The Dangerous Trail

By SampaBagchi

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This is the story of Suman an NCB(Narcotics Control Bureau) IO and Shravan as IPS(Indian Police Service) cadr... More

Mistaken Identity
Revelations & Learnings
Seeing her in Action
Bonds undefined
Gory alleyways
Intimate encounters
Sorry always
Unwanted Guests
Warm embrace
Eyes and ears on the ground
Long way ahead
Lost in Dunes
Clearing Skies
Timeless Memoirs
Note for my lovely readers
Soul connection
Note for readers
Deep in the Woods
Thanks to my Readers
Note for my Readers

Final Lap

363 24 6
By SampaBagchi

Sash had sought out a private investigation agency to spy on Rajesh as both he and Subbu were sure that Rajesh was the mole in their team who was leaking information which had led to their failure in rescuing Suman. Subbu was still to get approval and funding for involving the PI but Sash owed it to Suman and Shravan and he decided not to wait. He had told Subbu that if they do not get approval and the fallout leads to investigation, he would take the blame. Subbu had been desperate to make him wait "Sash you had been one of the most sorted person here and you know what will happen if its proved that we did not follow protocol and involved a PI without permission, even if you take the blame it will ruin your whole career". Sash had smiled and said "I am ready for it after all Suman is family. I have spoken to Kaveri about the fallout and she is fine with the repercussions. She wants Suman safe and sound". One of the best PIs he knew came with a price tag but they were flawless and quick in their work and within couple of days they had come back with enough information that Rajesh might have been directly linked to the kidnap and information leak from the NCB. Rajesh came from a very humble background and had been very diligent in his work although he had not been the best. He preferred to remain in the shadows and work in the background and Sash never suspected that such a demure personality would have the guts to pull off such a thing. The PI was following Rajesh and were already providing tips on his movements but since the kidnappers were using old methods of communication rather than mobile phones or chat rooms it was becoming difficult to trace where exactly was the hideout where Suman was.

Suman was now frustrated, tired and hurt and the news of Saheb's death followed by the doctor's death had made her go down the guilt trip. She felt she was somehow responsible for their fate as they were trying to help her. She knew that Shravan was coming for her when they had hurriedly moved her from the location, they were to deeper in the forests somewhere. She now knew that this place was more guarded and protected and she had no chance of making it out and she now did not care even if they killed her and probably that is what she now wanted. They kept telling her that she was too pretty, and they would sell her in the flesh trade probably in Dubai and she would fetch a good amount. They had one day dragged her and stripped her almost naked and clicked photos of her apparently to send to the pimp. She now felt disgusted and even if a nickel of the threats were true, she did rather die than being sold in the flesh trade. The place she was now was a little more spacious and had small windows from where she could see a little of the skies and breathe a little fresh air. Suman had woken up in the morning to see a lot of activity going on and she felt someone important was going to come. She heard some vehicles come in and some war cries go up in the air. Although she tried to raise herself but her broken bones let her have only restricted movement. She had just fallen into a slumber when the wooden door flew open making Suman look up and try and pull the sheet around herself. The sun was on its way to the horizon so the light behind the man's head did not give her a clear view of the person, but she shivered when she heard the voice. She would be able to recognize the leering voice in a crowd of millions, it was none other than Emanuel Fernandez, he was here now after he had evaded arrest. He closed the door behind him and moved to sit very close to Suman and as she cringed and gathered herself as close as possible and moved to a corner, he moved as well finally trapping her. Suman was losing her sanity with the leering man touching her skin and brushing her thighs with no one else in the room. Emanuel asked "So, beautiful chic , where is your boyfriend?". When Suman just sat tight-lipped, he tried again but when he failed to elicit a response after 3 times he just went ahead and pulled of the sheets that were covering her exposing her completely and then he did the unthinkable. He licked Suman's earlobe, and then continued dragging his tongue along Suman's exposed arms making Suman feel disgusted with herself and purred into her ears "do you miss him? I can make you feel better than him sexy..just tell me where he is and I can replace him permanently with myself". Suman felt it was her only chance to know why they want Shravan and she popped the question least expecting the answer, but Emanuel decided to answer.

