. "Are ya hungry?" "No thanks Bobby I think I wanna turn in." "Yeah ok, Dean I'm gonna miss him too." He just nodded and walked up stairs, "You coming?" "I'll be up in a minute." "It's a good thing you came back, he's gonna need ya!" "Yeah well no thanks to you!" He half smirks at me. "Yeah sorry about that. How did ya find us?" "You can't tell Dean but I went to Chucks." "Make sense, smart girl." "I'm gonna go to bed now, Bobby?" "Yeah?" "He's gonna be ok right?" He walks over and kisses my head, "Now that you're here I thinks he's got one hell of a chance." I smiled at him and went upstairs. I open the door and see Dean sitting on the bed facing the wall, I take my shoes and coat off crawl on the bed and put my arms around his bare tummy, he puts his hands on top of mine. "I promise no matter what I'm not gonna let you go through this alone." He just sighed. "I know losing Sam is the hardest thing..." He stops me and turns around, "Second hardest." "I don't under..." "When you left Nic I was lost, I didn't care about nothing or nobody, I would give my life to have been able to save Sam but I can live without him, I can't live without you." "Do you mean that?" "I know you hated me for always sacrificing myself for Sam. After you left I realized I can't do that all the time because sure I have Sam but I don't have you and that's what I really want. Don't get me wrong I'm gonna be a wreck for a long time over Sam but I will be ok in time." "I never hated you Dean, I just wanted a happily ever after with you and I was frustrated we could never have that." "We can now." I was confused, "Sam made me promise that if he didn't come back or get out I would find you and have a real life." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "You don't have to stop hunting I know how much you love..." "Stop. I love you more." "Are we really gonna do this?" "We gotta figure some stuff out but yeah." I didn't know what to say I was so in love and happy. "I love you Dean." "I love you back." He kissed me so softly, it was nice to feel those lips again. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and took off my shirt, I could feel him staring at me, "God you're beautiful." "Stop you're gonna make me blush." He smiled, we didn't have sex that night it just wasn't right. He laid down on the bed and I crawled in next to him, his skin touching mine felt so good after all this time.

The next morning when I woke up Dean wasn't in the bed,. I got dressed and went down stairs. I found Dean and Bobby sitting at the table having coffee. "Mornin darlin." "Morning Bobby." I smiled at him, "Coffee?" "No thanks, I'll make some tea." Dean was just staring down into his cup, "Morning Dean." "Morning." I knew how hard this was for him, I knew how badly he wanted his brother back. "So what do you kids have planned?" I looked at Dean, "Oh uh jeez I guess I hadn't thought about it, I mean if this was a normal day we would be looking for a case." I put my hand on the back of his head, "Hey, we don't have to stop hunting." "I promised Sam." He gets up from the table and goes up stairs. "Bobby can I ask you something?" "Sure kiddo." "Ok but if you think I'm being a selfish bitch please tell me." "That's not possible but sure." "All I've ever wanted was one day Dean and I getting married starting a family having a real life, but I didn't want that at Sams expense, even though this life is possible now I can't get excited because as many times as these two have died and come back I'm scared Sams gonna come back and we will be back to that place again. Is that horrible of me to say?" "That's a tough one, yes the boys have come back from a lot but this is hell honey and even if Sam did come back Dean would be a fool to leave that life with you to go back to a hunters life. So you two go live the life you want and don't worry about the rest of that crap." I smiled at him, "Thanks Bobby." "Just because you two are gettin out of this life doesn't mean you cut me out you hear!" "Of course not!" I walk upstairs to see Dean staring out the bedroom window, "You ok?" "Yeah." "So I'm leaving this up to you." He turns around, "Leaving what up to me?" "The next move, I'm here to follow your lead." He comes over to me and wraps me in his arms, "We are in this together no leading or following." "You take all the time you need to grieve for Sam then, you let me work out the details." He kisses the top of my head. We packed up what we had at Bobby's and before we left I handed him one of Bobby's darts, "What's this for?" I walk over and hold a map up on the wall, "You throw it and wherever it lands that's where we can start our new adventure." "Ok sounds like a plan." Before he threw it I crossed my fingers, "Please be somewhere warm!" He laughed, "Ok here goes nothing." He threw the dart and it was like slow motion, we watched it fly in the air, "I can't look you go!" I said, "Ok the lucky town is Lake Forrest, Illinois!" "Crap! Not warm but it's gonna be home." We loaded everything and hugged Bobby goodbye, "You two