Our Nibble

By Parker_and_Lee

309K 10.2K 3.2K

You are an ex freelance reporter who was recently hired at. You get partnered with the notorious Eddie Brock... More

New Partner
Show Me Around
The Room Where it Happens
Take Out
A Twist
Look at the Brightside!
Take Care
Not to be Cliché
Tell Me More
Rise and Shine
Herc's at Work
Welcome Back
A Night Alone
Awkward Incounters
A Visitor
Meet and Greet
What is That
A/n : A thanks and more
Fun Times (aka the scene) NSFW ⚠️🔥
A Duo
Wake Up Call
He's Back
A Breaking Point
A Downwards Slope
The Plan
Old "Friends"
AN updates and thanks
Wedding Bells
The Devil, an Alien, and a Serial Killer Walk Into a Cathedral
It's On
A Lethal Protector

A/n : an update

3.4K 90 25
By Parker_and_Lee

Hey guys. I just wanted to say thank you all for your support.

I have never ever had this many people looking forward to seeing what I write next.

As we all know 2020 has been an insane year. Last year if you would have came up to me and said

"Hey so next year you're going into the hospital. Then right as you get out a pandemic is going to start and the rest of your senior year is going to get canceled. Pretty much everything is canceled really. Even college is different. The world is going to change so fast." I wouldn't have believed you. I mean I don't think anyone would have. Except for maybe Dr. Strange. But here we are. It's been rough.

I'm not sure what's going to happen next. But what I do know is that I am going to do my best. Because I've discovered this amazing support system. Between the people who I care most about in my life and this community I think I'm going to be okay.

I just want you all to know how much every comment and every vote means to me. A new chapter is coming. But I can't set a date.

Thank you all again for being so patient with me.

Oh and Kas if you're reading this. Glad to have you back.

V do you want to close it out?

We will see you soon Nibble just you wait.

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