He said "That smarty pants boyfriend of yours pokes his nose into everything. He and his friend and colleague foiled our mission to get at the CM and now he is in the hinterlands breaking our supply chain and that father of his wants to be an approver...bastards. I want to hack him to death and send his head as a gift to his father and you sweetheart will make him walk into our trap and it will be his last. He is for now protected by the likes of you but for how long . I am sure if he will surely come looking for the love of his life" he laughed out loud and his laughter made the blood in Suman's veins run cold imagining the gory thoughts running in this demon's mind. Suman could not hear the laughter any more and she shouted out "Stop , stop laughing . I don't know where Shravan is but even if I knew I would rather die than let you know , you moron". Suman knew she was pushing her limits but at this moment she wanted him to lose his cool and shoot her . If she is not there, there will be no reason for Shravan to come here. Emanuel turned ready to hit Suman but then he brought down his hands and pulled her panties down an inserted his fingers them in her core making Suman feel it would have been better is she killed herself. He purred again saying "Don't take your chances , I could have hit you but if that blasted boyfriend of yours doesn't turn up then I want you to be worth it so I want to sell you off. The feisty you are , you are going to fetch a hell of a price in the trade and I don't want a scratch on your body", saying this he roughly pulled his fingers out making Suman feel wretched as ever. Days after that were mental torture for Suman where she felt like an object. Men would come in take off her clothes and jerk off while tying her up and touching her inappropriately. If there was hell ever Suman knew she was living it. She no longer bothered covering up because it did not matter anymore.

Samir was his name when he was born but the day his parents in a village shrouded in poverty in Jharkhand sold him off, he became Chotu like every other boy in a tea stall or a grocery shop or a repair shop. He used to go to school till his parents lost their job at a local mine. He had never watched TV at his home before but his first date with a TV was at his school on 26th January. He had watched the entire 26th January parade at Rajpath with awe with his friends. After that all his friends had picked up their favorite, somebody wanted to fire missiles, some wanted to ride those bikes, but Samir's favorite were the children who got awards for their bravery. He also wanted to receive an award some day but those were just dreams now as he slaved at a local grocery shop and his master would slog him so much that the only thing he craved for was sleep as the TV at his master's place blared on. The only thing he loved was his master's outing to deliver groceries to these people in deep woods. Samir initially thought they were those who marched on 26th January with their uniforms, but he was smart enough to realize quickly that they were in some shady business. His master would generally ask him to overlook the downloading of stuff and then he could have his time out around as he finished long meetings with these not so friendly people. Today as well he had wandered into the dingy room exploring and was shocked to see a young woman in a tattered blanket which barely covered her, as she was trying to wrap it around.

After he recovered from his shock, he gave a toothy smile to which Suman did not know whether to respond because right now she was not able to think straight. He sat a few feet away from her and asked "Are you in the army that marches on 26th January"? Suman finally smiled a little at his innocent question and said "No I am not, I am in the police but why do you ask"? He replied "No I have seen them capture and kill army those who wear almost dress like them so I was thinking". In a long time Suman was probably having a sane conversation and she said "So you have seen them kill". "No I have seen them dump the bodies in our small truck and my master then throws them in the river nearby, but you seem to be nice and I will tell them not to kill you". Suman smiled at his innocence and took her chance "They won't listen to you, but if you want you can help me". Samir's interest picked and he asked, "If I help you will I get the award that they give in Delhi to kids". Suman could not help but smile a little although her back ached due to broken ribs as she tried to laugh  and said "I do not know whether you will go to Delhi but I can definitely get you an award". Samir now was in deep thought of what she was talking about and after deliberating a little said "ok I am fine to help you". Suman asked him to get a pen and paper which the kid managed to get in a jiffy and she managed to write a few numbers and told the boy "Dial this number and give the location where they can reach you and tell them that you met me. Give them the direction but do not come with them else these people will not spare you". This was Suman's last chance in getting rescued probably.

Three days later a huge contingent on police, paramilitary and NCB officers descended on the deep forests and this time there was no escape. Suman was barely breathing but she could hear gunshots, bombs going off but she could no more feel anything , hear anything as she dropped her head as she felt darkness surround her as she floated into an abyss. It was all so beautiful the planets, the stars and she could finally see her Bhaiiyaa in all smiles stretching his hands out welcoming her but she could not go to him, not yet. Something was pulling her back and she was unable to ignore the calls , someone was calling out "Summmannn, Sum....mmmmmaaaannnnnnn" and then she felt she was floating in the sky smiling but then there were two strong arms holding her and trying to wrap her close, very clllllosssee and she could feel the warmth of the chest and she could finally hear the heartbeats and she felt at peace but the voice continued whispering as if the person's life depended on it and she could finally register the words "Suman don't give up, your Shravan has found you. We will reach soon and all will be fine" and then everything went blank and dark for her.

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