take care of each other!" I walked to the car and Bobby pulled Deans arm, "You give that girl the life she deserves!" "I will." He nodded at Dean. It was a pretty good drive, "You want some breakfast?" "I'm good to grab a donut if you are?" "Absolutely." Sitting in the front next to Dean was bittersweet, it was nice being close to him but I know this was Sams seat. We pulled over to get gas and I ran in to get some snacks, "Is that your boyfriend out there?" "Yeah." "Too bad!" "Excuse me?" "It's to bad you are shacking up with a Winchester!" All of a sudden his eyes went black, he came around me and put his hand on my throat, "Now I know you aren't dumb enough to kill me with Dean Winchester right outside!" "Shut up bitch he doesn't scare me!" "Oh no? What about me!" I stomped on his foot and punched him he grabs my hair an throws me into the chip stand, Dean hears the commotion and comes running in, he attacks the guy and I catch my breath long enough to start saying the exorcism but he smokes out, "You ok?" I get up slowly, "Aaahh yeah." "Here let me help you." He helps me up and we walk out, "Are they ever gonna stop coming for us?" "I don't know only time will tell." We get in the car and drive, after hours of driving and very few words spoken we arrived in Illinois, "Motel for the night?" "Yeah." "Do you want to get some food before we check in?" "Mmm hmm." I knew everything we did was going to be weird and need adjusting, even little things like two for dinner and one bed for our room, hopefully time will make it all better. After we ate we went to the motel and checked in, we walked into the room with one bed, "I thought one bed would be easier for you to see." "It's fine." I started to walk towards the bathroom and he grabbed my hand but didn't say anything so I touched his face, "Hey, I promise you this will get better." He exhales, "I know. I want to give you the life you've always wanted." "What about the life you want?" "I want you, that's the life I want. So wherever or whatever that is my life." I kissed him but knew he wasn't being honest with me. I came out of the bathroom and crawled into bed, "So what's the plan for tomorrow?" "Well I have the money my dad left, so we could put money down on an apartment." "No." "No?" "We are gonna find a little house with a white picket fence and a big yard, then we are gonna get one of those dogs that look like wolves you've always wanted." I laughed a little, "Ok then, house it is!" He pulled me into a kiss and it got deeper, he pulled me on top of him, he took off my shirt but then stopped, "I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry." "Don't think it's you. I just want my mind to be 100% on you..." "Shhh don't say any more. Ok?" He nodded. I went to my side of the bed, and he pulled me close to him. We fell asleep rather quickly. "Dean?! Dean baby wake up!!" I shook him, he woke up in a sweat and pale, "You ok?" He was breathing heavily, "I uh..." I wrapped him in a hug, "It's ok baby, I'm here." He slowly calmed down, "Sam." I felt so helpless, I knew he was hurting but the only thing I could do was listen and be there.

"Hey!!! You two!!! It's 1:00 check out time is 10:00 if you don't get out you're gonna have to pay for another night!" "Ok! We will be out in 5!" "Is it really 1:00?" I grabbed my phone, "Yep." "I haven't slept this late in a long time." "Yeah me either." We got up and got dressed, "You ready to check this town out?" "As I'll ever be." We went to a cafe and grabbed a paper, this time to look for rentals not a case. "Hey this one looks promising, a 2 bedroom 2 bath with fenced yard." "How much?" "1,000 a month." "Yikes." "It's ok I have money we can live on that for awhile, hopefully we can find work but until then we will be fine." "Maybe the clinic or somewhere is looking for a doc." "I can't practice any more, it's been too long since I worked last." He looks down, "So all that work and school for nothing huh." "Hey, not for nothing, for love, let's call this number, hi I was calling about the house you had for rent, yeah we can meet you, 3:00? Great thank you." "You ready?" "Yep." "So we have about an hour before we go look at the house, should we walk around town and see what it's all about?" "Let's go." We walked down the street, he grabs my hand, it felt nice. "Look there's a bar over there." "Yeah I don't know about that." "Why?" "Cause I don't want to worry about guys." "Oh come on really?! For one I can take care of myself I was taught by the best, for two I'm kind of fond of you." "I know you can take care of yourself but I also know how guys think." "It's a way for me to make good money." "How about we leave that for a last resort." "Agreed." "It's almost 3:00 We got in the impala and drove around looking for Pine st., "It's that one." "Oh Dean it's so cute!!" He smiled at me, "Don't get to excited they might not rent it to us." We walked in and I fell in love with it, it was a 1920's bungalow with wood floors and tons of character, "The bedrooms are in the back of the house." We walked towards the back of the house and my eyes were focused on a huge green lawn with a white fence around it, "This one to the left is the master...oh you wanna look at the backyard." Dean slides open the doors and we step out onto the deck, he looks at me and I smile at him, "I don't think I know you two, are you from around here?" "No we just moved here." "Oh from where?" "South Dakota." "What brought you here?" "My job relocated me here." Dean was doing all the talking while I was just day dreaming about what our lives could be now. "I work for the FBI." "How very exciting!" "It has it's moments." "So I think your wife likes it." I turned around, "We aren't married." Dean kind of looked at me with a surprise look, "Oh I'm sorry, I just assumed. You two looked like you'd been married for years." "Not yet." Dean said, "I require a years lease and first months rent plus security deposit, do you need time to talk about it?" We looked at each other, "No we'll take it." "Great. All the furniture stays but you'll have to get your own linens." "That's fine, thank you again." "Let me go out to my car and the lease then." "You sure you wanna do this Dean? I mean a years a long time?" "Are you thinking of leaving me?" "No I just.." "It's done then!" She came back in and we signed our names, well our fake names, "Ok I need $2,000 I do take checks." "Cash ok?" "Um yeah cash will do just fine." I walked out to the impala and grabbed 20 100 dollar bills out of my bag. "That's everything, so here's your key." "Oh before you go, where is a good place to buy sheets and things?" "There is a great home goods store a couple of blocks from here over on Ash." "Thank you." "You doing ok?" "Yeah this is all new to me but I'm good." "Do you wanna rest or relax?" "Nope let's take a look around and figure out what this place needs." "Yeah ok." I loved how he was pretending to be ok for me, but I don't want him to have to pretend. We made sort of a list of things and headed to the store. "I'll push you shop." I looked at him and squinted a little, "What?!" "Nothing I just didn't take you for a cart pushing type of guy." "Oh I am a pro baby!" "I bet you are!" We walked up and down the aisles, "Do you like the orange pans?" "Get the stainless steel ones that Teflon shit comes off." "Why Dean Winchester who would have thought?" It was so nice and strange at the same time it was like a real life, we've never had that before. "I like the black and grey sheet set what about you? Dean?" I looked around the corner and he was laying on this big over sized chair, "Comfy?" "Ahhh this is heaven baby!" "Lets get it for the house." "No way it's 600" "If it makes you happy i want to get it!" "Well i wont put up too much of a figtht." We finished shopping and went back to our place, hmmm our place has a nice ring to it.

It's been a couple weeks and we were starting to get used to this life or at least I thought we were. Dean was more and more light and happy everyday, I knew Sam was always on his mind but each day was better. I found a job at the local drug store and Dean got a job working on cars at the local garage. My shift ended at 5 usually and Dean came home soon after that. "Hey babe, oh how late? Ok I will wait a bit to start dinner, ok see you then, love you back." I hung up the phone and changed into my sweats, I poured myself a glass of wine and started making the lasagne. I turn the radio on and kind of danced around the kitchen, "Jesus Dean! Don't do that!" He laughs "Sorry I was enjoying the show." I walked over and pinched him, "Jerk!" He pulled me into him, "That really was a very sexy dance." I smiled and kissed him, "How was work?" "The same as usual, nothing exciting." I looked down, "I know it's not adventurous but...." "Hey, that's not what I meant, I love my job I just meant same people same oil changes." I turn my head and look towards the backyard, "Is that barking?" He smiles, "Um I don't know you better go look." "Dean? What did you do?!" I walked to the back and there was this little puppy with a pink collar and a pink bow on it's head, I squealed, "You didn't!" "Do you like her?" "Dean I love her she's beautiful!" "I thought she had your eyes that's why I picked her." I picked the puppy up and held her, "I can't believe you did this." I kissed him. "Hey you deserve it." "What should we name her?" "I'm leaving that up to you." "Come on! Gimme some ideas." He walks back in the house, "No way!" "Fine. What should we name you pretty girl?" "You know she's gonna get about as big as a wolf, so she can't be in the house forever." "I know but for awhile." "Oh I almost forgot." He went out to the car, he comes back in with a cute girly dog bed and food and water bowls, "Thought she might need these." "You are so getting some tonight!" He laughs. Truth is we haven't had sex since Sam. I never wanted to push Dean into doing anything until he was all there with me. Dean started a fire and set her little bed up by it, we sat down at the table and ate, "What about Aurora?" "Um like the Disney princess?" I cocked my eyebrow, "Hey just cause I'm a guy doesn't mean...she was hot!" I laughed at him, "Yeah like the princess." He turns around and looks at her sleeping in her little bed, "Yeah, that's a good one." We finished up eating and I started the dishes, I finished everything and looked around I couldn't find Dean, "Dean? Honey where are you?" He didn't say anything, I walked in our bedroom and could see a light coming from under the bathroom door. I knocked but my knock pushed the door open, he had lit candles and placed them around the bathroom, there were rose petals in the water and bubbles to the top of our claw foot tub, "What's all this?" He walks over to me, "You have put up with so much crap the last 4 years and I really haven't shown you just how much you mean to me, I think you deserve the world and I'm going to try my damnedest to give it to you, so I'm starting with this bath." I started to speak but he stopped me, "Just get in a relax ok." I nodded, he starts to shut the door, "Do you wanna join me?" "Not this time, this is for you." I smiled at him. After about half an hour he comes back in, "Everything good in here?" "Yeah, I'm pretty pruned up." He bends down and gives me a kiss but I pull him in, "Nic!!!" I laugh, "You are crazy you know that!" "Just one of my many charms." He kisses me with so much passion, he hasn't kissed me like that in a very long time. "Well since I'm already wet I might as well join you." "Or we can get out and continue this in our bed." "Now that sounds like a plan!" He gets out and takes his soaking clothes off and throws them in the shower, he hands me a towel and puts a towel around his waist. I start to blow out the candles, "Lets keep the candles, I'll take them to the bed." I smiled, he carried two and I carried two, we placed them on the dresser and nightstands. Dean walks over to me and takes my hand, he is staring so deep in my eyes I can feel his soul burn right through me, he kisses me, slow and soft at first but then he deepens it. He removes my towel and moves his hands around my body. We made love all night, all that fire and passion and love was all still there.

Over the next several months things were amazing, we actually had a real life. He would go out and have some beers with the neighbors and I became assistant manager of the store. "Hey babe do you want steaks for when Bobby comes over this weekend?" "He will like anything just make sure you get the good whiskey!" He grabs Auroras leash, "You wanna come?" "Yeah id like that." He whistles and she comes running. We walked down the tree lined street, "Can't believe how big she's gotten in just a few months." "I know, growing up fast." We both laughed, "You ever think about having kids?" I think my question surprised him, "Um, honestly no." "Oh." "I mean not until I met you." "Really?" "I knew I never wanted to raise a kid in the hunters life but when I realized I loved you that part didn't matter I just wanted kids with you." "Let me ask you, if Sam was still here would we be living this life?" "No I guess not." I didn't say anything, "Hey, don't be upset with me please." "I'm not." He stops me, "This life we have now is exactly what I want, it just came sooner then I thought." "I'm sorry Sam is gone. I love you so much and if this life is now or 10 years from now, well that's just fine with me." We walked back to our house. "Are you gonna grill or do..." "Is that even a question?!" "Sorry I should've known." There was a knock on the door, "Bobby!!!!" I hugged him, "Hey kiddo! Where's the old man?!" "He's out back starting the grill. How are you?" "Oh still kickin!" We walked to the back yard, "Ain't that a sight." Dean was playing ball with the dog, "I thought you hated dogs?!!" "Hey Bobby!" They hugged, "How the hell are you?" "I've been good!" I walked back in to give them some time, "So how are you really?" "What do you mean Bobby?" "I mean are you really good?" "Yeah. I mean I miss Sam but this is a good no great life, she makes me happy." "That's good to hear boy! Do you make her happy?" "I think so." I came back out with some drinks, "My ears were burning." "Oh it was all good stuff." We all sat and ate, Bobby decided to stay after drinking, "Well kids this old man is gonna hit the sack." Bobby went to bed and Dean and I sat on the couch in front of the fireplace, "It's good to see him." "Yeah, same old Bobby." "Looks like you wore out our little girl over there." The dog was sprawled out in her bed half her body was sticking off the sides. "You are so beautiful." "I think you've had one to many beers." "No Nic I'm serious, you are everything I never knew I wanted or needed." "Aww baby that's so sweet." I started to lean in for a kiss, "Marry me." I pull back, "What?" "Marry me." "Are you being serious?" "I know we can't get the license cause you know I'm dead but we can have the rings and the vows.." I couldn't speak, I just sat there in shock. "I uh..." "Not the response I thought I was gonna get." He gets up and walks away, "Dean don't get up, I didn't say no." "But you didn't say yes ether." He grabs his coat and leaves. "Everything ok?" "Yeah Bobby sorry if we woke you." "Where's Dean?" "He left." "It's none of my business but what happen?" "He asked me to marry him." Bobby's face lit up, "That's great! What's the issue?" "I didn't say yes." "What? Why?" "I'm scared." "How do you think he feels? Do you know what a big deal that was for him?" "I know I just..." "I've known Dean all his life and for him to even think for a second he can have a wife and a family.. Well that's a miracle." "Don't get me wrong Bobby I want to marry him more than anything it's just.." I exhaled, "You're waitin for the other shoe to drop." I looked at him, "Well yeah." "All I can tell you honey is live for now not for what might or might not happen." "Bobby you're like my yoda." He laughs, "Now go and find him." I wasn't sure where to go, I mean it was a pretty small town but still, I drove around for awhile until I spotted that old beat up truck, I walk into the bar and he was sitting alone with a beer and a shot in front of him, "Is this seat taken?" "Nope" I touched his hand, "Can we talk?" He just looked at me, "Please don't think I don't want to marry you." "What else could it be? I asked and you said nothing." "I'm scared." He tilted his head in confusion, "Of what? Of me?" "Oh god no, I'm scared that if I say yes and we get married and I'm so ridiculously happy that something's gonna come along and take it away." "Like what? Cause you know damn well no other woman on this plan..." "Oh baby I know, it's just the hunter stuff." "Ah I see." He grabs me and pulls me close to him, "No matter if I am a dirty mechanic or the worlds greatest hunter the one thing I will always be is your husband. That will never change." "Yes." "Yes, yes?" "Yes nothing would make me happier!"

We left the bar and went home, we told Bobby the good news and we of course asked Bobby to officiate. The ceremony took place in our back yard. I wore a white strapless sun dress and Dean wore his FBI suit. Bobby read from a book of old poems, we said our own vows. I placed the little silver band on his finger and he did mine, we kissed. "Thank you so much Bobby." "Of course darlin it was my pleasure." He hugged both of us and left. "I know this isn't official but it is to me." "It is to me too, no matter what happens next in our life." Little did I know that our life would be flipped upside down. "Hey babe, tonight after work I'm gonna go to the bar and have a couple beers with Phil is that ok?" "Yeah of course." "You're the best. Ok I better go before I'm late." He kissed me and walked out the door, I still had a little bit before I had to leave. "Hey Dean-o!" "Philly how are ya!" They shook hands, "What is that?!" Pointing to Deans finger, "Oh this." He says coyly "You dog! You are a lucky son of a bitch, that wife of yours she uh..." "Yeah good thing you stopped!" They both laughed, the waitress brought over two beers and a paper with her number on it, "How do you do that?" "It's the ring, they see it and think they can get me still." He takes the paper and crumples it up and throws it on the floor, a couple hours past, "I think I'm gonna head home." "Yeah don't wanna keep the mrs waiting!" "No way!" Dean came home and I was asleep on the couch with the dog at my feet asleep too, he saw us and sighed, "Please let this be nothing." I heard his voice and woke up, "Hey babe." "Hey, sorry for waking you." "It's ok, how's Phil?" "You know Phil same old loud mouth." "Yeah." I laughed a little, Dean sat down next to me and was staring off into space, "You ok?" "Yeah, just a busy day at the shop." "You want me to fix you something to eat?" "No that's ok, you get to bed I'll be coming in a few." I kissed him and went to bed, I knew him, I knew there was something he wasn't telling me. He came to bed about an hour later, "Hey you're still awake." "Yeah I was waiting for you." "You didnt have too." "I wanna know what's wrong." "What do you mean?" "Come on Dean I know you, I know when something is bothering you." He exhales heavily, "Oh boy, what?!" "Don't worry it's probably nothing but.." I got out of bed and walked around, "I'm not gonna like this am I?" "When I left the bar I heard a scream, I checked it out and there were claw marks..." "Oh god." "Don't worry ok, when I checked it out there was nothing any where, so probably just an animal or something." "When has it ever been just an animal." "This time." "So you really don't think it's anything?" "No." I still felt like he was just trying to protect me. The next day I went to work and he did too, I couldn't stop thinking about what Dean had told me. I decided to just put it out of my mind, so I wanted to make Dean something special for dinner. I got home from my shift and grilled the burgers and cooked some chili cheese fries. I heard the front door open, "Babe I made your..." I stop in my tracks and the food slowly falls out of my hands and hits the floor, "Sam?"

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